From 2e698e00f9a565d7a6ac744581f5d3299a5000df Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gerardo Grignoli <>
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 18:12:46 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Preserve console title after gsudo exit (#266)

 src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs | 100 +++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs b/src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs
index 3669cfc5..302165dd 100644
--- a/src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs
+++ b/src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs
@@ -31,54 +31,62 @@ public async Task<int> Execute()
                 InputArguments.RunAsSystem = true;
-            bool isRunningAsDesiredUser = IsRunningAsDesiredUser();
-            bool isElevationRequired = IsElevationRequired();
-            bool isShellElevation = !UserCommand.Any(); // are we auto elevating the current shell?
-            if (isElevationRequired & SecurityHelper.GetCurrentIntegrityLevel() < (int)IntegrityLevel.Medium)
-                throw new ApplicationException("Sorry, gsudo doesn't allow to elevate from low integrity level."); // This message is not a security feature, but a nicer error message. It would have failed anyway since the named pipe's ACL restricts it.
-            if (isRunningAsDesiredUser && isShellElevation && !InputArguments.NewWindow)
-                throw new ApplicationException("Already running as the specified user/permission-level (and no command specified). Exiting...");
-            var elevationMode = GetElevationMode();
-            if (!isRunningAsDesiredUser)
-                commandBuilder.AddCopyEnvironment(elevationMode);
-            commandBuilder.Build();
-            int consoleHeight, consoleWidth;
-            ConsoleHelper.GetConsoleInfo(out consoleWidth, out consoleHeight, out _, out _);
-            var elevationRequest = new ElevationRequest()
-            {
-                FileName = commandBuilder.GetExeName(),
-                Arguments = commandBuilder.GetArgumentsAsString(),
-                StartFolder = Environment.CurrentDirectory,
-                NewWindow = InputArguments.NewWindow,
-                Wait = (!commandBuilder.IsWindowsApp && !InputArguments.NewWindow) || InputArguments.Wait,
-                Mode = elevationMode,
-                ConsoleProcessId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id,
-                IntegrityLevel = InputArguments.GetIntegrityLevel(),
-                ConsoleWidth = consoleWidth,
-                ConsoleHeight = consoleHeight,
-                IsInputRedirected = Console.IsInputRedirected
-            };
-            if (isElevationRequired && Settings.SecurityEnforceUacIsolation)
-                AdjustUacIsolationRequest(elevationRequest, isShellElevation);
-            SetRequestPrompt(elevationRequest);
-            Logger.Instance.Log($"Command to run: {elevationRequest.FileName} {elevationRequest.Arguments}", LogLevel.Debug);
+            string originalWindowTitle = Console.Title;
+            try
+            {
+                bool isRunningAsDesiredUser = IsRunningAsDesiredUser();
+                bool isElevationRequired = IsElevationRequired();
+                bool isShellElevation = !UserCommand.Any(); // are we auto elevating the current shell?
-            if (isRunningAsDesiredUser || !isElevationRequired) // already elevated or running as correct user. No service needed.
-            {
-                return RunWithoutService(elevationRequest);
+                if (isElevationRequired & SecurityHelper.GetCurrentIntegrityLevel() < (int)IntegrityLevel.Medium)
+                    throw new ApplicationException("Sorry, gsudo doesn't allow to elevate from low integrity level."); // This message is not a security feature, but a nicer error message. It would have failed anyway since the named pipe's ACL restricts it.
+                if (isRunningAsDesiredUser && isShellElevation && !InputArguments.NewWindow)
+                    throw new ApplicationException("Already running as the specified user/permission-level (and no command specified). Exiting...");
+                var elevationMode = GetElevationMode();
+                if (!isRunningAsDesiredUser)
+                    commandBuilder.AddCopyEnvironment(elevationMode);
+                commandBuilder.Build();
+                int consoleHeight, consoleWidth;
+                ConsoleHelper.GetConsoleInfo(out consoleWidth, out consoleHeight, out _, out _);
+                var elevationRequest = new ElevationRequest()
+                {
+                    FileName = commandBuilder.GetExeName(),
+                    Arguments = commandBuilder.GetArgumentsAsString(),
+                    StartFolder = Environment.CurrentDirectory,
+                    NewWindow = InputArguments.NewWindow,
+                    Wait = (!commandBuilder.IsWindowsApp && !InputArguments.NewWindow) || InputArguments.Wait,
+                    Mode = elevationMode,
+                    ConsoleProcessId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id,
+                    IntegrityLevel = InputArguments.GetIntegrityLevel(),
+                    ConsoleWidth = consoleWidth,
+                    ConsoleHeight = consoleHeight,
+                    IsInputRedirected = Console.IsInputRedirected
+                };
+                if (isElevationRequired && Settings.SecurityEnforceUacIsolation)
+                    AdjustUacIsolationRequest(elevationRequest, isShellElevation);
+                SetRequestPrompt(elevationRequest);
+                Logger.Instance.Log($"Command to run: {elevationRequest.FileName} {elevationRequest.Arguments}", LogLevel.Debug);
+                if (isRunningAsDesiredUser || !isElevationRequired) // already elevated or running as correct user. No service needed.
+                {
+                    return RunWithoutService(elevationRequest);
+                }
+                return await RunUsingService(elevationRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
+            }
+            finally
+            {
+                Console.Title = originalWindowTitle;
-            return await RunUsingService(elevationRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
         private static void SetRequestPrompt(ElevationRequest elevationRequest)

From db7bf908df2106452e2d6b10747258bdb52dd077 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gerardo Grignoli <>
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2023 18:15:30 -0300
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Preserve console title after gsudo exit, but bulletproof
 JIC (#266)

 src/gsudo.Wrappers/Invoke-ElevatedCommand.ps1 | 182 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs              |   7 +-
 2 files changed, 188 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 src/gsudo.Wrappers/Invoke-ElevatedCommand.ps1

diff --git a/src/gsudo.Wrappers/Invoke-ElevatedCommand.ps1 b/src/gsudo.Wrappers/Invoke-ElevatedCommand.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10635c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/gsudo.Wrappers/Invoke-ElevatedCommand.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+Executes a ScriptBlock or script file in a new elevated instance of PowerShell using gsudo.
+The Invoke-ElevatedCommand cmdlet serializes a ScriptBlock or script file and executes it in an elevated PowerShell instance using gsudo. The elevated command runs in a separate process, which means it cannot directly access or modify variables from the invoking scope. 
+The cmdlet supports passing arguments to the ScriptBlock or script file using the -ArgumentList parameter, which can be accessed with the $args automatic variable within the ScriptBlock or script file. Additionally, you can provide input from the pipeline using $Input, which will be serialized and made available within the elevated execution context.
+The result of the elevated command is serialized, sent back to the non-elevated instance, deserialized, and returned. This means object graphs are recreated as PSObjects.
+Optionally, you can check for "$LastExitCode -eq 999" to determine if gsudo failed to elevate, such as when the UAC popup is cancelled.
+.PARAMETER ScriptBlock
+Specifies a ScriptBlock to be executed in an elevated PowerShell instance. For example: { Get-Process Notepad }
+Specifies the path to a script file to be executed in an elevated PowerShell instance.
+.PARAMETER ArgumentList
+Provides a list of elements that will be accessible inside the ScriptBlock or script as $args[0], $args[1], and so on.
+.PARAMETER LoadProfile
+Loads the user profile in the elevated PowerShell instance, regardless of the gsudo configuration setting PowerShellLoadProfile.
+Does not load the user profile in the elevated PowerShell instance.
+.PARAMETER RunAsTrustedInstaller
+Runs the command as the TrustedInstaller user.
+Runs the command as the SYSTEM user.
+.PARAMETER ClearCache
+Clears the gsudo cache before executing the command.
+Opens a new window for the elevated command.
+.PARAMETER KeepNewWindowOpen
+Keeps the new window open after the elevated command finishes execution.
+Keeps the shell open after the elevated command finishes execution.
+Closes the shell after the elevated command finishes execution.
+.PARAMETER InputObject
+You can pipe any object to this function. The object will be serialized and available as $Input within the ScriptBlock or script.
+The output of the ScriptBlock or script executed in the elevated context.
+Invoke-ElevatedCommand { return Get-Content 'C:\My Secret Folder\My Secret.txt' }
+Get-Process notepad | Invoke-ElevatedCommand { $input | Stop-Process }
+$a = 1; $b = Invoke-ElevatedCommand { $args[0] + 10 } -ArgumentList $a; Write-Host "Sum returned: $b"
+Sum returned: 11
+Invoke-ElevatedCommand { Get-Process explorer } | ForEach-Object { $_.Id }
+    # The script block to execute in an elevated context.
+    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]
+[ArgumentCompleter( { param ()
+			# Auto complete with last 5 ran commands.
+			$lastCommands = Get-History | Select-Object -last 5 | % { "{ $($_.CommandLine) }" }
+			if ($lastCommands -is [System.Array]) {
+				# Last one first.
+				$lastCommands[($lastCommands.Length - 1)..0] | % { $_ };
+			}
+			elseif ($lastCommands) {
+				# Only one command.
+				$lastCommands;
+			}
+        } )]
+		$ScriptBlock,
+	# Alternarive file to be executed in an elevated PowerShell instance.
+    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName='ScriptFile')] [String] $FilePath,
+    [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [System.Object[]] $ArgumentList,
+	[Parameter(ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] [switch] $LoadProfile,
+	[Parameter(ParameterSetName='ScriptBlock')] [switch] $NoProfile,
+	[Parameter()] [switch] $RunAsTrustedInstaller,
+	[Parameter()] [switch] $RunAsSystem,
+	[Parameter()] [switch] $ClearCache,
+	[Parameter()] [switch] $NewWindow,
+	[Parameter()] [switch] $KeepNewWindowOpen,
+	[Parameter()] [switch] $KeepShell,
+	[Parameter()] [switch] $NoKeep,
+	[ValidateSet('Low', 'Medium', 'MediumPlus', 'High', 'System')]
+	[System.String]$Integrity,
+	[Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential,
+    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)] [pscustomobject] $InputObject
+Begin {
+	$inputArray = @() 
+Process {
+	foreach ($item in $InputObject) {
+		# Add the modified item to the output array
+		$inputArray += $item
+	}
+End {
+	$gsudoArgs = @()
+	if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Debug"].IsPresent) { $gsudoArgs += '--debug' }
+	if ($LoadProfile)	{ $gsudoArgs += '--LoadProfile' }
+	if ($RunAsTrustedInstaller)	{ $gsudoArgs += '--ti' }
+	if ($RunAsSystem)	{ $gsudoArgs += '-s' }
+	if ($ClearCache)	{ $gsudoArgs += '-k' }
+	if ($NewWindow)		{ $gsudoArgs += '-n' }
+	if ($KeepNewWindowOpen)		{ $gsudoArgs += '--KeepWindow' }
+	if ($NoKeep)		{ $gsudoArgs += '--close' }
+	if ($Integrity)	{ $gsudoArgs += '--integrity'; $gsudoArgs += $Integrity}
+	if ($Credential) {
+		$CurrentSid = ([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).User.Value;
+		$gsudoArgs += "-u", $credential.UserName
+		# At the time of writing this, there is no way (considered secure) to send the password to gsudo. So instead of sending the password, lets start a credentials cache instance.	
+		$p = Start-Process "gsudo.exe" -Args "-u $($credential.UserName) gsudoservice $PID $CurrentSid All 00:05:00" -credential $Credential -LoadUserProfile -WorkingDirectory "$env:windir" -WindowStyle Hidden -PassThru 
+		$p.WaitForExit();
+		Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
+	} 
+	if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) {
+		$pwsh = "powershell.exe" 
+	} else 	{
+		$pwsh = "pwsh.exe" 
+	}
+	if ($ScriptBlock) {	
+		if ($NoProfile) { 
+			$gsudoArgs += '-d';
+			$gsudoArgs += $pwsh;
+			$gsudoArgs += '-NoProfile';
+			$gsudoArgs += '-NoLogo';
+			if ($KeepShell)		{ $gsudoArgs += '--NoExit' }
+		} else {
+			if ($KeepShell)		{ $gsudoArgs += '--KeepShell' }
+		}
+		if ($myInvocation.expectingInput) {
+			$inputArray | gsudo.exe @gsudoArgs $ScriptBlock -args $ArgumentList
+		} else {
+			gsudo.exe @gsudoArgs $ScriptBlock -args $ArgumentList
+		}
+	} else {
+		if ($myInvocation.expectingInput) {
+			$inputArray | gsudo.exe @gsudoArgs -args $ArgumentList
+		} else {
+			gsudo.exe @gsudoArgs -d $pwsh -File $FilePath -args $ArgumentList
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs b/src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs
index 302165dd..0302ef66 100644
--- a/src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs
+++ b/src/gsudo/Commands/RunCommand.cs
@@ -85,7 +85,12 @@ public async Task<int> Execute()
-                Console.Title = originalWindowTitle;
+                try 
+                { 
+                    Console.Title = originalWindowTitle; 
+                } 
+                catch 
+                { }