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File metadata and controls

73 lines (65 loc) · 3.88 KB


Below is a breakdown of the MultipartField object made available through the Request.multipart() handler provided when parsing multipart forms and accepting file uploads.

Working With A Multipart Field

The MultipartField component is meant to be an abstraction that explains each incoming field from a multipart form request. This component differentiates between text-type fields and file-type fields by populating the file property only when the field is a file-type.

See below for an example profile image file upload scenario:

const FileSystem = require('fs');'/profile/image/upload', async (request, response) => {
    // Ensure the user is signed in and retrieve their acccount id
    // We use the hyper-express-session middleware here
    await request.session.start();
    const account_id = request.session.get('account_id');
    if (account_id === undefined) return response.status(403).send('You must be logged in to use this endpoint.');

    // Begin parsing this request as a multipart request
    let save_path;
    try {
        await request.multipart(async (field) => {
            // Ensure that this field is a file-type
            // You may also perform your own checks on the encoding and mime type as needed
            if (field.file) {
                // Save the file to the profile images folder
                save_path = `./storage/images/user-image-${account_id}.jpg`;
                // Use an await while writing to ensure the "await request.multipart()" does not continue until this file is done writing
                await field.write(save_path);
    } catch (error) {
        // The multipart parser may throw a string constant as an error
        // Be sure to handle these as stated in the documentation
        if (typeof error === 'FILES_LIMIT_REACHED') {
            return response.status(403).send('You sent too many files! Try again.');
        } else {
            return response.status(500).send('Oops! An uncaught error occured on our end.');
    // Ensure save_path is defined, if it is undefined than that means we did not receive an image.
    if (save_path) {
        // You may do your own post processing on the image here
        save_image_to_database(account_id, save_path);
        // Send a response to the user so they know the image was successfully uploaded
        return response.send('Your profile image has been updated!');
    } else {
        // We did not receive any image in the multipart request, let the user know
        return response.status(400).send('No profile image was received. Please try again.');

MultipartField Properties

Property Type Description
name String Field Name.
encoding String Field data encoding.
mime_type String Field data mime type.
value String Field value (only populated if field is not a file-type).
file Object Field file data (only populated if field is a file-type). String File name (only populated if supplied). stream.Readable Readable stream of file data.
truncated Object Field truncations (Only populated if field is not a file-type). Boolean Field name was truncated.
truncated.value Boolean Field value was truncated.

MultipartField Methods

  • write(path: String, options?: stream.WritableOptions): Writes/Saves file content to the specified path and name.
    • Returns a Promise which is resolved once file writing has completed.
    • Note this method is only available for file-type fields.
    • Note this method uses the stream therefore you will not be able to re-use this field's file stream after running this method.