ELKS 8086 Toolchain for ELKS. This project contains a C and assembly languages toolchain for 8086 CPU targetting ELKS, which can run nativelly on ELKS or on other platforms (eg. Linux and MacOS X).
ELKS toolchain C compiler is C86, by Matthew Brandt, Christoph van Wuellen, Keith and Dave Walker. Also part of the toolchain are an assembler, linker, C pre-preprocessor, archiver and disassembler. Authorship of the tools include Bruce Evans, Jody Bruchon et al., namely dev86's cpp, ld, ar and as. Make is courtesy of David Given, Carl Eric Codere and Ceriel Jacobs, while disasm (dis88) was originally authored by G. M. Harding. Many improvements and changes by Rafael Diniz and Gregory Haerr for making all the software run on ELKS.
The most important components of the toolchain are:
- cpp, ld, as and ar from dev86: https://codeberg.org/jbruchon/dev86
- make: https://github.com/davidgiven/ack/tree/default/util/make
- C compiler (C86): Also called C68. Manual, Historic versions are available. See discussion at ghaerr/elks#2112
- disasm: Check README inside the directory
In order to build the ELKS binaries, gcc-ia16 and also OpenWatcom v2 is required. Please refer to Wiki: Setting up the 8086 toolchain (C86 compiler and tools).
To build, type "make". Elks binaries will be in "elks-bin" and host binaries in "host-bin". Build should work on any recent Linux or MacOS with OpenWatcom v2 installed (source the OW owsetenv.sh script for setting OpenWatcom environment variables and env.sh from ELKS, or just env.sh from ELKS and wcenv.sh in libc directory of ELKS top-dir, after adjusting the path to OpenWatcom directory).
The ELKS source code top directory contains a script 'buildc86.sh' which builds the toolchain binaries, and 'copyc86.sh' which copies the toolchain binaries, headers and library to ELKS /usr, as well as an archive 'devc86.tar'.
For now, use this instructions: Setting up the 8086 toolchain (C86 compiler and tools).
Basically, after all environment variables set, type:
Please report issues at Issues.