Let's get ready to contribute!
Contributions are welcome and appreciated!
Fork this repository: Click on "Fork" and choose a suitable GitHub account for the fork eg. your personal Github account.
Clone your own project fork into your development machine and cd into that directory.
$ git clone https://github.com/yourusername/Spot-the-difference.git
Create a new branch in the project for the specific fixes that you want to contribute (name it after either a bugfix, a tracker issue, a documentation section, etc) and switch to it.
$ git checkout -b <branch name>
This automatically creates the branch and switches to it.
Use your favourite editor to make changes to the files in your local repository. Any changes you make will only affect the branch you have created.
Add the changes to the staging area and then commit changes to the branch.
$ git add <file name> $ git commit -m "your commit message"
Push your changes to your forked repository
$ git push origin <branch name>
This pushes your changes to the <branch name> branch of the "origin" (which is your fork on GitHub).
From the GitHub forked Repository open a pull request by click "Pull Requests"->"New Pull Request"
- Find Git CheatSheet and a good commit message resources under Git folder.
- Commit messages are a key part of your project history, so it's always a good practice to write descriptive commit message.
- Also, there is GitKraken CheatSheet for your reference.