Hackathon Organised in GNDEC College. Various JavaScript Projects Hackathon-2019 Hackathon Organised in GNDEC College. Various JavaScript Projects
- Introduction
It is a calculator which helps you in calculating your net income and expenses by taking your income and expenses.
- Login (For existing users)
Visit our teams website.
Tap login to login if you are an existing user.
- Using Budget Calculator
Once logged in you will be redirected to the calculator page. Calculator can also be used without logging in.
There you need to choose Income and Expense from the drop down menu.
After choosing Income/Expense you can start adding inputs one by one into both categories.
On addition of each input on Income or expense option the calculator will make real time changes in the overall value.
At end when you have added all your incomes and expenses final amount of income and expense will be displayed with the monthly budget amount.
- Additional feature
Another feature which make our calculator stand out from other ones is that ->
It shows you the percentage of money each expense has used from your total income.
It will also show percentage of total expense with respect to total income.