- Using venv
Create environement like below.
$ python -m venv torchSTC
$ source torchSTC/bin/activate
Clone repository and run installation step
$ git clone [email protected]:goamegah/torchSTC.git
$ cd torchSTC
$ pip install .
$ python scripts/run.py
In this case, if you want to visualize or use PyTorch libraries like torchinfo, you need to run the following command instead.
$ python -m venv torchSTC
$ source torchSTC/bin/activate
$ git clone [email protected]:goamegah/torchSTC.git
$ cd torchSTC
$ pip install ".[dev, vis]"
$ python scripts/run.py
- Using conda
$ conda env create --name torchSTC --file env.yaml
$ conda activate torchSTC
$ python scripts/run.py
To obtain the dataset, first download the ZIP file from the URL "https://papereplbucket.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/torchstc/datasets.zip" using the requests library. Save the downloaded content as "datasets.zip" locally. Then, use the zipfile library to extract the contents of "datasets.zip" into a directory named 'datasets'. This will make the dataset available for use.
import requests
import zipfile
import io
url = "https://papereplbucket.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/torchstc/datasets.zip"
response = requests.get(url)
with open("datasets.zip", "wb") as fichier_zip:
with zipfile.ZipFile("datasets.zip", "r") as zip_ref:
Before running torchSTC, make sure you choose the correct running configurations. You can change the running configurations by passing keyword arguments to the run.py
$ python run.py --dataset stackoverflow --word_emb Word2Vec --init Kmeans --max_iter 1500
Feature evaluation is done by running Kmeans 5 times and keep average results.
First, we learned features using autoencoder on the Stackoverflow
set. Then, we finetune both autoencoder and cluster centers by frozing decoder part and using Adam as optimizer with default params. Objective function use KL-divergence on two distribution: Q make by soft-assignment and an target distribution P. After convergence, use run 5 runs clustering algorithm like Kmeans.