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E2E Tests

Prow will run ./ with authentication mechanism using Kubernetes Secrets and ./ with authentication mechanism using Workload Identity.

Adding E2E Tests

E2E tests are tagged with // +build e2e but tagging a Go file this way will prevent the compiler from compiling the test code. To work around this, for the test code we separate them into different files:

├── e2e_test.go
└── test_xxx.go
  • e2e_test.go is the testing file entry point (tagged with e2e).
  • test_xxx.go are the test implementations (not tagged with e2e).

We leverage the test library in Eventing as much as possible for implementing the e2e tests. Logic specific to knative-gcp should be added under knative-gcp e2e test lib.

Setup a test cluster

Run the following command:

SKIP_TESTS=true ./test/ --skip-teardowns

SKIP_TESTS will skip the actual tests so only the cluster initialization is run. --skip-teardowns tells the script to not tear down the cluster. This command runs the cluster initialization logic and leaves the cluster in a state that's ready to run tests.

If you run into Something went wrong: error creating deployer: --gcp-zone and --gcp-region cannot both be set, you may have set the ZONE environment variable. Try unset ZONE.

Running E2E Tests on an existing cluster


There are two ways to set up authentication mechanism.

  • (GKE Specific) If you want to run E2E tests with Workload Identity as the authentication mechanism, please follow below instructions to configure the authentication mechanism with Workload Identity.
  • If you want to run E2E tests with Kubernetes Secrets as the authentication mechanism, please follow below instructions to configure the authentication mechanism with Kubernetes Secrets.
  1. A running Kubernetes cluster with knative-gcp installed and configured.

  2. Create a Service Account for the Data Plane. Download a credential file and set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var. This is used by some tests(e.g., TestSmokePullSubscription) to authorize the Google SDK clients.

    gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ${cred_file} --iam-account=events-sources-gsa@$
  3. Install GCP Broker.

  4. Broker with Pub/Sub Channel installed.

  5. CloudSchedulerSource Prerequisites. Note that you only need to:

    1. Create with an App Engine application in your project.
  6. CloudStorageSource Prerequisites. Note that you only need to:

    1. Enable the Cloud Storage API on your project.
    2. Give Google Cloud Storage permissions to publish to GCP Pub/Sub.
  7. A docker repo containing the test images. Remember to specify the build tag e2e.

  8. (Optional) Note that if you plan on running metrics-related E2E tests using the StackDriver backend, you need to give your Service Account the monitoring.metricWriter role on your Google Cloud project:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
      --member=serviceAccount:${your_service_account}@$ \
      --role roles/monitoring.metricWriter

    If you also plan on running tracing-related E2E tests using the StackDriver backend, your Service Account needs additional cloudtrace.admin role:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
      --member=serviceAccount:"${your_service_account}"@$ \
      --role roles/cloudtrace.admin
  9. (Optional) Note that if plan on running tracing-related E2E tests using the Zipkin backend, you need to install zipkin-in-mem and patch the configmap config-tracing in the knative-eventing namespace to use the Zipkin backend as the with patch-config-tracing-configmap-with-zipkin.yaml.

    kubectl patch configmap config-tracing -n knative-eventing --patch "\$(cat patch-config-tracing-configmap-with-zipkin.yaml)"

Running E2E tests

Running E2E tests with authentication mechanism using Kubernetes Secrets

E2E_PROJECT_ID=<project name> \
  go test --tags=e2e ./test/e2e/...

And count is supported too:

E2E_PROJECT_ID=<project name> \
  go test --tags=e2e ./test/e2e/... --count=3

If you want to run a specific test:

E2E_PROJECT_ID=<project name> \
  go test --tags=e2e ./test/e2e/... -run NameOfTest

For example, to run TestPullSubscription:

E2E_PROJECT_ID=<project name> \
  go test --tags=e2e ./test/e2e/... -run TestPullSubscription

Running E2E tests with authentication mechanism using Workload Identity.

First, you'll have to modify clusterDefaults in ConfigMap config-gcp-auth.

You can directly edit the ConfigMap by:

kubectl edit configmap config-gcp-auth -n cloud-run-events

and replace the default-auth-config: part with:

  default-auth-config: |
      serviceAccountName: test-default-ksa
        test-default-ksa: $PUBSUB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT@$

$PUBSUB_SERVICE_ACCOUNT@$ is the Pub/Sub enabled Google Cloud Service Account.

Then, add -workloadIdentity=true and -serviceAccountName=test-default-ksa to the go test command.

For example,

E2E_PROJECT_ID=<project name> go test --tags=e2e ./test/e2e/... \
  -workloadIdentity=true \
  -serviceAccountName=test-default-ksa \
  -run TestPullSubscription

Running E2E Tests on an new cluster


  1. Enable necessary APIs:

    gcloud services enable
    gcloud services enable
  2. Install kubetest. (Note this is just a workaround because of kubernetes issue

  3. Set the project you want to run E2E tests to be the default one with:

    gcloud config set core/project $PROJECT

Running E2E tests

If you want to run E2E tests with authentication mechanism using Kubernetes Secrets:


If you want to run E2E tests with authentication mechanism using Workload Identity:


Test images

Building the test images

Note: this is only required when you run e2e tests locally with go test commands. Running tests through will publish the images automatically.

The script can be used to build and push the test images used by the e2e tests. It requires:

For images deployed in GCR, a docker tag is mandatory to avoid issues with using latest tag:

./test/ ./test/test_images e2e
sed -i 's@ko://' vendor/*/*.yaml
./test/ ./vendor/ e2e

To run the script for all end to end test images:

./test/ ./test/test_images
sed -i 's@ko://' vendor/*/*.yaml
./test/ ./vendor/

Adding new test images

New test images should be placed in ./test/test_images. For each image create a new sub-folder and include a Go file that will be an entry point to the application. This Go file should use the package main and include the function main(). It is a good practice to include a README file as well. When uploading test images, ko will build an image from this folder and upload to the Docker repository configured as KO_DOCKER_REPO.

Troubleshooting E2E Tests


Each PR will trigger E2E tests. For failed tests, follow the prow links on the PR page. Such links are in the format of[PR ID]/[TEST NAME]/[TEST ID] , e.g. .

If the prow page doesn't provide any useful information, check out the full logs dump.

  • The control plane pods (in cloud-run-events namespace) logs dump are at[PR ID]/[TEST NAME]/[TEST ID]/artifacts/controller-logs/ .
  • The data plane pods logs dump are at[PR ID]/[TEST NAME]/[TEST ID]/artifacts/pod-logs/ .


Add CI=trueto the go test command.

  • The data plane pods logs dump are at $GOPATH/src/ .

For example:

 go test --tags=e2e ./test/e2e/...