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The configurable fairness gym runner

The fairness gym comes equipped with a configurable experiment runner that can be used to run experiments in a consistent, reproducible way across environments, agents, and metrics.


Evironment, agent, and metric definitions within the fairness gym can be complex, and there is not a unified interface. Rather than impose an interface, the configurable runner uses dependency injection to partially define environments, agents, and metrics such that they are compatible with a simple experimental framework. This has the benefit of allowing for rich definitions of fairness gym elements while still providing a consistent method for running experiments.

The experimental framework is given in the Runner class in the runner_lib module. Runner defines an experiment where an environment, agent, and some number of metrics are instantiated, seeded, and interact with each other for some specified number of steps. After that interaction is complete, a report containing the metric results is generated.

The configurable runner uses the Gin library for configuration through dependency injection.


Experiments are first defined by creating a configuration file and making relevant definitions visible to Gin through decoration. They are then run using the module.

Experiment definition

Experiment definitions are Gin configuration files that register an environment, an agent, and some number of metrics with the Runner class, configure those classes in such a way that they are compatible with Runner, and configure the Runner itself by setting things like the number of steps to run for and the random seed.

The simplest example configuration is given in experiments/config/example.gcl. This configuration registers a DummyEnvironment, DummyAgent, and DummyMetric and runs a simulation for ten steps:

import fairness_gym.core
import fairness_gym.test_util

Runner.env_class = @test_util.DummyEnv
Runner.env_params_class = @core.Params
Runner.agent_class = @test_util.DummyAgent
Runner.metric_classes = {'num_steps': @test_util.DummyMetric}
Runner.num_steps = 10
Runner.seed = 4321

Note that classes on the right hand side are prefixed with an '@' symbol and their modules are imported in the frontmatter. Importantly, each of these classes decorated with a gin.configurable statement in the code. In order to refer to classes and functions in new configurations, this decoration must be present in the code.

A more complex example is found in experiments/config/college_admission_config.gin:

import fairness_gym.agents.college_admission_jury
import fairness_gym.environments.college_admission
import fairness_gym.experiments.college_admission_util
import fairness_gym.metrics.error_metrics
import fairness_gym.metrics.value_tracking_metrics
import fairness_gym.runner_lib

# Configure the runner.
Runner.num_steps = 3000
Runner.seed = 1
Runner.env_class = @college_admission.CollegeAdmissionsEnv
Runner.agent_class = @college_admission_jury.FixedJury
Runner.simulation_fn = @runner_lib.run_stackelberg_simulation

# Configure the agent.
college_admission_jury.FixedJury.threshold = 0.5
college_admission_jury.FixedJury.epsilon_greedy = False
college_admission_jury.FixedJury.decay_steps = 20
 college_admission_jury.FixedJury.initial_epsilon_prob = 0.1
college_admission_jury.FixedJury.epsilon_prob_decay_rate = 0.02

# Specify metrics.
Runner.metric_classes = {
"social_burden": @social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric,
"accuracy": @accuracy/error_metrics.AccuracyMetric,
"overall_accuracy": @overall_accuracy/error_metrics.AccuracyMetric,
"overall_social_burden": @overall_social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric,
"final_threshold": @final_threshold/value_tracking_metrics.FinalValueMetric,

# Configure metrics.
social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric.selection_fn = @college_admission_util.selection_fn_social_burden_eligible_auditor
social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric.modifier_fn = None
social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric.stratify_fn= @college_admission_util.stratify_by_group
social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric.realign_fn = @college_admission_util.realign_history
social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric.calc_mean = True

accuracy/error_metrics.AccuracyMetric.numerator_fn = @college_admission_util.accuracy_nr_fn
accuracy/error_metrics.AccuracyMetric.denominator_fn = None
accuracy/error_metrics.AccuracyMetric.stratify_fn = @college_admission_util.stratify_by_group
accuracy/error_metrics.AccuracyMetric.realign_fn = @college_admission_util.realign_history

overall_accuracy/error_metrics.AccuracyMetric.numerator_fn = @college_admission_util.accuracy_nr_fn
overall_accuracy/error_metrics.AccuracyMetric.denominator_fn = None
overall_accuracy/error_metrics.AccuracyMetric.stratify_fn = @college_admission_util.stratify_to_one_group
overall_accuracy/error_metrics.AccuracyMetric.realign_fn = @college_admission_util.realign_history

overall_social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric.selection_fn = @college_admission_util.selection_fn_social_burden_eligible_auditor
overall_social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric.modifier_fn = None
overall_social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric.stratify_fn= @college_admission_util.stratify_to_one_group
overall_social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric.realign_fn = @college_admission_util.realign_history
overall_social_burden/value_tracking_metrics.AggregatorMetric.calc_mean = True

final_threshold/value_tracking_metrics.FinalValueMetric.state_var = "decision_threshold"
final_threshold/value_tracking_metrics.FinalValueMetric.realign_fn = @college_admission_util.realign_history

In this example, the agent and metrics require further configuration. Note that the agent_class is set to @college_admission_jury.FixedJury, and that arguments to FixedJury are further configured below.

Note also that several metrics are defined and configured. Because individual metric classes are used more than once, they are prepended with namespace/ identifiers (like social_burden/ and accuracy/) that allow the classes to be configured in different ways.

Running experiments

To run the experiment, pass your config to the runner:

python -m runner \
  --gin_config_path=experiments/config/college_admission_config.gin \