NOTE: The tests are work in progress and are currently not stable.
Most of the tests in Paranoid check public keys for flaws. It is much more difficult to detect a weak pseudorandom number generator when its output is a secret used to generate a public key or signature.
The tests in this component are meant for situations where the pseudorandom numbers are accessible but not the implementation. A typical situation is when the tester has access to the generator and is able to generate a list of new private keys for testing. Similarly, when testing ECDSA signatures it is helpful if these signatures were generated with a test key and the private key is accessible during the analysis, since in this case the pseudorandom numbers used to generate the signature can be recovered.
The main goal of the tests is to detect implementation flaws. The pseudorandom number generator is not the only place that can contain flaws. Incorrectly using even a strong pseudorandom number generator can by itself introduce exploitable errors. Hence one of the goals is to add tests that allow the analysis of key generation and signature generation.
We'd like to emphasize that statistical tests cannot replace an analysis of the implementation of a pseudorandom number generator. Statistical tests simply find flaws, they cannot measure the quality of a pseudorandom number generator.
Sometimes authors of pseudorandom number generators use statistical tests to compare the quality of their proposal by counting the number of test failures in statistical tests. Such comparisons are suspicious. It is typically easy to camouflage weaknesses against a suite of statistical tests with some bit fiddling. Additionally we parameterize the tests, so that they do recognize weak random number generators. Hence failing no tests doesn't indicate that a random number generator has any strength, it doesn't even indicate that a pseudorandom number generator is stronger than other weak "competitors".
A typical use of the test is as follows:
Step 1: Defining the source to test
def MyPrng(number_of_bits: int) -> int:
# calls the pseudorandom number generator to test.
# E.g., return random.getrandbits(number_of_bits)
Step 2: Calling the test suite.
source = MyPrng,
n = 10000000,
significance_level_repeat = 0.01,
significance_level_fail = 1e-9,
There are plans to add additional interfaces to better support different use cases. At the moment we consider the following use cases:
Testing a new implementation for flaws: This use case should probably use a large input size (e.g. at least 100 MB.)
Unit tests: Probably uses input sizes of maybe 128 kB depending on the amount of time one wants to spend during a unit test. significance_level_fail should be low enough not to generate false positives (e.g. 1e-9).
Health checks: Those are checks that run at runtime and with the goal to detect broken hardware. For situations where these checks can't run for a long time it may be possible to add a new interface that only runs quick statistical tests and skipps more CPU excessive tests that detect weak PRNGs and design flaws.
Project specific checks: Typically it is a good idea to test pseudorandom output as close to the source as possible. If the interfaces provided are not a good match for a given project we'll try to provide a better one.
NIST SP 800-22 describes a test suite with statistical tests. We have implemented this test suite. However, there are differences. Tests that are implemented differently are described below. A major difference is the strategy used to evaluate p-values of multiple runs. This is described in Section "Repeating tests".
This test is described in Section 2.1 of NIST SP 800-22. The test checks whether the distribution of 0 and 1 bits is sufficiently random.
This test is described in Section 2.2 of NIST SP 800-22. The test divides the input into blocks, counts the number of 0 and 1 bits in each block and then compares the distribution against the distribution of random input.
Plans: The test should be extended to check multiple block sizes.
This test is described in Section 2.3 of NIST SP 800-22. The test counts the number of runs in a bit string and compares the result against the expectation for a random input.
This test is described in Section 2.4 of NIST SP 800-22. The test divides the input into blocks, computes the length of the longest run of ones in each block and compares the result against the expectation for random inputs.
This test is described in Section 2.5 of NIST SP 800-22. The test constructs quadratic binary matrices from the input, computes the rank of each matrix and compare the distribution of the ranks against the distribution of the rank of random matrix.
Differences: NIST uses asymptotic values for the distribution of the results, since the test uses sufficiently large matrices of size 3232. Since other test suites use smaller matrices (e.g. diehard uses 68 in one test) the probability distribution is recomputed in our implementation. This can lead to small differences in the p-values.
This test is described in Section 2.6 of NIST SP 800-22. The test computes a discrete Fourier transform over the input bits and then compares the number of large results against the expectation for random inputs.
Plans: Wikipedia claims that the spectral test can be used to analyze LCGs. So far only lcgnist can be detected with this test. Other LCGs implemented for testing pass this test. This raises the question if there are variants that can be used here.
This test is described in Section 2.7 of NIST SP 800-22. The test counts the number of occurrences of non-overlapping templates and compares the number against the number expected for random input. Each template tested returns a p-value. Since many templates are possible typical significance level (e.g. 0.01) will likely result in some false positive each time the test is run. Our implementation allows to automatically repeat tests with small p-values, so that false positives can be suppressed.
This test is described in Section 2.8 of NIST SP 800-22. The test counts the number of occurrences of overlapping templates. The test is comparable to the "non-overlapping template test". Because templates can overlap the distribution of the result is different.
Differences: Our implementation uses a slower, but hopefully more accurate method to compute the p-value. Hence the result can differ from NIST's implementation.
This test is described in Section 2.9 of NIST SP 800-22. The test is an implementation of the paper "A universal statistical test for random bit generators" by Ueli M. Maurer, Journal of Cryptology volume 5, pp. 89–105 (1992).
This test is described in Section 2.10 of NIST SP 800-22. The test computes the linear complexity of subsequences of the input and compares the distribtuion against the distribution of random sequences.
The algorithm used in our implementation is described in the paper "Algorithm 970: Optimizing the NIST Statistical Test Suite and the Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 43, num. 3, Sep. 2017.
Differences: The test as proposed by NIST focuses on the distribution of the linear complexities. It treats any linear complexity outside a certain distance from the median value in the same way. However, finding just a single sub-sequence with a linear complexity that is sufficiently different than the median value may indicate that the input is not random. Our implementation computes an additional p-value that focuses on the occurrence of unlikely linear complexities.
This test is described in Section 2.11 of NIST SP 800-22. The test counts the number of occurrences of overlapping m-bit patterns and checks if the number of occurrences deviates from random input.
Differences: The test proposed by NIST takes the size m of the patterns as an input parameter. Since it is possible to compute the count of m-1 bit patterns from the count of m-bit patterns it is almost as efficient to run the test for a range of values of m at the same time. Each value of m returns 2 p-values.
This test is described in Section 2.12 of NIST SP 800-22. The test compares the frequency of m and m+1 bit pattern and compares the result against the expectation from random input.
Differences: The test proposed by NIST takes the size m of the patterns as an input parameter. As in the serial test it is possible to compute the frequencies of m-bit patterns from the frequency of m+1 bit pattern. Hence the implementation runs the test for a range of (hopefully) reasonable values of m. Each value of m returns a p-value.
Plans: Section 2.12.7 recommends an upper bound for m. In some cases this bound appears to be too optimistic and the test can fail even if the input has been generated by a strong pseudorandom number generator. At the moment it is not clear what upper bound should be chosen.
Additionally, some PRNGs could be detected because their output may be too uniform. For example lcgnist consistently returns p-values close to 1.0. Hence we might consider to add an additional p-value to detect such cases.
This test is described in Section 2.13 of NIST SP 800-22.
The input bits are used to perform a 1-dimensional random walk. The test checks if the maximal distance from the origin deviates too much from the expected value.
The test is implemented in the method RandomWalk. This implementation merges the cumulative sums test with the random excursion tests, since all of them perform the same random walk, but compute different statistics out of the result.
This test is described in Section 2.14 of NIST SP 800-22. The test is implemented in the method RandomWalk, which merges several tests.
The random excurions test requires that the random walk produces a minimal number of cycles. In about 30% of all cases there are not enough cycles to give conclusive results, and hence no p-values are computed.
This test is described in Section 2.15 of NIST SP 800-22. The test is implemented in the method RandomWalk, which merges several tests.
Similar to the random excurions test this test requires that the random walk produces a minimal number of cycles. In about 30% of all cases there are not enough cycles, and hence no p-values are computed.
The test uses an LLL based approach to find biases in pseudorandom numbers. This test can for example detect LCGs and truncated LCGs.
Pseudorandom number generators that fail this test can lead to especially critical vulnerabilities when used in cryptographic schemes such as ECDSA. It is quite feasible that the vulnerability can be detected without even knowing the parameters of the pseudorandom number generator.
The test works by dividing the input into two set of samples. The first set of samples is used to search for a distinguisher. The second set of samples is then used to determine if the distinguisher can distinguish these samples from random. A similar method has been used to determine the constants that are used to detect ECDSA signatures generated with LCGs.
The binary matrix rank test proposed by NIST uses small matrices (e.g. 32x32). This test computes the rank of large binary matrices. Since the p-value is computed from the rank of single matrices the test only fails if the rank is sufficiently smaller than the size of the matrix.
A number of weak random number generators can be detected by computing the rank of larger binary matrices.
A few examples are below:
PRNG | matrix size that detects weakness |
xorshift128+ | 256 * 256 |
xorwow | 512 * 512 |
xorshift* | 2048 * 2048 |
gmp16 | 8192 * 8192 |
java | 16384 * 16384 |
mt19937 | 32768 * 32768 |
p-values: Since the p-value is computed from the rank of a single matrix it is not uniformly distributed. Rather the p-values take discrete values.
Plans: If a pseudorandom number generator can be distinguished from random then it is typically possible to extract a distinguisher (i.e. coefficients for a linear combination) that allows to detect the generator with less input. Our plan is to add the capability to extract such distinguishers and add distinguishers for common pseudorandom number generators to the test suite.
The test interprets the input as n (e.g. n=32 or 64) interleaved bit strings. The test computes the linear complexity of the resulting bit strings.
The motivation for this test is that weak pseudorandom number generators have weaknesses where for example the least significant bits or the most significant bit can be described with a LFSR. The test PRNGs that fail this test are: mt19937, xorshift128+, xorwow and xorshift*.
The implementation of the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm has quadratic complexity. The input sequence is truncated to avoid that this test takes significantly more time than the remaining tests.
Plans: The Berlekamp-Massey algorithm can be sped up significantly with a C++ implementation.
TODO: Currently no stable interface exists.
The file paranoid_crypto/lib/randomness_tests/ contains the main interfaces. We plan to add several interfaces for different types of inputs. I.e.,
- a long bit string that is the output of a pseudorandom number generator. This is essentially the interface that NIST is using.
- a source for generting pseudorandom bits. Allowing the test itself to generate more pseudorandom bits has some advantages. The most important one is that tests can be repeated when it is unclear if a small p-value indicates a test failure or just a random fluke.
- a list of integers. It should be possible to test generated keys or random nonces used for signatures, since it is always possible that an implementation flaw is in the key generation rather than the pseudorandom number generator.
A goal of the implementation is to make the tests usable during unit testing. To achieve this goal some provisions have to be made:
NIST uses a significance level of 0.01. This makes is very likely that at least some of the tests fail at random, since there are hundreds of p-values computed during each run. Therefore, a simple version of the test is not useful as a unit test. It would be very flaky.
A strategy to avoid flaky behaviour is to repeat failing tests, e.g., all tests with a p-value smaller than say 0.01. Multiple test results are combined with Fisher's method to yield a combined p-value. If the combined p-value is smaller than a much smaller bound (e.g. 1e-9) then the test has failed.
Alternative methods exist. N. A. Heard compares such methods in Choosing Between Methods of Combining p-values. The main reason to use Fisher's method is that it is more sensitive to small p-values than p-values close to 1.0. Tests have typically only a finite number of possible outcomes. Hence the p-values cannot be uniformly distributed. We aim to have the property that a p-value <= x happens at most with probability x. This means that p-values can be "too large". For example LargeBinaryMatrixRank computes the p-value from the rank of a single large matrix. Since a large binary matrix has full rank the test returns a p-value of 1.0 with about 29% probability.
Differences: NIST SP 800-22 describes in Section 4 a strategy to interpret results from multiple test runs. Section 4.2.2 describes a method to evaluate the distribution of p-values. To get meaningful results NIST recommends at least 55 test runs. This is too costly if the tests are run as unit tests.
Section 4.2.2 assumes that the p-values are uniformly distributed. However, not every test (especially new tests that we added) has this property. E.g., LargeBinaryMatrixRank returns discrete results. Hence, adding NISTs strategy at this moment would result in false positives.
There are weak pseudorandom number generator that can be caught with NISTs 2nd level testing. For example lcgnist consistently returns p-values close to 1.0 in the Serial test. Because of this it is possible to distinguish lcgnist from a good pseudorandom number generator by analyzing the distribution of the p-values.
We consider it somewhat unfortunate if a statistical weakness is only detected with 2nd level testing. Hence, our aim is to add additional tests for such cases and we consider 2nd level testing more of a tool to detect shortcomings in the test suite itself.
This section describes the component of randomness_tests that has been added to test the test suite itself. This has been done because there are a number of things that can (and do) go wrong:
Tests can be implemented incorrectly and as a consequence detect irregularities that do not exists.
The p-values can be too small. If a test is repeated several times then p-values that are computed as too small each time, then the combined p-value can incorrectly indicate a test failure.
Tests can be ineffective if they use the wrong parameters.
Weak pseudorandom number generators passing every test in the test suite may indicate that the test suite is incomplete.
paranoid_crypto/lib/randomness_tests/ contains a collection of pseudorandom number generators for testing. Many of these random number generators are weak and can be distinguished from a true random bit generator. Indeed, their weakness was often the main motivation to include them into
A large fraction of these pseudorandom number generators are LCGs or are based on LCGs. This is not an accident. The usage of LCGs in cryptographic primitives (e.g., ECDSA) often leads to implementations that are easy to attack.
Currently the following pseudorandom number generators are defined:
os.urandom is expected provide random output suitable for cryptographic use. Hence, this pseudorandom number generator should not fail a test consistently.
Mersenne twister with 19937 bits of state. Currently the python module random uses this pseudorandom number generator. Its output can be destinguished from true randomness by computing the linear complexity of its output or by computing the rank of a large binary matrix filled with its output. The parameters proposed by NIST are too small to detect this pseudorandom number generator.
These are pseudorandom number generators defined in GMP. The pseudorandom number generators use a truncated LCG. They use a state of 2*n bits. After each step the n most significant bits of the state are returned.
All instances can be detected using lattice basis reduction. Instances with a small register size often also fail other tests.
These are multiply-with-carry generators. These pseudorandom number generators are special cases of LCGs. Hence they should be detectable with the same methods as LFSRs. A reason to include them here, is that the parameters were chosen such that even registers with larger sizes can be implemented easily. Thus implementations of MWC tend to use larger states than typical LCGs.
This is the pseudorandom number generator implemented in java.util.Random. This generator only uses a truncated LCG with a 48-bit state. It is rather easy to detect.
This is a pseudorandom number generator included in NIST SP 800-22 for testing. The pseudorandom number generator only outputs the most significant bit after each step, but it uses a very small state of 32-bits. One test that detects this generator is the Spectral test.
xorshift128+ is an instance of a large family of pseudorandom number generators, that are based on a LFSR. Its output is derived from the LFSR state using a "slightly" non-linear function. This output function is too weak to hide the internal structure of the generator. For example the least significant bit of the output is a linear function of its state. Even if the generator is modified, so that only the most significant bits are used, it is still possible to distingish the output from random data.
xorshift* is another instance of the xorshift family of pseudorandom number generators. It is based on an LFSR. It generates its output by multplying part of the state with a 64-bit integer as a last step. This is of course poor design. The multiplication is easily reversible. As such, the multiplication only camouflages its weaknesses, but does not make the pseudorandom number generator more difficult to predict.
This pseudorandom number generator simply adds a counter to an LFSR. As a result the output can be distinguished easily from random data.
The main reason to include these pseudorandom number generators is that they are implemented by numpy. Since we are using numpy for other things, we might as well include the PRNGs too.
These pseudorandom number generators are proposed in . They look somewhat interesting, but we haven't analyzed them yet.
The project is mainly written in Python. For this language there are a number of powerful libraries available that can be used. One such example is fpylll, which allows us to find a large number of potential weaknesses. E.g. an alternative would have been to add this library to project Wycheproof, which is written in java. The lack of good mathematical libraries would significantly hinder such an implementation.