On February 4th 2023, it was observed that a large number of installations of use a default JWT key when issuing service tokens. These tokens can be used to push/pull any image from the harbor repo which serves docker containers.
The root cause was a default credential used in the configuration of installing Harbor with
Harbor security advisory: GHSA-j7jh-fmcm-xxwv
Critical – this key can be used to impersonate an administrative user and push/pull any image.
Proof of Concept
Users of this vulnerable key can be identified by the “key ID” contained in a JWT token response. To identify this key, visit the url:
A vulnerable instance will contain the string:
Decoded this value is:
The key identified by this kid
value can be found here:
Date reported: 02/18/2023
Date fixed: 03/30/2023
Date disclosed: 06/28/2023
On February 4th 2023, it was observed that a large number of installations of use a default JWT key when issuing service tokens. These tokens can be used to push/pull any image from the harbor repo which serves docker containers.
The root cause was a default credential used in the configuration of installing Harbor with
Harbor security advisory: GHSA-j7jh-fmcm-xxwv
Critical – this key can be used to impersonate an administrative user and push/pull any image.
Proof of Concept
Users of this vulnerable key can be identified by the “key ID” contained in a JWT token response. To identify this key, visit the url:
A vulnerable instance will contain the string:
Decoded this value is:
The key identified by this
value can be found here:
Date reported: 02/18/2023
Date fixed: 03/30/2023
Date disclosed: 06/28/2023