From def43516d481c857fa882e6944997ea9a6cce809 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nallave <>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 23:29:58 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] Updated typo's in multiple files (#4055)

* Update

* Commit
 docs/governance/templates/  | 2 +-
 examples/allocation-endpoint/      | 2 +-
 examples/allocator-client-csharp/Program.cs | 2 +-
 examples/simple-game-server/       | 4 ++--
 examples/simple-game-server/handlers.go     | 6 +++---
 examples/simple-genai-server/main.go        | 4 ++--
 6 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/governance/templates/ b/docs/governance/templates/
index 1c8aeacdb6..ca1c86b855 100644
--- a/docs/governance/templates/
+++ b/docs/governance/templates/
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ and copy it into a release issue. Fill in relevant values, found inside {}
 - [ ] Run `make post-build-release` to build the artifacts in GCS(These files will be attached in the release notes) and to push the latest images in the release repository and push chart on agones-chart.
 - [ ] Run `make shell` and run `gcloud config configurations activate <your development project>` to switch Agones
       development tooling off of the `agones-images` project.
-- [ ] Smoke Test: run `make install-release` to view helm releases, uninstall agones-system namesapce, fetch the latest version of Agones, verify the new version, installing agones-system namespace, and list all the pods of agones-system.
+- [ ] Smoke Test: run `make install-release` to view helm releases, uninstall agones-system namespace, fetch the latest version of Agones, verify the new version, installing agones-system namespace, and list all the pods of agones-system.
 - [ ] Attach all assets found in the cloud storage with {version} to the draft GitHub Release.
 - [ ] Copy any review changes from the release blog post into the draft GitHub release.
 - [ ] Publish the draft GitHub Release.
diff --git a/examples/allocation-endpoint/ b/examples/allocation-endpoint/
index 214bd07c0b..bc1a065558 100644
--- a/examples/allocation-endpoint/
+++ b/examples/allocation-endpoint/
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ helm upgrade my-release --install --namespace agones-system --create-namespace a
   --set agones.allocator.service.http.enabled=false
-After installing Agones, deploy [ESP]( which is an envoy based proxy, deployed as a sidecar along side `agones-alloator` container. Run the following to patch the service deployement, change the service port to ESP and add annotation to `agones-allocator` service account to impersonate GCP service account. 
+After installing Agones, deploy [ESP]( which is an envoy based proxy, deployed as a sidecar along side `agones-alloator` container. Run the following to patch the service deployment, change the service port to ESP and add annotation to `agones-allocator` service account to impersonate GCP service account. 
 Replace [GKE-PROJECT-ID] in `patch-agones-allocator.yaml` with your project ID before running the scripts.
diff --git a/examples/allocator-client-csharp/Program.cs b/examples/allocator-client-csharp/Program.cs
index 2c665f344a..3302a550df 100644
--- a/examples/allocator-client-csharp/Program.cs
+++ b/examples/allocator-client-csharp/Program.cs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ class Program
         static async Task Main(string[] args)
             if (args.Length < 6) {
-                throw new Exception("Arguments are missing. Expecting: <private key> <public key> <server CA> <external IP> <namepace> <enable multi-cluster>");
+                throw new Exception("Arguments are missing. Expecting: <private key> <public key> <server CA> <external IP> <namespace> <enable multi-cluster>");
             string clientKey    = File.ReadAllText(args[0]);
diff --git a/examples/simple-game-server/ b/examples/simple-game-server/
index 556de4aa08..4ca50611c7 100644
--- a/examples/simple-game-server/
+++ b/examples/simple-game-server/
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ There are some text commands you can send the server to affect its behavior:
 | "LIST_CONTAINS"        | Returns true if the given value is in the given List, false otherwise                    |
 | "GET_LIST_LENGTH"      | Returns the length (number of values) of the given List as a string                      |
 | "GET_LIST_VALUES"      | Return the values in the given List as a comma delineated string                         |
-| "APPEND_LIST_VALUE"    | Returns if the given value was successfuly added to the List (true) or not (false)       |
-| "DELETE_LIST_VALUE"    | Rreturns if the given value was successfuly deleted from the List (true) or not (false)  |
+| "APPEND_LIST_VALUE"    | Returns if the given value was successfully added to the List (true) or not (false)       |
+| "DELETE_LIST_VALUE"    | Rreturns if the given value was successfully deleted from the List (true) or not (false)  |
 ## Configuration
diff --git a/examples/simple-game-server/handlers.go b/examples/simple-game-server/handlers.go
index c1ccd20688..23e26f43d9 100644
--- a/examples/simple-game-server/handlers.go
+++ b/examples/simple-game-server/handlers.go
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ func handlePlayerConnected(s *sdk.SDK, parts []string, _ ...context.CancelFunc)
-// handleGetPlayers returns a comma delimeted list of connected players
+// handleGetPlayers returns a comma delimited list of connected players
 func handleGetPlayers(s *sdk.SDK, parts []string, _ ...context.CancelFunc) (response string, addACK bool, responseError error) {
 	log.Print("Retrieving connected player list")
 	list, err := s.Alpha().GetConnectedPlayers()
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ func handleGetListValues(s *sdk.SDK, parts []string, _ ...context.CancelFunc) (r
-// handleAppendListValue returns if the given value was successfuly added to the List or not
+// handleAppendListValue returns if the given value was successfully added to the List or not
 func handleAppendListValue(s *sdk.SDK, parts []string, _ ...context.CancelFunc) (response string, addACK bool, responseError error) {
 	if len(parts) < 3 {
 		response = "Invalid APPEND_LIST_VALUE, should have 2 arguments"
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ func handleAppendListValue(s *sdk.SDK, parts []string, _ ...context.CancelFunc)
-// handleDeleteListValue returns if the given value was successfuly deleted from the List or not
+// handleDeleteListValue returns if the given value was successfully deleted from the List or not
 func handleDeleteListValue(s *sdk.SDK, parts []string, _ ...context.CancelFunc) (response string, addACK bool, responseError error) {
 	if len(parts) < 3 {
 		response = "Invalid DELETE_LIST_VALUE, should have 2 arguments"
diff --git a/examples/simple-genai-server/main.go b/examples/simple-genai-server/main.go
index bfc68690a6..a4607c9bec 100644
--- a/examples/simple-genai-server/main.go
+++ b/examples/simple-genai-server/main.go
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ type Message struct {
 func handleGenAIRequest(prompt string, clientConn *connection, chatHistory []Message) (string, error) {
 	var jsonStr []byte
 	var err error
-	// If the endpoint is the NPC API, use the json request format specifc to that API
+	// If the endpoint is the NPC API, use the json request format specific to that API
 	if clientConn.npc {
 		npcRequest := NPCRequest{
 			Msg:    prompt,
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ func autonomousChat(prompt string, conn1 *connection, conn2 *connection, numChat
 	autonomousChat(response, conn2, conn1, numChats, stopPhase, chatHistory)
-// Manually interact via TCP with the GenAI endpont
+// Manually interact via TCP with the GenAI endpoint
 func tcpListener(port string, genAiConn *connection) {
 	log.Printf("Starting TCP server, listening on port %s", port)
 	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":"+port)