A batch is a technique for creating multiple labels at once. Use the batch object to create and purchase many shipments in two API calls. After creating the batch, retrieve the batch to verify that all shipments are valid. You can add and remove shipments after you have created the batch. When all shipments are valid you can purchase the batch and retrieve all the shipping labels.
The batch shipment object is a wrapper around a shipment object, which include shipment-specific information
for batch processing.
Note: batch shipments can only be created on the batch endpoint, either when creating a batch object or by through
the /batches/{BATCH_OBJECT_ID}/add_shipments
Creates a new batch object for purchasing shipping labels for many shipments at once. Batches are created asynchronously. This means that the API response won't include your batch shipments yet. You need to retrieve the batch later to verify that all batch shipments are valid.
using Shippo;
using Shippo.Models.Requests;
using Shippo.Models.Components;
using System.Collections.Generic;
var sdk = new ShippoSDK(
apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08"
var res = await sdk.Batches.CreateAsync(
batchCreateRequest: new BatchCreateRequest() {
DefaultCarrierAccount = "078870331023437cb917f5187429b093",
DefaultServicelevelToken = "usps_priority",
LabelFiletype = Shippo.Models.Components.LabelFileTypeEnum.Pdf4x6,
Metadata = "BATCH #1",
BatchShipments = new List<BatchShipmentCreateRequest>() {
new BatchShipmentCreateRequest() {
CarrierAccount = "a4391cd4ab974f478f55dc08b5c8e3b3",
Metadata = "SHIPMENT #1",
ServicelevelToken = "fedex_ground",
Shipment = new ShipmentCreateRequest() {
Extra = new ShipmentExtra() {
AccountsReceivableCustomerAccount = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
AppropriationNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
BillOfLadingNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
Cod = new Cod() {
Amount = "5.5",
Currency = "USD",
PaymentMethod = Shippo.Models.Components.PaymentMethod.Cash,
CodNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
CustomerReference = new CustomerReference() {
RefSort = 1,
DealerOrderNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
DeptNumber = new DepartmentNumber() {
RefSort = 3,
FdaProductCode = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
Insurance = new Insurance() {
Amount = "5.5",
Currency = "USD",
InvoiceNumber = new InvoiceNumber() {
RefSort = 2,
ManifestNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
ModelNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
PartNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
PoNumber = new PoNumber() {
RefSort = 2,
ProductionCode = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
PurchaseRequestNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
RmaNumber = new RmaNumber() {
RefSort = 1,
SalespersonNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
SerialNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
StoreNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
TransactionReferenceNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
Metadata = "Customer ID 123456",
ShipmentDate = "2021-03-22T12:00:00Z",
AddressFrom = AddressFrom.CreateAddressCreateRequest(
new AddressCreateRequest() {
Name = "Shwan Ippotle",
Company = "Shippo",
Street1 = "215 Clayton St.",
Street3 = "",
StreetNo = "",
City = "San Francisco",
State = "CA",
Zip = "94117",
Country = "US",
Phone = "+1 555 341 9393",
Email = "[email protected]",
IsResidential = true,
Metadata = "Customer ID 123456",
Validate = true,
AddressReturn = AddressReturn.CreateStr(
AddressTo = AddressTo.CreateAddressCreateRequest(
new AddressCreateRequest() {
Name = "Shwan Ippotle",
Company = "Shippo",
Street1 = "215 Clayton St.",
Street3 = "",
StreetNo = "",
City = "San Francisco",
State = "CA",
Zip = "94117",
Country = "US",
Phone = "+1 555 341 9393",
Email = "[email protected]",
IsResidential = true,
Metadata = "Customer ID 123456",
Validate = true,
CustomsDeclaration = ShipmentCreateRequestCustomsDeclaration.CreateCustomsDeclarationCreateRequest(
new CustomsDeclarationCreateRequest() {
B13aFilingOption = Shippo.Models.Components.CustomsDeclarationB13AFilingOptionEnum.FiledElectronically,
Certify = true,
CertifySigner = "Shawn Ippotle",
ContentsExplanation = "T-Shirt purchase",
DutiesPayor = new DutiesPayor() {
Account = "2323434543",
Type = Shippo.Models.Components.CustomsDeclarationCreateRequestType.ThirdParty,
Address = new CustomsDeclarationCreateRequestAddress() {
Name = "Patrick Kavanagh",
Zip = "80331",
Country = "DE",
ExporterIdentification = new CustomsExporterIdentification() {
EoriNumber = "PL123456790ABCDE",
TaxId = new CustomsTaxIdentification() {
Number = "123456789",
Type = Shippo.Models.Components.CustomsTaxIdentificationType.Ein,
Invoice = "#123123",
Metadata = "Order ID #123123",
AddressImporter = new AddressImporter() {
Name = "Shwan Ippotle",
Company = "Shippo",
Street1 = "Blumenstraße",
Street3 = "",
StreetNo = "22",
City = "München",
State = "CA",
Zip = "80331",
Country = "DE",
Phone = "80331",
Email = "[email protected]",
IsResidential = true,
ContentsType = Shippo.Models.Components.CustomsDeclarationContentsTypeEnum.Merchandise,
EelPfc = Shippo.Models.Components.CustomsDeclarationEelPfcEnum.Noeei3037A,
Incoterm = Shippo.Models.Components.CustomsDeclarationIncotermEnum.Ddp,
Items = new List<CustomsItemCreateRequest>() {
new CustomsItemCreateRequest() {
Description = "T-Shirt",
MassUnit = Shippo.Models.Components.WeightUnitEnum.Lb,
Metadata = "Order ID \"123454\"",
NetWeight = "5",
OriginCountry = "<value>",
Quantity = 20,
SkuCode = "HM-123",
HsCode = "0901.21",
ValueAmount = "200",
ValueCurrency = "USD",
NonDeliveryOption = Shippo.Models.Components.CustomsDeclarationNonDeliveryOptionEnum.Return,
Test = true,
CarrierAccounts = new List<string>() {
Parcels = new List<Models.Components.Parcels>() {
new ParcelCreateRequest() {
Extra = new ParcelExtra() {
Cod = new Cod() {
Amount = "5.5",
Currency = "USD",
PaymentMethod = Shippo.Models.Components.PaymentMethod.Cash,
Insurance = new ParcelInsurance() {
Amount = "5.5",
Content = "Laptop",
Currency = "USD",
Provider = Shippo.Models.Components.ParcelInsuranceProvider.Ups,
Metadata = "Customer ID 123456",
MassUnit = Shippo.Models.Components.WeightUnitEnum.Lb,
Weight = "1",
DistanceUnit = Shippo.Models.Components.DistanceUnitEnum.In,
Height = "1",
Length = "1",
Width = "1",
shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08"
// handle response
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Description |
Example |
BatchCreateRequest |
BatchCreateRequest |
✔️ |
Batch details. |
ShippoApiVersion |
string |
➖ |
Optional string used to pick a non-default API version to use. See our API version guide. |
2018-02-08 |
Error Type |
Status Code |
Content Type |
Shippo.Models.Errors.SDKException |
4XX, 5XX |
*/* |
Returns a batch using an object ID.
Batch shipments are displayed 100 at a time. You can iterate
through each page
using the ?page= query
parameter. You can also filter based on batch shipment
status, for example, by passing a query param like ?object_results=creation_failed
For more details on filtering results, see our guide on filtering.
using Shippo;
using Shippo.Models.Requests;
using Shippo.Models.Components;
var sdk = new ShippoSDK(
apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08"
GetBatchRequest req = new GetBatchRequest() {
BatchId = "<id>",
var res = await sdk.Batches.GetAsync(req);
// handle response
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Description |
request |
GetBatchRequest |
✔️ |
The request object to use for the request. |
Error Type |
Status Code |
Content Type |
Shippo.Models.Errors.SDKException |
4XX, 5XX |
*/* |
Adds batch shipments to an existing batch.
using Shippo;
using Shippo.Models.Requests;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Shippo.Models.Components;
var sdk = new ShippoSDK(
apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08"
var res = await sdk.Batches.AddShipmentsAsync(
batchId: "<id>",
requestBody: new List<BatchShipmentCreateRequest>() {
new BatchShipmentCreateRequest() {
CarrierAccount = "a4391cd4ab974f478f55dc08b5c8e3b3",
Metadata = "SHIPMENT #1",
ServicelevelToken = "fedex_ground",
Shipment = new ShipmentCreateRequest() {
Extra = new ShipmentExtra() {
AccountsReceivableCustomerAccount = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
AppropriationNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
BillOfLadingNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
Cod = new Cod() {
Amount = "5.5",
Currency = "USD",
PaymentMethod = Shippo.Models.Components.PaymentMethod.Cash,
CodNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
CustomerReference = new CustomerReference() {
RefSort = 1,
DealerOrderNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
DeptNumber = new DepartmentNumber() {
RefSort = 3,
FdaProductCode = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
Insurance = new Insurance() {
Amount = "5.5",
Currency = "USD",
InvoiceNumber = new InvoiceNumber() {
RefSort = 2,
ManifestNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
ModelNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
PartNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
PoNumber = new PoNumber() {
RefSort = 2,
ProductionCode = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
PurchaseRequestNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
RmaNumber = new RmaNumber() {
RefSort = 1,
SalespersonNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
SerialNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
StoreNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
TransactionReferenceNumber = new UPSReferenceFields() {
Prefix = "ABC",
Value = "value",
RefSort = 1,
Metadata = "Customer ID 123456",
ShipmentDate = "2021-03-22T12:00:00Z",
AddressFrom = AddressFrom.CreateStr(
AddressReturn = AddressReturn.CreateAddressCreateRequest(
new AddressCreateRequest() {
Name = "Shwan Ippotle",
Company = "Shippo",
Street1 = "215 Clayton St.",
Street3 = "",
StreetNo = "",
City = "San Francisco",
State = "CA",
Zip = "94117",
Country = "US",
Phone = "+1 555 341 9393",
Email = "[email protected]",
IsResidential = true,
Metadata = "Customer ID 123456",
Validate = true,
AddressTo = AddressTo.CreateAddressCreateRequest(
new AddressCreateRequest() {
Name = "Shwan Ippotle",
Company = "Shippo",
Street1 = "215 Clayton St.",
Street3 = "",
StreetNo = "",
City = "San Francisco",
State = "CA",
Zip = "94117",
Country = "US",
Phone = "+1 555 341 9393",
Email = "[email protected]",
IsResidential = true,
Metadata = "Customer ID 123456",
Validate = true,
CustomsDeclaration = ShipmentCreateRequestCustomsDeclaration.CreateStr(
CarrierAccounts = new List<string>() {
Parcels = new List<Models.Components.Parcels>() {
shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08"
// handle response
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Description |
Example |
BatchId |
string |
✔️ |
Object ID of the batch |
RequestBody |
List<BatchShipmentCreateRequest> |
✔️ |
Array of shipments to add to the batch |
ShippoApiVersion |
string |
➖ |
Optional string used to pick a non-default API version to use. See our API version guide. |
2018-02-08 |
Error Type |
Status Code |
Content Type |
Shippo.Models.Errors.SDKException |
4XX, 5XX |
*/* |
Purchases an existing batch with a status of VALID
Once you send a POST request to the purchase endpoint the batch status will change to PURCHASING
When all the shipments are purchased, the status will change to PURCHASED
and you will receive a
webhook indicating that the batch has been purchased
using Shippo;
using Shippo.Models.Requests;
using Shippo.Models.Components;
var sdk = new ShippoSDK(
apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08"
var res = await sdk.Batches.PurchaseAsync(
batchId: "<id>",
shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08"
// handle response
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Description |
Example |
BatchId |
string |
✔️ |
Object ID of the batch |
ShippoApiVersion |
string |
➖ |
Optional string used to pick a non-default API version to use. See our API version guide. |
2018-02-08 |
Error Type |
Status Code |
Content Type |
Shippo.Models.Errors.SDKException |
4XX, 5XX |
*/* |
Removes shipments from an existing batch shipment.
using Shippo;
using Shippo.Models.Requests;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Shippo.Models.Components;
var sdk = new ShippoSDK(
apiKeyHeader: "<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>",
shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08"
var res = await sdk.Batches.RemoveShipmentsAsync(
batchId: "<id>",
requestBody: new List<string>() {
shippoApiVersion: "2018-02-08"
// handle response
Parameter |
Type |
Required |
Description |
Example |
BatchId |
string |
✔️ |
Object ID of the batch |
RequestBody |
List<string> |
✔️ |
Array of shipments object ids to remove from the batch |
ShippoApiVersion |
string |
➖ |
Optional string used to pick a non-default API version to use. See our API version guide. |
2018-02-08 |
Error Type |
Status Code |
Content Type |
Shippo.Models.Errors.SDKException |
4XX, 5XX |
*/* |