1.Design a research, write one page report discussing the data and possible research questions.
2.Study one of the following literature and write one page comments.
Choose either 1 or 2 as your homework.
Palia D, Ravid SA and Reisel N (2008), Choosing to Cofinance: Analysis of Project-Specific Alliances in the Movie Industry, The Review of Financial Studies. Vol. 21(2), pp. 483-511.
Hanaki N, Peterhansl A, Dodds PS and Watts DJ (2007), Cooperation in Evolving Social Networks, Management Science. Vol. 53(7), pp. 1036-1050.
Castro I, Casanueva C and Galán JL (2014), Dynamic evolution of alliance portfolios, European Management Journal. Vol. 32(3), pp. 423 - 433.
Han X, Cao S, Shen Z, Zhang B, Wang W-X, Cressman R and Stanley HE (2017), Emergence of communities and diversity in social networks, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 114(11), pp. 2887-2891. National Academy of Sciences.
Kossinets G and Watts DJ (2006), Empirical Analysis of an Evolving Social Network, Science. Vol. 311(5757), pp. 88-90. American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Lieberman E, Hauert C and Nowak MA (2005), Evolutionary dynamics on graphs, Nature., January, 2005. Vol. 433, pp. 312. Macmillan Magazines Ltd..
Borgatti SP, Mehra A, Brass DJ and Labianca G (2009), Network Analysis in the Social Sciences, Science. Vol. 323(5916), pp. 892-895. American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Morrison EW (2002), Newcomers' relationships: The role of social network ties during socialization, Academy of management Journal. Vol. 45(6), pp. 1149-1160. Academy of Management Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510.
Tichy NM, Tushman ML and Fombrun C (1979), Social Network Analysis for Organizations, The Academy of Management Review. Vol. 4(4), pp. 507-519. Academy of Management.
Kim J and Hastak M (2018), Social network analysis: Characteristics of online social networks after a disaster, International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 38(1), pp. 86-96. Elsevier.
Haldane AG and May RM (2011), Systemic risk in banking ecosystems., Nature. Vol. 469(7330), pp. 351.
Ferriani S, Cattani G and Baden-Fuller C (2009), The relational antecedents of project-entrepreneurship: Network centrality, team composition and project performance, Research Policy. Vol. 38(10), pp. 1545 - 1558.
Perry-Smith JE and Shalley CE (2003), The Social Side of Creativity: A Static and Dynamic Social Network Perspective, The Academy of Management Review. Vol. 28(1), pp. 89-106. Academy of Management.
Centola D (2010), The Spread of Behavior in an Online Social Network Experiment, Science. Vol. 329(5996), pp. 1194-1197. American Association for the Advancement of Science.