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Istio Service Mesh

You can use Istio to enable service mesh features such as traffic management, observability, and security. Istio can be provisioned using Anthos Service Mesh (ASM), the Open Source Software (OSS) istioctl tool, or via other Istio providers. You can then label individual namespaces for sidecar injection and configure an Istio gateway to replace the frontend-external load balancer.

Provision a GKE Cluster

Create a GKE cluster with at least 4 nodes, machine type e2-standard-4, GKE Workload Identity, and the Kubernetes Gateway API resources:

Note: using the classic istio-ingressgateway instead of Gateway API is another option not covered in this component.


gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --project=${PROJECT_ID} \
    --zone=${ZONE} \
    --machine-type=e2-standard-4 \
    --num-nodes=4 \
    --workload-pool ${PROJECT_ID} \
    --gateway-api "standard"

Provision and Configure Istio Service Mesh

Provision managed Anthos Service Mesh via Fleet feature API

ASM provides a managed service mesh experience that includes Managed Control Plane (MCP) and Managed Data Plane (MDP) upgrades.

The recommended way to install ASM is using the fleet feature API:

# Enable ASM and Fleet APIs
gcloud services enable --project ${PROJECT_ID}

# Register GKE cluster with Fleet
gcloud container fleet memberships register ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --gke-cluster ${ZONE}/${CLUSTER_NAME} \

FLEET_PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} --format 'value(projectNumber)')
# Apply mesh_id label to clusters that should be added to the service mesh
gcloud container clusters update --project ${PROJECT_ID} ${CLUSTER_NAME} \
    --zone ${ZONE} --update-labels="mesh_id=proj-$FLEET_PROJECT_NUMBER"

# Enable managed Anthos Service Mesh on the cluster
gcloud container fleet mesh update --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
    --management automatic \
    --memberships ${CLUSTER_NAME}

# Enable sidecar injection for Kubernetes namespace where workload is deployed
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection- --overwrite

Note: You can ignore any label "istio-injection" not found errors. The istio-injection=enabled annotation would also work but ASM prefers revision labels.

Follow the Managed ASM Verification steps to confirm it is working.

Provision OSS Istio via istioctl

Alternatively you can install OSS Istio by following the getting started guide:

# Install istio 1.17 or above
istioctl install --set profile=minimal -y

# Enable sidecar injection for Kubernetes namespace(s) where microservices-demo is deployed
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled

# Make sure the istiod injection webhook port 15017 is accessible via GKE master nodes
# Otherwise your replicaset-controller may be blocked when trying to create new pods with: 
#   Error creating: Internal error occurred: failed calling 
#     webhook "" ... context deadline exceeded
gcloud compute firewall-rules list --filter="name~gke-[0-9a-z-]*-master"
NAME                          NETWORK  DIRECTION  PRIORITY  ALLOW              DENY  DISABLED
gke-onlineboutique-c94d71e8-master  gke-vpc  INGRESS    1000      tcp:10250,tcp:443        False

# Update firewall rule (or create a new one) to allow webhook port 15017
gcloud compute firewall-rules update gke-onlineboutique-c94d71e8-master \
    --allow tcp:10250,tcp:443,tcp:15017

Deploy and Validate Online Boutique with Istio

Deploy via Kustomize component

Once the service mesh and namespace injection are configured, you can then deploy the Istio manifests using Kustomize. You should also include the service-accounts component if you plan on using AuthorizationPolicies.

From the kustomize/ folder at the root level of this repository, execute these commands:

kustomize edit add component components/service-accounts
kustomize edit add component components/service-mesh-istio

This will update the kustomize/kustomization.yaml file which could be similar to:

kind: Kustomization
- base
- components/service-accounts
- components/service-mesh-istio

Note: service-mesh-istio component includes the same delete patch as the non-public-frontend component. Trying to use both those components in your kustomization.yaml file will result in an error.

You can locally render these manifests by running kubectl kustomize . or deploying them by running kubectl apply -k .

The output should be similar to:

serviceaccount/adservice created
serviceaccount/cartservice created
serviceaccount/checkoutservice created
serviceaccount/currencyservice created
serviceaccount/emailservice created
serviceaccount/frontend created
serviceaccount/loadgenerator created
serviceaccount/paymentservice created
serviceaccount/productcatalogservice created
serviceaccount/recommendationservice created
serviceaccount/shippingservice created
service/adservice created
service/cartservice created
service/checkoutservice created
service/currencyservice created
service/emailservice created
service/frontend created
service/paymentservice created
service/productcatalogservice created
service/recommendationservice created
service/redis-cart created
service/shippingservice created
deployment.apps/adservice created
deployment.apps/cartservice created
deployment.apps/checkoutservice created
deployment.apps/currencyservice created
deployment.apps/emailservice created
deployment.apps/frontend created
deployment.apps/loadgenerator created
deployment.apps/paymentservice created
deployment.apps/productcatalogservice created
deployment.apps/recommendationservice created
deployment.apps/redis-cart created
deployment.apps/shippingservice created created created created created created

Verify Online Boutique Deployment

Run kubectl get pods,gateway,svc to see pods and gateway are in a healthy and ready state.

The output should be similar to:

NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/adservice-6cbd9794f9-8c4gv               2/2     Running   0          47s
pod/cartservice-667bbd5f6-84j8v              2/2     Running   0          47s
pod/checkoutservice-547557f445-bw46n         2/2     Running   0          47s
pod/currencyservice-6bd8885d9c-2cszv         2/2     Running   0          47s
pod/emailservice-64997dcf97-8fpsd            2/2     Running   0          47s
pod/frontend-c54778dcf-wbgmr                 2/2     Running   0          46s
pod/istio-gateway-istio-8577b948c6-cxl8j     1/1     Running   0          45s
pod/loadgenerator-ccfd4d598-jh6xj            2/2     Running   0          46s
pod/paymentservice-79b77cd7c-6hth7           2/2     Running   0          46s
pod/productcatalogservice-5f75795545-nk5wv   2/2     Running   0          46s
pod/recommendationservice-56dd4c7df5-gnwwr   2/2     Running   0          46s
pod/redis-cart-799c85c644-pxsvt              2/2     Running   0          46s
pod/shippingservice-64f8df74f5-7wllf         2/2     Running   0          45s

NAME                                              CLASS   ADDRESS          READY   AGE   istio   True    45s

NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                        AGE
service/adservice               ClusterIP   <none>           9555/TCP                       49s
service/cartservice             ClusterIP    <none>           7070/TCP                       49s
service/checkoutservice         ClusterIP   <none>           5050/TCP                       49s
service/currencyservice         ClusterIP    <none>           7000/TCP                       49s
service/emailservice            ClusterIP   <none>           5000/TCP                       49s
service/frontend                ClusterIP    <none>           80/TCP                         48s
service/istio-gateway-istio     LoadBalancer   15021:30376/TCP,80:30332/TCP   45s
service/kubernetes              ClusterIP       <none>           443/TCP                        65m
service/paymentservice          ClusterIP    <none>           50051/TCP                      48s
service/productcatalogservice   ClusterIP   <none>           3550/TCP                       48s
service/recommendationservice   ClusterIP    <none>           8080/TCP                       48s
service/redis-cart              ClusterIP   <none>           6379/TCP                       48s
service/shippingservice         ClusterIP    <none>           50051/TCP                      48s

Find the IP address of your Istio gateway and visit the application frontend in a web browser.

INGRESS_HOST="$(kubectl get gateway istio-gateway \
    -o jsonpath='{.status.addresses[*].value}')"
curl -v "http://$INGRESS_HOST"

Additional service mesh demos using Online Boutique

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