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c0decc1 · Mar 3, 2025


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File metadata and controls

66 lines (56 loc) · 5.78 KB

Common 7.0 Upgrade Gotchas - DRAFT -

Experienced while upgrading modules for Grails 7

  • h2 2.x is stricter about reserved words

  • GROOVY-10621

    • Primitive booleans will no longer generate the form of isProperty & getProperty. They will only generate isProperty()
  • The amount of boilerplate required in gradle files has been reduced:

    • When org.grails.grails-plugin gradle plugin is applied, the bootJar task is disabled by default. No more needing to explicitly set it to false!
    • We no longer have a micronaut-bom and a spring-bom. We only have the spring-bom now, which allows grails-bom to inherit from it and be applied as part of the Spring Dependency Management plugin. This means versions do not need included for any library in the bom. Override bom versions via gradle properties.
    • The grailsPublish plugin returns and is no longer an internal only plugin. It has been enhanced to work with some multi-project workflows. Eliminate publishing boilerplate of the nexus-publish, maven-publish, & signing plugin by adopting it.
  • Jar artifacts produced by Grails Plugins will no longer have the suffix -plain

  • GROOVY-5169 GROOVY-10449

    • Fields with a public modifier were not returned with MetaClassImpl#getProperties() in groovy 3, but are now.
  • Some older libraries may include an older version of groovy, but still be compatible with Groovy 4. One example is GPars. In your gradle file, you can force a dependency upgrade via this code:

      configurations.configureEach {
          resolutionStrategy.eachDependency { DependencyResolveDetails details ->
              if ( == 'org.codehaus.groovy') {
                  details.useTarget(group: 'org.apache.groovy', name:, version: '4.0.25')
  • The jakarta package switch means that older libraries using javax will need to be updated to use the correct namespace. The side effect of this change is most grails plugins will likely need updated to be compatible with Grails 7.

  • When migrating a new project to Grails 7, it's advised to generate a stock 7.0 app from and compare the project with a grails app generated from the same grails version that your application uses. This helps catch the dependency clean up that has occurred. Including the additions of new dependencies. Note: due to an issue with project resolution the grails-bom will need explicitly imported in buildSrc or any project that does not apply the grails gradle plugins (grails-plugin, grails-web, or grails-gsp). By default, the grails gradle plugins (grails-plugin, grails-web, grails-gsp) will apply the bom automatically.

  • the gradle property groovyVersion is being replaced with the upstream spring property name groovy.version. Please update your projects accordingly.

  • hibernate-ehcache

    The org.hibernate:hibernate-ehcache library is no longer provided by the org.grails.plugins:hibernate5 plugin. If your application depends on hibernate-ehcache, you must now add it explicitly to your project dependencies.

    Since hibernate-ehcache brings in a conflicting javax version of org.hibernate:hibernate-core, it is recommended to exclude hibernate-core from the hibernate-ehcache dependency to avoid conflicts:

    dependencies {
        implementation 'org.hibernate:hibernate-ehcache:5.6.15.Final', {
            // exclude javax variant of hibernate-core
            exclude group: 'org.hibernate', module: 'hibernate-core'
        runtimeOnly 'org.jboss.spec.javax.transaction:jboss-transaction-api_1.3_spec:2.0.0.Final', {
            // required for hibernate-ehcache to work with javax variant of hibernate-core excluded

NOTE: This document is a draft and the explanations are only highlights and will be expanded further prior to release of 7.0.

New Features

  • grails-gsp #551 adopts a formActionSubmit tag to replace actionSubmit. Dispatching actions via a parameter name on a form submit will be removed in a future version of grails.

Cool New Features

  • You can now @Scaffold Controllers and Services and virtually eliminate any boiler plate code.
  • Hello Exterminator, Good by bugs! Lot's of things started working... and working well! For instance, use of controller namespaces now work seemlessly.
  • Bootstrap 5.3.3 support. Saffolding and Fields tags now optionally support boostrap classes.
  • Priortization of AutoConfiguration over bean overriding.
  • Lightweight, Removal of numerous dependencies.
  • grails-bom overhaul for keeping depedencies up to date and in sync.
  • g:form now automatically provides csrf protection when Spring Security CSRF is enabled.
  • Massive decoupling of dependencies and cleanup between modules. SiteMesh dependencies are no longer compiled into controllers fused between numerous modules. SiteMesh isn't even required to use Grails!
  • SiteMesh ahs been upgrade to SiteMesh 3!
  • Completely up to date modern stack that has been optimized for easier future transitions.
  • GSP can now be used OUTSIDE of Grails! see grails-boot
  • Works with Spring Security 6 out of the box. No plugin needed!
  • Tested and works with Java 17-23 grails-core and grails-functional-tests