Demos how to query the Graph Network Arbitrum Subgraph published to The Graph Network using an API Key obtained on The Graph Studio in a NodeJS
api using fastify framework.
This is a handy way to integrate a subgraph into a nodejs api. It is pretty simple in nature as it just provides a passthrough to the underlying Subgraph GraphQL Schema.
But, it provides your Subgraph in a way that:
- hides your API Key from the client
- allows you to utilize CORS to help prevent non-configured apps/users from querying this API, and therefore your Subgraph
- allows you to add authentication/authorization on this API and only allow authenticated/authorized users of your app to query your Subgraph through this API.
- allows you to provide custom endpoints/resolvers to add additional processing ontop of your Subgraph
# Clone Repo
git clone [email protected]:graphprotocol/query-examples.git
# CD into nodejs example
cd ./examples/nodejs-fastify
# Install bun package manager, if needed
curl -fsSL | bash
# Install deps
bun install
# create env
cp ./.env.example ./.env
# need to set the API_KEY value using an API Key created in subgraph studio
# Run
bun run dev
# Query the Subgraph
curl http://localhost:4000/graphql -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"query": "{_meta{block {number}}}"}'