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You can start your own jupyter-notebook on the login node.
Jupyterhub is available at
Note the "s" in "https".
Some browsers show warning about the invalid certificate. You may manually chose "allow", "trust" or "visit the website" in the settings/permissions/privacy options.
For Safari, click "show details" in the warning page and click "visit the website"
By default, the jupyter-notebook use the system python installation as the backend kernel, which may have some functionality/compatibility issues. These are usually resolved by replacing it with the python in the modules.
For example, to use the module python2 as the default python2 kernel for jupyter:
module load python/python-2.7.18
ipython kernel install --user --display-name "Python Module 2.7.18"
This will creat or overwrite the config file at ~/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/python2
. Now open a new python notebook, and select the Kernel->change kernel
menu, you will see the newly configured kernel there.
To do so, you need ipykernel package installed in your virtual environment.
Assume that you have created your own virtual environment named MYENV and activated.
Install ipykernel, pip install ipykernel
Then configure it
python -m ipykernel install --user --name MYENV --display-name "abc"
The virtual environment MYENV is shown as abc in your jupyternotebook.
前期准备:拥有自己的conda环境,并且环境中安装配置了jupyter netobook。
创建文件touch jupyternotebook.pbs
#PBS -N jupyternotebook
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -q normal
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l walltime=71:00:00
### Set intel environment###
module load anaconda/anaconda3
conda activate inspur03
nohup jupyter notebook >jupyternotebook.file 2>&1 &
sleep 6000
换成自己的conda环境,sleep 6000
过60分钟后任务结束,可以自己调节。使用qsub ./jupyternotebook.pbs
文件,可以使用cat jupyternotebook.file | grep http
命令看到jupyter notebook运行的计算节点和端口
[inspur03@login02 ~]$ cat jupyternotebook.file | grep http
[I 10:42:14.172 NotebookApp] http://gr32:18890/
然后在本地打开一个新的远程界面,输入ssh -L 2567:gr32:18890 [email protected] -fN
是jupyter notebook自动生成的计算节点和端口,user
就可以打开jupyter notebook了(注意:使用http,不要使用https
请记住关闭已经停止运行的python进程,它会消耗大量的内存,登录jupyterhub网址:,通过点击关机按钮关闭, 如下图所述:
如果你需要内存很大并且时间较长的jupyter、ipython程序,可以通过提交interactive job在计算节点进行,或者改写成python脚本直接提交。