This is a short, point wise summary about the pitfalls of requirements writing. the Original Document can be found [here]( Good Requirements.pdf)
Good Requirement are necessary, Verifiable, Attainable
How to test:
- Need If there is a doubt about the necessity of a requirement, then ask: What is the worst thing that could happen if this requirement were not included? If you do not find an answer of any consequence, then you probably do not need the requirement.
- Verification As you write a requirement, determine how you will verify it. Determine the criteria for acceptance. This step will help insure that the requirement is verifiable.
- Attainable To be attainable, the requirement must be technically feasible and fit within budget, schedule, and other constraints. If you are uncertain about whether a requirement is technically feasible, then you will need to conduct the research or studies to determine its feasibility. If still uncertain, then you may need to state what you want as a goal, not as a requirement. Even is a requirement is technically feasible, it may not be attainable due to budget, schedule, or other, e.g., weight, constraints. There is no point in writing a requirement for something you cannot afford -- be reasonable.
- Clarity Each requirement should express a single thought, be concise, and simple. It is important that the requirement not be misunderstood -- it must be unambiguous. Simple sentences will most often suffice for a good requirement.
- Making bad assumptions
- Writing implementation (HOW) instead of requirements (WHAT)
- Describing operations instead of writing requirements
- Using incorrect terms
- Using incorrect sentence structure or bad grammar
- Missing requirements
- Over-specifying
Not enough or not the right amount of information
There are two major dangers in stating implementation. The one most often cited is that of forcing a design when not intended. The second danger is more subtle and potentially much more detrimental. By stating implementation, the author may be lulled into believing that all requirements are covered. In fact, very important requirements may be missing, and the provider can deliver what as asked for and still not deliver what is wanted. The Implementation Trap. If you have been doing design studies at a low level, you may begin to document these results as high level requirements -- this is the implementation trap. You will be defining implementation instead of requirements.
In a specification, there are terms to be avoided and terms that must be used in a very specific manner. Authors need to understand the use of shall, will, and should:
- Requirements use shall.
- Statements of fact use will.
- Goals use should.
Subject Trap. Bad Grammar. If you use bad grammar you risk that the reader will misinterpret what is stated.
Every requirement must be verified. Ambiguous Term A major cause of unverifiable requirements is the use of ambiguous terms. The terms are ambiguous because they are subjective -- they mean something different to everyone who reads them. This can be avoided by giving people words to avoid. The following lists ambiguous words that we have encountered.
- Minimize
- Maximize
- Rapidq
- User-friendly
- Easy
- Sufficient
- Adequate
- Quick
Missing items can be avoided by using a standard outline for your specification, such as those shown in Mil- Std-490 or IEEE P1233, and expanding the outline for your program. Checklist missing requirements:
- Functional
- Performance
- Interface
- Environment
- Deployment
- Transportation
- Deployment
- Training
- Personnel
- Reliability
- Maintainability
- Operability
- Safety
- Regulatory
- Security
- Privacy
- Design constraints
The DoD has stated that over-specification is the primary cause of cost overruns on their programs. Over-specifying is most often from stating something that is unnecessary or from stating overly stringent requirements. Unnecessary Items. Unnecessary requirements creep into a specification in a number of ways. The only cure is careful management review and control. Over Stringent. Most requirements that are too stringent are that way accidentally, not intentionally. A common cause is when an author writes down a number but does not consider the tolerances that are allowable.