In order to use envoy, you will need to download the following project from the link . After downloading the project from the above link, Download the cronet.arr files from ReadMe file or click on the below links. There are two variants of cronet.
Download both and Copy these files and paste it into directory cronet which is inside folder android.
Importing this project as a module into your project:
Mark check on import module name: cronet and module name: envoy Mark uncheck on import module name: demo
Your project’s minimum sdk should be 21
Add following dependencies into your build.gradle (Module:app)
implementation project(path: ':envoy')
releaseImplementation project(path: ':cronet', configuration: 'release')
debugImplementation project(path: ':cronet', configuration: 'debug')
if you are using OkHttp then add this dependency
implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:4.6.0'
if you are using Volley then add this dependency
implementation ''
Now sync and build the project. Envoy has successfully integrated into your project. For various libraries, refer to libraries.