This light-weight OpenStack Python API merely wraps the REST API.
For an example of how to use the api see examples/
You will need to create a file with the following variables:
# Needed to use the API
USER = 'myuser@somedomain' # Just your regular username.
PASSWORD = 'MYPASSWORD' # From the Dashboard/credentials page (in the NeCTAR case it is NOT the password you use to login).
KEYSTONE_URL = '' # The Keystone URL (this is the default NeCTAR URL)
# These values are only needed if you're planning on running the unit tests. These are usually automatically determined by the API. Here are some examples.
To run the unit tests use (you will need to have nose installed):
nosetests tests/
WARNING: Be aware that, at the moment, the unit tests run against OpenStack using your credentials. The tests do stuff like renaming instances and setting metadata.