diff --git a/profile/tinuskariah@mulearn.md b/profile/tinuskariah@mulearn.md
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+# Tinu Merin Skariah
+### About Me
+I am a third year B.Tech Computer Science student at Providence College Of Engineering, Chengannur. I am a self-motivated and independent student with a passion to learn and grow. I believe in the concept of life-long learning and the need to upskill ourselves as we grow. I have a beginner level understanding about front-end and back-end. I am an aspiring software developer and am currently UI/UX design in detail. I have experience interacting with databases such as MySQL. I have a good knowledge of JAVA and C. I welcome opportunities to grow and learn especially internships and projects. 
+### Portfolio Highlights
+#### History of Open Source Contributions:
+I am still learning various tools and technologies so I have not been very active in contributions and hadn't thought about open source contribution. I am interested in open source contribution after acquiring all the necessary skills.
+#### History of Community Engagement:
+ - Led group projects in Protek(Tech Event) at Providence College Of Engineering.
+ - Had attended various interniships  in Keltron.
+ - Had participated in various tech related programs.
+#### Competitive Website Profiles:
+- Attended multiple hackathons
+- Started solved problems in hackerrank.
+- GitHub: https://github.com/Tinu-Skariah
+- Mulearn:tinuskariah@mulearn
+#### Leadership and Influence:
+- IEDC lead at Providence Collge Of Engineering.
+- Coding committee head in upcoming Providence Techfest.
+#### Networking:
+- Have built strong networks through LinkedIn.
+- Strong networking skills demonstrated through active participation in techfest, hackathons, ideathons.
+#### As a Top 100 Member:
+- Believing that being part of Top 100 will open doors to new opportunities, foster innovation, and boost my career.
+- Network with tech enthusiasts, encourage learning and growth, contribute to the tech ecosystem, and inspire others through my journey.
+#### Career Plan:
+- Continue to enhance my knowledge in software development while exploring new domains and technologies that align with my interests.
+- Improve my skills and ensure peer learning among students.
+- I also aim to provide sustainable solutions to serious problems faced in Kerala.
+#### Thoughts on Kerala's Tech Ecosystem:
+- A distinguishing factor of Kerala's approach is its unique model of collaboration, uniting educational institutions, industries, research centres, and startups.
+- The initiatives of KSUM present huge opportunities for students to improve their creative thinking skills and put forward ideas for a better future.
+- The government's support initiatives, exemplified by the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM), play a pivotal role in nurturing the tech ecosystem. Financial incentives, mentorship programs, and infrastructure development all contribute to the ecosystem's growth and success.