- Create a mobile hotspot in your machine (username and password must be this: username:octobouncer psswd: octobouncer123)
- Download "Desktop 5.1 build.rar" and exract
- Run "OctoBouncer Desktop.exe"
- Install mobile 4.2 Build.apk
- Run mobile 4.2 Build.apk (Enter your host machine ip address and port. Port must be 7000. Exp: Ip Address: Port:7000) NOTE: Must be on the same network with the host machine.
- Run Raspberry pi via VNC Server Application. (You can see Raspberry Pi IP address with click Mobile Hotspot setting)
- Open the raspberry terminal and enter this command : "python3 /home/pi/Embedded/final_project_socket.py
- Now You are ready to send command via Desktop Application.
- Create a mobile hotspot in your machine (username and password must be this: username:octobouncer psswd: octobouncer123)
- Download "DesktopLinux46Final.zip" and exract
- Go to DesktopLinux46Final and use $chmod +x Desktop_4.26_Build_Linux.x86_64
- run $sudo ./Desktop_4.26_Build_Linux.x86_64
- Install mobile 4.2 Build.apk NOTE: Must be on the same network with the host machine.
- Run mobile 4.2 Build.apk (Enter your host machine ip address and port. Port must be 7000. Exp: Ip Address: Port:7000)
- Run Raspberry pi via VNC Server (You can see Raspberry Pi IP address with click Mobile Hotspot setting)
- Open the raspberry terminal and enter this command : "python3 /home/pi/Embedded/final_project_socket.py
- Now You are ready to send command via Desktop Application.