1.0.2 (2023-07-26)
- FileSystems.getFileSystem does not return existing filesystem. (#717) (66f3cdf)
- S3OutputStream write/close checks should be thread-safe. (#721) (64c5ed8)
- upgrade: bump junit to 5.10.0 (#732) (86cebb0)
- upgrade: bump org.apache.tika:tika-core from 2.5.0 to 2.8.0 (#700) (f132151)
- Clean up the S3FileSystem.key2Parts method. (#476) (1dff817)
- snapshot: Prepare for v1.0.2 (#722) (fc7d1ac)
- Allow builds from external contributors (#728) (ff7d3a3)
- Allow builds from external contributors (#729) (f1fa773)
- Customize changelog sections. (a28f66f)
- Fine-tune build triggers. (#728) (4cbffaa)
- Incorrect change logs are auto-generated in release prs (#727) (7b45fa2)
1.0.1 (2023-05-30)
- Use Multipart upload API to upload files larger than 5 GB (#95)
- Switch the NIO implementation to use AsynchronousFileChannel instead of FileChannel (#99)
- Create a custom provider for AwsRegionProviderChain (#100)
- Implement support for deleting directories recursively (#163)
- Allow long file names to be uploaded to S3 (#167)
- Unable to change directories when exposed via Mina SFTP (#146)
- Upgrade to the latest
(#11) - Upgrade to
(#63) - Replaced
(#9) - Update all Maven dependencies to their latest versions (#7)
- Update all Maven plugins to their latest versions (#8)
- Migrated to Gradle (#692)
- Removed obsolete and stale code from JDK 6 and 7 times.
- Set dual license to Apache 2.0 and MIT (#2)
- Re-indent code according to the Carlspring style (#3)
- Change the project's artifact coordinates (#4)
- Refactor package names to use
(#5) - Remove all unnecessary
in method definitions (#10) - Migrate to JUnit 5.x (#12)
- Integration tests must clean up after execution (#120)
- Convert the configuration properties to use dots instead of underscores (#136)
- snapshot: Prepare for v1.0.0 (#705) (6b5da67)
- Added documentation by reverse engineering
- Set up a project documentation site using mkdocs and it to github.io publish (#22)
- Re-work the README.md (#13)
- Added a code of conduct
- Added a
- Set up issue templates (#14)
- Set up pull request templates (#15)
- Set up project labels (#16)
- Set up Github Actions (#17)
- Set up GitGuardian (#18)
- Set up Sonarcloud analysis (#19)
- Set up Snyk.io (#20)
- Set up badges (#21)
- Set up build and release pipeline (#691)
- Set up CodeQL scanning.
- Set up depenadabot.