Java Class Finder tool to search .jar and .zip files for Java classes.
ClassFinder does provide a CLI as well as a GUI. When no parameters are provided ClassFinder will try to instantiate a GUI on an X11 terminal. If this isn't successful, either because $DISPLAY hasn't been exported appropriately or be cause no X11 terminal exists, the program will automatically print its CLI parameters and exit:
Usage: java -jar ClassFinder.jar|com.optit.ClassFinder -d [directory] -c [classname] -m -v -help|-h|--help|-?
[-d] The directory to search in
[-c] The classname to search for
[-m] Match case
[-r] Recursive search (search sub directories)
[-v] Enables verbose output
[-help|--help|-h|-?] Display this help
The class name can either just be the class name (e.g. String) or the fully qualified name (e.g. java.lang.String)
Good hunting!