- Better updater
- Choose between release and nightly version
- Update put cheats in stray cheats folder or download only cheats for games the user owns
- Download only save editors for games the player owns
- Open source server part so people can host their own
- Multiple update servers support
- Via extra sysmodule, possibly map buttons to button sequences, multi buttons, etc?
- Batch backup/restore button
- Open cheat menu automatically if game is running
- Don't allow backup/restore/edit while a game is running
Allow overclocking config
- Display info icons above game icon
- Running game
- Running with cheats
- Has save editor
- Beta save editor
- ???
- Status bar
- Time
- Battery percentage
- EdiZon version
- Connected to PC client
- Connected to the internet
- Notifications!
- Viewable in a separate menu
- All game list
- Different sorting options
- Maybe different display styles?
- Buttons
- Manual button
- Notifications button
- Credits button
- Updater button
- Built-in Guide
- How does save backup/restore work?
- How does save editing work?
- How do cheats work?
- How to use the cheat engine?
How to use the overclocking service? - More in-depth guide in the Electron app
- Backup/Restore of save files as usual
- Upload/Download of save files to open source self hostable servers
- Upload of current save file and previously backed up save files
- Download and direct injecting of uploaded save files or saving for later
- Swap current save file with backed up one
- Batch backups + Restoring of batch backups
- Optional description for backups
- Current save file displayed next to all backed up save files in list
- Access to save files over USB/TCP via electron client
- Wipe save file feature
- Copy save file from one profile to another directly
- Editing using config and script files as before (Lua + Python)
- Automatic save states before editing for easy revert back
- Custom UIs using script files
- Custom button, text, images and widget layouts to fit every use case
- Allow complete access to all save files in the save file system
- Allow access to a folder on the SD card as well to load resources
- Allow access to the internet
- Hex/Text view of save files on console
- Display TID, PID and BID
- Memory layout view with better explainations
- Interface with dmnt:cht to select running cheats
configuration option - Stray cheats folder
- Cheat renaming to current buildID
- Proper error messages why cheats didn't get loaded
- Limited on-console cheat engine
- Search types
- Data types
- Memory Regions
- Search types
- Full cheat finder through additional sysmodule + electron client over USB/TCP
- Extract and launch sysmodule when needed
- Additional features to the above ones
Find pointers
Follow pointer
- Direct memory read and writing in hex-editor style
- Watch window
- Memory breakpoints with conditionals