Thank you for considering contributing to this project. Your help is very much appreciated!
When contributing, it's better to first discuss the change you wish to make via issue or discussion, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.
All members of our community are expected to follow our Code of Conduct. Please make sure you are welcoming and friendly in all of our spaces.
Note Due to the recent release, the modalities of contribution could change during the time.
In order to contribute and start the project locally, you can follow these 2 guides:
- Run on your machine
- Run on CodeSandbox Projects without having to install and run the project locally
To start contributing to the project, you have to fork this repository and clone it to your local machine:
git clone
This repository uses pnpm to manage multiple projects. You need to install pnpm 7 or higher and Node.js v16 or higher.
You can run the following commands in your terminal to check your local Node.js and npm versions:
node -v
pnpm -v
Once in the project's root directory, you can run the following command to install the project's dependencies:
pnpm install
Make sure you create a new branch for your changes. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:
git checkout -b feat/my-feature
In order to prepare your environment correctly, you need to have Docker
installed in your machine to launch the
docker-compose -f apps/api/ -p codeimage up -d
As soon as the containers are all ready, you can launch the prepare:env
script to configure your environment variables automatically.
pnpm prepare:env
It is a small cli that will guide you to the correct configuration.
WARNING Be sure to enable the Auth0 mock if you don't have a properly configured account with environment variables.
After configuring everything Prisma migrations will be launched to generate the types.
After your environment is configured, you can run the following command to start the development server:
pnpm libs:build # Build dependent libraries
pnpm app:dev
Now you can open http://localhost:4200 in your browser to see the project's site.
You can access the API backend server through http://localhost:3000
You will be able to access the Project repository through this link:
Preview of CodeSandbox projects with Fork action
You don't know CodeSandbox Projects?
- We follow Conventional Commits in our commit messages, i.e.
feat(core): improve typing
- Make sure you cover all code changes with unit tests
- When you are ready, create Pull Request of your fork into original repository