A one-stop-shop for the stylish wear
Pop-up to for newsletter.
Stops popping up after ~10 user visits or if they have already registered for it.
Used email.js to send email, which icludes a one time $20 discount code per user.
Collects emails in firebase (scalability)
Product items with sale prices & categories.
Payment through Stripe.
Email, google & github login. Signout with firebase.
React Icons, icon8 & heroIcons
React router
Fake store API for json products. Axios for handling http requests from node.js
State management
Redux Tookit, Persist & Devtools.
Rather than setting up & connecting the state management and then praying that it works, redux devtools is as critical as the Postman & chrome devtools.
Persist to store cache (redux store payload-> states -> initialValues & action to mutate with action in reducers) on user's local storage.
Keeps states on browser refresh on unencrypted async storage on React native's store
React Toastify to handle notifications
Firebase to stores user info for authentication & authorization
Stripe to handle payments with auth in node.js.
TailwindCss, React, Node, Express
Did not account for all edge cases with the redux reducers as I added more features to the project like the discount, modals & tax.
Had to revise the reducers & states multiple times. I always create flowcharts & a sketch mock-up of what I want my project to be
however, it would be best to compile all the resources online of all the features I want to implement before I begin.
Would save me a lot more time.
When testing the server with simple http request with POSTMAN, it worked until I tried to make payments through the UI.
I tried the in-build resource fetch API instead of axios, with a bearer & stripe token from the UI but it not work.
Also solutions included specified the which domains could make requests to the server but that also failed.
I knew I was getting close to the solution when the error on chrome devtool went from 'Network error' to 'Network Refused'.
This told be that it was a cors error, that made STRIPE to block the authorization. The solution was to explicitly allow
domains to make requests '*' & a header for the 'POST' request.
//Force cors & stripe error
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*');
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', '*');
res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'POST');
Clone the project. Add environment variable for STRIPE & public API keys for email.js
npm run dev
nodemon index.js
Deployed on Render