The KubeSphere steering committee is created for overseeing the operation of the project such as governance, administration and marketing. Please note the committee will evolve as the community grows.
The steering committee focuses on the operation of the project, while technical oversight committee (TOC) focuses on technical aspects of the project. Specifically, the responsibilities of this committee are as follows.
- Set up and evolve the mission, vision and value of the project.
- Create policies and rules of the project including defining the types of developers and how to become one of them, for instance, how a contributor becomes a member or maintainer of the project.
- Create TOC and appoint TOC members
- Be responsible for how to develop any assets regarding marketing such as website, forum, events, etc.
| Benjamin Huo | @benjaminhuo
| Zhengyi Lai | @zheng1
| Calvin Yu | @calvinyv
| Jeff Zhang | @zryfish
| Pengfei Zhou | @FeynmanZhou
| Ray Zhou | @rayzhou2017
The KubeSphere steering committee meets bi-weekly on every other Wednesday mornings. The meeting notes are open to the committee members only because of the nature of the discussions.