- https://reactresources.com/topics/apollo
- https://reactresources.com/topics/graphql
- GraphQL Schema Best Practices - by Rodrigo Raminez
- GraphQL best practices for GraphQL schema design - quite extensive
- GraphQL Best Practices Resources and Design Patterns - 2019/08
- GraphQL Schema Design Best Practices -2019/12
- Common anti-patterns in GraphQL schema design - 2020
- Battle-Hardened API Patterns from Two Years in Production (Kiyan Azarbar) - 2018/12 - video
- GraphQL API pagination implementation - 2017
- Pagination tutorial
- Understanding pagination: REST, GraphQL, and Relay - 2016
- Step by step guide to pagination in GraphQL - 2021/04
- Effortless Pagination with GraphQL and Relay? Really! - 2020/01
- Cursor and Offset Pagination Techniques with Hasura GraphQL -2019/11
RestQL - Using GraphQL for building REST APIs - 2017 <- USE SERVER-SIDE!
How Absinthe Uses Compilation Callbacks for Schema Validation in Elixir
Testing the Tricky Parts of an Absinthe Application - 2020/08
- Organize your GraphQL files in a Phoenix project - 2019/09
- Absinthe Tips and Tricks - 2018/09
- Writing an Absinthe Phase - 2018
- A proposal for an Absinthe application structure - 2020/01
- Server-side GraphQL Querying with Elixir Absinthe - 2019/01
Designing GraphQL Schemas: Avoid the downsides of GraphQL's flexibility - Nik Graf - 2019/11
Good intro in Russian:
Coding tutorials
ElixirConf 2019 - GraphQL Based Microservices in Elixir - Donald Ford - 2019/08
Hubert Łępicki - Functional APIs with GraphQL & Elixir - Code BEAM Lite Berlin 18
code.talks 2018 Echtzeitapplikationen mit Elixir und GraphQL - 2018
Bruce Williams - A GraphQL-on-Elixir Primer - Code Beam SF 2018
https://github.com/2fd/graphdoc#demos (Docs generator)
- Relay
- Appolo ( most popular and good?)
- https://github.com/FormidableLabs/urql
https://github.com/PetrNikolas/blazeee - Blazeee: Elixir/Phoenix starter kit for modern development. (Elixir/Phoenix API, GraphQL - Absinthe, JWT authentication, Postgres, Docker, Travis, Gitlab CI, Swagger)
- 🚇 An example of creating GraphQL Subscriptions over WebSockets using Absinthe and Phoenix Channels