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37 lines (28 loc) · 3.69 KB

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37 lines (28 loc) · 3.69 KB


2.2.0 (unreleased)

2.1.2 (2019-17-01)

  • Removed most of the test suite from the npm package, except PublicRole.behavior.js, which may be useful to users testing their own Roles.

2.1.1 (2019-04-01)

  • Version bump to avoid conflict in the npm registry.

2.1.0 (2019-04-01)

New features:

  • Now targeting the 0.5.x line of Solidity compilers. For 0.4.24 support, use version 2.0 of OpenZeppelin.
  • WhitelistCrowdsale: a crowdsale where only whitelisted accounts (WhitelistedRole) can purchase tokens. Adding or removing accounts from the whitelist is done by whitelist admins (WhitelistAdminRole). Similar to the pre-2.0 WhitelistedCrowdsale. (#1525, #1589)
  • RefundablePostDeliveryCrowdsale: replacement for RefundableCrowdsale (deprecated, see below) where tokens are only granted once the crowdsale ends (if it meets its goal). (#1543)
  • PausableCrowdsale: allows for pausers (PauserRole) to pause token purchases. Other crowdsale operations (e.g. withdrawals and refunds, if applicable) are not affected. (#832)
  • ERC20: transferFrom and _burnFrom now emit Approval events, to represent the token's state comprehensively through events. (#1524)
  • ERC721: added _burn(uint256 tokenId), replacing the similar deprecated function (see below). (#1550)
  • ERC721: added _tokensOfOwner(address owner), allowing to internally retrieve the array of an account's owned tokens. (#1522)
  • Crowdsales: all constructors are now public, meaning it is not necessary to extend these contracts in order to deploy them. The exception is FinalizableCrowdsale, since it is meaningless unless extended. (#1564)
  • SignedSafeMath: added overflow-safe operations for signed integers (int256). (#1559, #1588)


  • The compiler version required by Array was behind the rest of the libray so it was updated to v0.4.24. (#1553)
  • Now conforming to a 4-space indentation code style. (1508)
  • ERC20: more gas efficient due to removed redundant requires. (#1409)
  • ERC721: fixed a bug that prevented internal data structures from being properly cleaned, missing potential gas refunds. (#1539 and #1549)
  • ERC721: general gas savings on transferFrom, _mint and _burn, due to redudant requires and SSTOREs. (#1549)


Breaking changes:


  • ERC721._burn(address owner, uint256 tokenId): due to the owner parameter being unnecessary. (#1550)
  • RefundableCrowdsale: due to trading abuse potential on crowdsales that miss their goal. (#1543)