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Table of Contents


This is a Python based application that was created for the purpose of DEMO. This application does not specific operation that has any business value.

This application can be used as a reference application while you are trying to build your own custom application that you want to deploy on the Cloud.

This application can be run and tested both on the local machine as well as the Predix Cloud. The Following section of the document contain a detailed list of all the Tech-Stack required to run this application on local machines for testing and development purpose before it is deployed onto the Predix Cloud.

Tech-Stack Requirements

The following section details the tech-stack requirement that needs to be met for you to be able to test and run this application locally. Any other versions not mentioned in the section below haven't been tested and can be used at your own discretion.

  1. Python 2.7.6
  2. Redis >= 3.0
  3. PostgreSQL >= 9.3.X
  4. Python pip = 8.1.1
  5. Any Code editor of your choice.


This section of the document contains details on how to setup the local environment for you to be able to run/test and develop this application locally.

All commands mentioned in the following section refer to a Linux System. You will have to replace them with their equivalent Windows commands if required.

  1. Setup the Tech-Stack Details mentioned in the section above. Install the versions and softwares as applicable to your machines.
  2. Install Python Library dependencies. sudo pip install requirements.txt
  3. Start the Following Services if they are not already running. sudo service postgresql start && sudo service redis_6379 status
  4. Reset PostgreSQL password for the user postgres to password
  1. Restart the Services for PostgreSQL. sudo services postgresql restart
  2. Clone this Repository.


Usage - Run - Local Machines

Running this application on local machine is just a single command away.


After you run the above command, point the URL to the address mentioned in the Command line using your favorite browser and voila.

Usage - Push to

Before you can push this application into the machine, there are a few pre-requisites that are to be done from your side. Following section of the document contains a detailed information on what needs to be done.

Setting Up

Follow the setps described below to setup the Predix

  1. Create an account on Cloud.
  2. Create a Space
  3. Follow the Instructions and tutorials in the Cloud. to setup Cloud Foundry items on your machine.
  4. Access the Catalog Section to Setup Some basic services.
  5. Key-Value Store : Redis Name this service as dev
  6. SQL Database : PostgreSQL Name this service as testpsql
  7. Setup CF login in your machine.

Pushing to Cloud

This application is a generic application build for the purpose of Demo and can easily be published onto the Cloud with very minimal changes. The following set of changes are essential.

  1. Modify the manifest.yml file to change the application name.
  - name: predix-demo-raildocs-python #Modify this Application name to a Unique name.
    memory: 1G
    build_pack: python_buildpack
    command: python
    stack: cflinuxfs2
    services: # If you have named your services differently, update them.
    - dev  # Redis Service
    - testpsql  # PostgreSQL Service

2.Perform a cf push from directory where manifest.yml file exists.

Customizing and Using

This application can be customized and modified before you can push to the Cloud as well. And follows steps are to be done in order to make sure that there are no problem while doing so.

  1. Update the Code and Test on Local machine using
  2. Follow the Steps mentioned in the above section.

Application Routing - Help

This application has some basic routing modes built for the purpose of testing and demo. Below is a list of all the Routes that are available and what each of them do.

Routing Paths Python Function Description
/ home This is the base page that loads up when you point the URL to the default Application Home Page
/sample sample This is the first sample URL that routes away from the Home page into a new page/URL
/signup signup This is the HTML form that is used to perform a POST request on the Application
/submit submit This is the HTML page that renders after the request from /signup is successfully completed
/redis-signup redis_signup This is the HTML form that is used to perform a POST request on the application with REDIS and PostgreSQL
/redis-submit redis_submit This is the HTML page that renders after the request from /redis-signup is successfully completed
/redis-rest-submit create_redis_item This is the RESTful Function responsible for storing data into Redis and PostgreSQL.
/get-redis get_redis This is the HTML page that contains the details of each Key-Value pair in REDIS
/redis-status redis_status This is the HTML page that displays the REDIS status information
/postgres-status postgres_status This is the HTML page that displays the PostgreSQL status information
/get-postgres get_postgres This is the HTML page that displays the data stored in PostgreSQL's DEMO table.

Application Structure

The following section contains the infomration about the Directory strucutre of this application.

|--                      # Main Application File.
|--                   # Global Config Settings File
|--          # PostgreSQL Handler
|--             # Redis Handler
|-- manifest.yml                # CF Manifest File
|-- predix-python-demo.iml      # IntelliJ IDEA Config File.
|-- Procfile                    # Proc File
|--                   # Readme.
|-- requirements.txt            # Pip Installation List
|-- static
|   `-- style.css               # Static Style Sheet File.
`-- templates 
    |-- error.html              # Error Display Page.
    |-- index.html              # Home Page Template
    |-- postgres.html           # PostgreSQL Info Dispaly Template
    |-- postgres_status.html    # PostgreSQL Status Display Template
    |-- redis.html              # Redis Key-Value Display Template
    |-- redis_status.html       # Redis Status Display Template
    |-- sample.html             # Sample Template File.
    |-- signup.html             # HTML Submit Form
    `-- submit.html             # HTML Respose Page.