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139 lines (117 loc) · 5.36 KB

LaplacianOpt.jl Change Log


  • Clean up of round_zeros_ones!, laplacian_matrix, _violated_eigen_vector, weighted_adjacency_matrix, edge_combinations, optimal_graph_edges functions
  • Added support for cheeger constant of graph based on set cardinality (updated MILP formulation) and set volume definitions


  • Solver logging option added in optimizers.jl
  • Added option minors_on_augment_edges to include principal minor cuts only corresponding to vertices with augmentable edges - helps in reducing run times
  • Cleaned up get_minor_idx function to make it more efficient
  • Function _PMinorIdx gets updated accordingly
  • Minor bug fix in heuristics.jl
  • Minor bug fix in handling 1x1 principal minors
  • Added SLAM dataset instances


  • Minor fix for testing eigen cut orthogonality if projected_eigen_cuts is active


  • Readme update for dark/light theme logo display
  • Fixed Docs compile issue
  • Updated 100 and 60 nodes instances with solutions
  • Minor updates in graphviz logging in log.jl
  • plot_solutions.jl script added to plot graphs


  • Added mutiple heuristics to handle both spanning trees and graphs with loops
  • Refactored log.jl to handle solutions from heuristics
  • Included more user options for heuristic in model_options
  • Cleaned up populating and logging of eigen cuts
  • Updated docs and unit tests to reflect above changes


  • Generalized eigen cuts to handle any size of non-negative minors (2x2-NxN)
  • Dropped support for constraint_eigen_cuts_on_2minors and constraint_eigen_cuts_on_3minors
  • Cleaned up project eigen-cuts, and applies to all sub-matrix sizes
  • Added more dense-graph instances in src/examples folder (60 nodes)
  • Added src/examples/solutions which conntains optimal/best-known solutions for all the dense-graph instances
  • Updated docs and unit tests to reflect above changes


  • Added more dense-graph instances, including the 9, 25 and 40 nodes instances in src/examples folder.
  • Added reference to the paper


  • Moved all the model options (including cuts) to types.jl into LaplacianOptModelOptions, a struct form
  • Streamlined default options for LaplacianOptModelOptions
  • Clean up in data.jl
  • Added evaluation of cheeger constant
  • Added option to input best_incumbent to warm-start the solver
  • Added certificate of optimality for MISDP problem
  • Bug fix in cycle elimination cuts and clean up of flow cuts
  • Added Pkg dependency
  • Updated docs and unit tests to reflect above changes


  • Logo update in
  • added in the src/examples


  • Minor change in src/variables.jl
  • Added JuliaFormatter.toml and formatting workfow


  • Includes adjacency of base and augments graphs in results dictionary
  • Constraints added to support cycle graphs with max algberaic connectivity using hamiltonian_cycle in graph_type
  • _is_flow_cut_valid can handle variable number of edges to be verified in cutset
  • Added support for subtour elimination constraints
  • Added option for time_limit in params (default = 10800 s)
  • Clean up in data.jl for logging


  • Update in log.jl for handling close to zero integral solutions before rounding
  • Update in lopt_model.jl to handle displaying edge wts in plotting
  • Updated function references (for docs) in data.jl and utility.jl


  • Breaking changes: Major restructuring of data format and generalization for max. algebraic connectivity edge augmentation problem
  • Data now takes a base graph with existing edges and the edges which can be augmented
  • User input on the budget of edges to be augmented
  • data.jl updates to support new, generic data format
  • Bug fix and clean-up in topology flow cuts for connected components
  • Added support for eigen cuts on 2x2 minors
  • Added support for eigen cuts on 3x3 minors
  • Added logo to the package
  • Docs and tests updated to reflect above changes


  • Added support for MOI v1.0+
  • Added support for Graphs v1.0+
  • Added support for JuMP v1.0+


  • Added support for Graphs v1.5+, 1.6+
  • Added support for JuMP v1.0+
  • Added support for MOI v1.1+


  • Fixed Tikzgraph issue in tests
  • Transitioned from LightGraphs to Graphs
  • Updated and cleaned up examples/optimizers.jl
  • src/data.jl cleanup for handling "optimizer"
  • Minor docs update


  • Added CITATION.bib
  • Added support for Gurobi MIP solver in examples/optimizers.jl
  • Updated LO to LOpt
  • lopt_model.jl function calls updated with LOpt
  • Minor docs cleanups


  • Updated types to handle graph structs, GraphData
  • Updated docs for utility functions
  • Updated units tests to cover GraphData


  • Types bug fix for constructor in LaplacianOptModel
  • Updated tests in max span tree model
  • Updated cleaned-up docs


  • Clean up of plot functions in log.jl
  • Clean up of docs
  • Bug fix in tests for plots


  • Added utility functions for evaluation of algebraic connectivity
  • Added utility functions for evaluation of fieder vector
  • Support for SOC relaxations for upper bounds
  • Documentation stable update
  • More unit tests for SOC and utility functions


  • Initial function-based working implementation
  • Added preliminary documentation
  • Added preliminary unit tests
  • Github Actions set-up