This is the Torch Implementation for Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution paper.
Preliminary working example and output has been uploaded. I'll update soon with better ones.
Trained on 256x256 resized images
Style Image -- Content Image -- Output (256x256) version
Output (512x512) version
th main.lua -style style_image.jpg -dir <path to training images>
th stylize.lua -test test_image.lua -model <path to trained model file>
- Only Style Transfer has been implemented so far
- Updated code to reflect changes in the paper for removing border artifacts
- Residual architecture and non-residual (flattened) architecture implemented
- Average pooling and Max pooling options
- Video version coming soon. Check out this example in Chainer
Unfortunately it is not fully CPU compatible yet and requires a GPU to run
Torch Packages - Image,XLua,Cutorch,Cunn,Optim,
- Trained on MS COCO TrainSet (~80,000 images) over two epochs on a NVIDIA TitanX gpu. Takes about ~6 hours
- Model file is available