fix(ios): deliver payload to frontend handler when app in background
fix(ios): deliver payload to frontend handler when app in background
Force push
16 days ago
fix(ios): deliver payload to frontend handler when app in background
fix(ios): deliver payload to frontend handler when app in background
Deleted branch
fix(ios): correctly set foreground flag when forceShow is enabled
fix(ios): correctly set foreground flag when forceShow is enabled
Deleted branch
Deleted branch
Deleted branch
fix(ios): to not trigger notificationReceived when notificationMessag…
fix(ios): to not trigger notificationReceived when notificationMessag…
fix(ios): update forceShow documentation to match android
fix(ios): update forceShow documentation to match android
Force push
fix(ios): update forceShow documentation to match android
fix(ios): update forceShow documentation to match android
fix(ios): forceShow to display toast but trigger event until tapped
fix(ios): forceShow to display toast but trigger event until tapped
Deleted branch
fix(android): add missing import
fix(android): add missing import