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564 lines (394 loc) · 25.5 KB

What's News

The C++AG Union members remain on strike today after negotiations over a new contract broke down. The biggest unresolved issue is over royalties collected per execution of line of code that they wrote.

As An (Array) Actor, What's My Motivation?

Think about the poor professor who needs to write an application to adjust their student's quiz scores. The professor's application will need to read in their students' IDs from a file, prompt for and read their quiz grades (interactively -- i.e., from the keyboard), prompt for and read the curve value (again, interactively), adjust the scores accordingly, and print the updated scores for each student.

For a class of three students, that's relatively easy: The professor just needs to

  1. declare three variables to store three IDs, and three grades;
  2. declare a variable to store the curve;
  3. do the necessary input/output (I/O) for the three students;
  4. adjust the scores for each of the three students; and
  5. print the three students' results.

Here's how the teacher could write it:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main() {

  // Try to open (for reading) the file containing
  // all the mnumbers that we are going to manipulate.
  std::string m_number_file_name{"mnumbers3.txt"};
  std::ifstream m_number_file{m_number_file_name};

  if  (!m_number_file.is_open()) {
    std::cout << "Could not open the m number file (" << m_number_file_name << ".n";
    return 1;

  // Read the three mnumbers from the file.
  std::string mnumber1, mnumber2, mnumber3;
  m_number_file >> mnumber1;
  m_number_file >> mnumber2;
  m_number_file >> mnumber3;

  // We are done with the input file at this point!

  // For the teacher's sanity, let's print out a class
  // roster to make sure that we got all our students.
  std::cout << "Class Roster:n";
  std::cout << "1. " << mnumber1 << "n";
  std::cout << "2. " << mnumber2 << "n";
  std::cout << "3. " << mnumber3 << "n";

  // Read the scores for each student from the user.
  double grade1, grade2, grade3;
  std::cout << "Enter quiz grade for " << mnumber1 << ": ";
  std::cin >>  grade1;

  std::cout << "Enter quiz grade for " << mnumber2 << ": ";
  std::cin >>  grade2;

  std::cout << "Enter quiz grade for " << mnumber3 << ": ";
  std::cin >>  grade3;

  // Read the value of the curve from the user.
  double curve;
  std::cout << "Enter curve value: ";
  std::cin >> curve;

  // Adjust the student's scores.
  grade1 += curve;
  grade2 += curve;
  grade3 += curve;

  // Print the updated scores to the screen.
  std::cout << "Adjusted quiz grade for " << mnumber1 << ": " << grade1 << "n";
  std::cout << "Adjusted quiz grade for " << mnumber2 << ": " << grade2 << "n";
  std::cout << "Adjusted quiz grade for " << mnumber3 << ": " << grade3 << "n";

The problem is that our busy professor cannot easily maintain such an application when other students join their class! To update their application when a new student adds the class, the professor would have to copy/paste code. They would have to declare another variable to store an ID (mnumber4), declare another variable to store a grade (grade4), do an additional step of I/O, perform another score adjustment (grade4 += curve;), and execute another std::cout. The problem only gets worse if the teacher is popular and lots of students want to join the class!

Arrays (an Interlude)

We interrupt our narrative for a brief digression into the fundamentals of arrays. We have learned already that all variables have types. For instance, variables can have int type, char type, double type, std::string type, bool type, etc. Well, surprise, an array is also a type! That means we can declare/define variables that have array type. Variables with types that we have learned so far (i.e., int, char, double, std::string, bool) each hold one value. A variable with an array type, essentially, holds a number of variables! Because variables with array type are "composed" of several other variables, they are sometimes referred to as compound types.

Formally, an array is a data structure that holds

  1. a fixed number of
  2. individually and collectively accessible values (in other words, we can address any element in the array individually and we can address the entire array as a group),
  3. each of which is the same type.

A data structure is just a fancy term for a way of "stor[ing] and organiz[ing] data in order to facilitate access and modifications." Arrays are composed of elements and each element acts just like a variable -- the only difference is that we refer to these "variables" (aka elements) by number (their index in the array) rather than by name (like we do for variables).

One of the most important concepts to remember about the elements of arrays is that they are just variables! The elements of an array have a type, can hold a value and have a place in memory -- just like real variables.

The arrays themselves (the group of elements, that is) are truly variables themselves, too. Yes, in some ways they are different than other variables that we have seen so far. However, there are far more similarities between arrays and the other variable types we have learned about so far than there are differences. Arrays are the same as other variable types that we have seen so far because they have a type and a range of valid values. They are different because they hold multiple values rather than just a single value.

Just how many values can a variable of array type hold? The arrays that we use in this class will have a fixed (i.e., unchanging/constant) number of elements that must be specified by the programmer when they write their source code. In other words, the number of elements in the array must be specified before the program runs. The programmer makes known the number of elements in the array (called the size of the array) to the compiler using a special syntax and the compiler relies on the constancy of that number when it processes the source code.

If an array is just like any other variable, it stands to reason that we will have to declare/define it like we have to declare/define other variables before we use them! Here is the bare-bones format of a declaration/definition of an array:

_element_type_ _array_name_[NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS];

You can read that declaration/definition like:

"_array_name_ is an array of _NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS_ of _element_type_s."

It is important to remember that the size of an array is part of the type of the array variable.

Let's look at a few examples:

double batting_averages[40];

We can read that like:

"batting_averages is an array of 40 doubles." The type of batting_averages includes the fact that there are 40 elements and that those elements are each doubles.

int days_per_month[12];

We can read that like:

"days_per_month is an array of 12 ints."

In our declarations/definitions, how come there is only a single type for an array? I mean, there are multiple elements, right? And Will, you just said that elements in an array act like variables and every variable has a type! Shouldn't we have to specify the type of every element in the array? Yes, and we are, whether you realize it or not! Remember what we said above:

Formally, an array is a data structure that holds a fixed number of values, each of which is the same type.

Because each element in an array has the same type, we only need to specify the type of the elements once -- when we declare an array!

Let's visualize arrays in the computer's memory to get a better sense of what is going on. First, remember that every variable has a space in memory:

Assume that days_in_june is declared/defined as having int type. The space in red in the figure above is big enough to hold a single value of type int. The variable days_in_june stores the value 30. If we updated days_in_june using an assignment statement (e.g., days_in_june = 31;) the computer's memory would look like this:

Let's say that I want to store the number of days in each of the summer months! That sounds like a job for an array! Why? Because

  1. There are a fixed number of summer months (3)
  2. I want to refer to those months as a collection (days_in_summer_months, perhaps) and individually (so that I could update the number of days in, say, June)
  3. Each element is the same type (an int)

We declare such an array like this:

int days_in_summer_months[3];

The compiler will allocate space in memory for the array variable (days_in_summer_months) just like it allocated space for the days_in_june. The only difference is that there will be space for 3 ints this time!

The ??s in each of the blocks indicates that the values of each of the elements is uninitialized after a declaration/definition like the one shown above. The first of the summer months is June, the second is July and the third is August. June has 30 days. July has 31 days. August has 31 days. Let's use code to update our array of three (3) ints to match reality:

  days_in_summer_months[0] = 30;
  days_in_summer_months[1] = 31;
  days_in_summer_months[2] = 31;

After these assignment statements, our memory looks like this:

If you'd like, you can think of days_in_summer_months[0] as a variable declared like

int june;

and days_in_summer_months[1] as a variable declared like

int july;

and days_in_summer_months[2] as a variable declared like

int august;

As we've said over and over, the elements in an array can be treated just like variables. Let's change the values of the elements as if they were variables:

days_in_summer_months[2] += 40;

If your favorite month is August, it can now be a little longer!

days_in_summer_months[2] /= 2;

August is too hot and we want it to last only half as long!

  int total_days_in_summer = days_in_summer_months[0] +
                             days_in_summer_months[1] +

We can also read from them just like normal variables.

We always initialize normal variables before we use them, right? Using a variable before initialization results in the introduction of undefined behavior into the program (see below and/or earlier C++ Times for a refresher on this topic). So, how do we initialize values of the elements of an array? There are a few different methods. First,

  int days_in_summer_months[3]{30, 31, 32};

will initialize element 0 of the days_in_summer_months to 30 (i.e.,

(days_in_summer_months[0] == 30) == true

), element 1 of the days_in_summer_months to 31 and element 2 of days_in_summer_months to 31.

If we want to declare/define an array with a set of values and know those values at the time of the declaration/definition, we can leave out the size of the array:

  int days_in_summer_months[]{30, 31};

will declare/define an array of 2 ints with element 0 of the days_in_summer_months to 30 and element 1 of the days_in_summer_months to 31.

If we want to declare/define an array with the value of each element initialized to 0, we can use this syntax:

  int days_in_summer_months[3]{0};

There are several variations on this theme but these are the most common ways of initializing elements of an array.


C++ offers you no protection against accessing an array beyond its defined size. When you declare/define an array, the type includes the number of elements and the compiler presumes that you are going to be a good citizen of Computational City and stay with the limits of that array. However, it does not force you to be a good Samaritan.

Let's say that an intrepid programmer thought they could set the number of days in September using our days_in_summer_months array by writing code like this:

  days_in_summer_months[3] = 30;

There are only three elements in the array (with the indexes 0, 1 and 2) but the programmer is attempting to access the fourth element (the element with the 3rd index). This type of mistake is so common that it has its own name: an out-of-bounds array access. Because C++ itself does not offer protection against such illegal accesses, you will often have to write code that performs explicit bounds checking (making sure that the value you use to index an array is valid). 

Accessing an array out of bounds introduces undefined behavior into your program. We have heard about undefined earlier when we talked about using variables before they have been initialized. Once your program contains undefined behavior "there are no restrictions on the behavior of the program". In other words, it's bad news!

Snap Back to Reality: Our Tortured Teacher

Let's get back to helping our campus client. As it stands, their application only works for a class with three students. The professor knows the number of their students at the beginning of each semester (i.e., before they compile their code), wants to refer to the students' grades individually and collectively and each of the grades is the same type. It fits the use case of the array perfectly!

Let's slowly update our existing code to use arrays!

We don't need to make any changes to the code that opens the input file and checks for its existence. The first pieces of code that we will need to update are the bits that read in the M Numbers from that file. Here is our original version:

  // Read the three mnumbers from the file.
  std::string mnumber1, mnumber2, mnumber3;
  m_number_file >> mnumber1;
  m_number_file >> mnumber2;
  m_number_file >> mnumber3;

Our updated application will handle 5 students. Because we know how terrible it is to use magic numbers in our code, we'll use a constant to represent that class size:

  const int STUDENTS_IN_CLASS{5};

Next, we will declare an array of the proper type and size to hold those M Numbers that we read from the file:

  std::string mnumbers[STUDENTS_IN_CLASS]{""};

We could read those M Numbers from the file and store them into the mnumbers array one at a time:

  m_number_file >> mnumbers[0];
  m_number_file >> mnumbers[1];
  m_number_file >> mnumbers[2];
  m_number_file >> mnumbers[3];
  m_number_file >> mnumbers[4];

but that's lots of copying and pasting! Look at all that repetition. And, if you listen closely, you can hear some screaming from far away ... it's a for loop asking to be written! Why? We know the number of times (counter!) that we want to execute an action (a body!) -- that's exactly what a for loop is, well, for!

  for (int i{0}; i<STUDENTS_IN_CLASS; i++) {
    m_number_file >> mnumbers[i];

Now, we will want to replace the old code that generated our roster

  std::cout << "Class Roster:\n";
  std::cout << "1. " << mnumber1 << "\n";
  std::cout << "2. " << mnumber2 << "\n";
  std::cout << "3. " << mnumber3 << "\n";

with new, more flexible code:

  std::cout << "Class Roster:n";
  for (int i{0}; i<STUDENTS_IN_CLASS; i++) {
    std::cout << (i+1) << ". " << mnumbers[i] << "n";

Let's take a closer look at this code. Our counter/loop variable (named i) ranges between 0 and 4, inclusive. That makes the counter variable (i) perfect for indexing the array, specifying an element by its index, during iteration. However, most users will expect that the list be shown with prefixes starting at 1 and ending at 5 -- most people aren't computer scientists and prefer to start counting at 1 and not 0. So, we have to use (i + 1) in the first part of the std::cout statement for the label and i in the second for the index. It is very important to note here that our output statement where we are using (i + 1) does not increment the value of i. (i + 1) is an expression and it produces a value. In the process of evaluating that expression, there are no side effects that cause the value of i to change. It is simply that the value of the expression (i + 1) is one more than that value of the expression of i. That is not the case if we, instead, wrote code that looked like:

  std::cout << "Class Roster:n";
  for (int i{0}; i<STUDENTS_IN_CLASS; i++) {
    std::cout << (++i) << ". " << mnumbers[i] << "n";

Notice how out-of-whack the world will be if we were to run that code.

Okay, back to work ...

Next, we will update the code for reading the quiz grades from the terminal. Whereas the first version of the code read the grades using named variables

  double grade1, grade2, grade3;
  std::cout << "Enter quiz grade for " << mnumber1 << ": ";
  std::cin >>  grade1;

  std::cout << "Enter quiz grade for " << mnumber2 << ": ";
  std::cin >>  grade2;

  std::cout << "Enter quiz grade for " << mnumber3 << ": ";
  std::cin >>  grade3;

our updated application will read them using (another) for loop:

  double grades[STUDENTS_IN_CLASS]{0.0};
  for (int i{0}; i<STUDENTS_IN_CLASS; i++) {
    std::cout << "Enter the quiz grade for " << mnumbers[i] << ": ";
    std::cin >> grades[i];

Here we are declaring an array variable named grades that holds STUDENTS_IN_CLASS doubles. Then we are asking the user to enter each student's grade and saving those response in the array.

With the loop above, we are employing a very common strategy: parallel arrays. The elements at index i in grades and mnumbers are logically related. grades[i] is the quiz grade for the student with the mnumbers[i] M Number.

This is a pattern that you will see throughout your career as computer scientists!

In the old and the new applications, gathering the curve value is the same -- no need to change any of the existing code!

Once we have the value of the curve from the professor, we need to adjust the value of the students' scores. In our prelease version of the program we adjusted those values one at a time:

  grade1 += curve;
  grade2 += curve;
  grade3 += curve;

In the new version of the code, we will still make the adjustments one at a time but use a loop in order to reduce the copy/paste-ing that we need to do and make it easier to add students in the future:

  for (int i{0}; i<STUDENTS_IN_CLASS; i++) {
    grades[i] += curve;

I bet that you are starting to see a pattern!

With the grades adjusted appropriately, the final step is to print out the scores. In the initial version of our application, we explicitly printed out each of the three student's grades:

  std::cout << "Adjusted quiz grade for " << mnumber1 << ": " << grade1 << "\n";
  std::cout << "Adjusted quiz grade for " << mnumber2 << ": " << grade2 << "\n";
  std::cout << "Adjusted quiz grade for " << mnumber3 << ": " << grade3 << "\n";

By now you shouldn't be surprised to see that we will use a loop in the updated application to accomplish the same thing with (parallel) arrays:

  for (int i{0}; i < STUDENTS_IN_CLASS; i++) {
    std::cout << "Adjusted quiz grade for " << mnumbers[i] << ": " << grades[i]
              << "n";

Welcome To The Future

With that final change, we have built an updated version of the Curve application that is far more future proof. How is the updated program easier to maintain than the original? By centralizing the number of students in the class in one variable (STUDENTS_IN_CLASS) and then using loops and arrays whose number of iterations and number of elements are based on that value, our tired teacher can make a single change (updating the STUDENTS_IN_CLASS variable) when the number of students in their class increases or decreases and everything will "just work". Pretty amazing!

Like Cheese And Bread

Like spaghetti and chili (or peanut butter and jelly), you might have noticed that arrays and loops (especially for loops) go well together. When you are working with arrays you will often find yourself using loops. In fact, rare will be the occasion when you work with an array and do not use a loop.

Range-based For Loops Over Arrays

  for (int i = 0; i < _<size of array_name>_; i++) {
     ... _<array_name>_[i] ...  

is such a common pattern (a general, reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design) that the designers of C++ added special syntax to make writing it easier:

  for (_<type>_ v : _<array_name>_ ) {
    ... element ...

_<array name>_ is the name of an array and the _<type>_ is the type of each of the elements in that array.

This type of loop is known as a range-based for loop. One iteration of the loop will occur for each of the elements in array_name and the variable v will be a copy of the that element from array_name. For example,

  for (int days_in_month : days_in_summer_months) {
    std::cout << days_in_month << "n";

will print

30 31 31

Be very careful: with the syntax above, v is a copy of the current element from array_name and changing the value of v in the body of the loop will have no impact on the values in array_name.

  for (int days_in_month : days_in_summer_months) {
    days_in_month += 1;
  for (int days_in_month : days_in_summer_months) {
    std::cout << days_in_month << "n";

will print


If you want to be able to update the values in array_name using a range-based for loop, you will have to declare v as a reference variable:

  for (_<type>_ &element : _<array_name>_) {
    element = <expression>;

Using this syntax,

  for (int &days_in_month : days_in_summer_months) {
    days_in_month += 1;
  for (int days_in_month : days_in_summer_months) {
    std::cout << days_in_month << "n";

will print


Notice how the & works in a range-based for loop much the same way that it works in defining a reference parameter for a function! Like a & makes a parameter an alias for the variable given as the argument, the & in an range-based for loop makes the iterator variable an alias for the different elements of the array!

It is important to note that range-based for loops can only be used to iterate through arrays when the compiler knows the size of the array. Also, notice that with a range-based for loop you do not get an index variable "for free". In other words, rewriting a loop like

  std::cout << "Class Roster:n";
  for (int i = 0; i < STUDENTS_IN_CLASS; i++) {
    std::cout << (i + 1) << ". " << mnumbers[i] << "n";

with a range-based for loop is a little cumbersome.

However, when it is possible for you to use a range-based for loop, use it! Range-based for loops offer you protection from the dreaded off-by-one error where you (accidentally) miscalculate the bounds of the loop counter variable in a for loop and access an array beyond its bounds.

  const int STUDENTS_IN_CLASS{5};
  std::string mnumbers[STUDENTS_IN_CLASS]{""};

  for (int i = 0; i <= STUDENTS_IN_CLASS; i++) {
    m_number_file >> mnumbers[i];

contains an off-by-one error -- the mixup between the <= and the < means that the code will access one more element than the array contains and cause the program to contain undefined behavior.

However, if we wrote that same code using a range-based for loop, we could have easily avoided that problem:

  const int STUDENTS_IN_CLASS{5};
  std::string mnumbers[STUDENTS_IN_CLASS]{""};

  for (std::string &mnumber : mnumbers) {
    m_number_file >> mnumber;

It's Automatic

Wait just a second. This is C++ and all variables have types. In fact, when we declare/define a variable, we are forced (how terrible!) to write down the name of the type of that variable. That's even the case for arrays -- we have to tell the compiler the type of each element of the array.

When we are using a range-based for loop over the array mnumbers (from above), we know the type of variable that holds each of the elements (mnumber from above) has to have a std::string type, right? It's easy to deduce -- go back to the declaration of the mnumbers array and read it from the code! There's nothing magical or hidden about that.

So, why can't the compiler do that same thing for us? In other words,

  const int STUDENTS_IN_CLASS{5};
  std::string mnumbers[STUDENTS_IN_CLASS]{""};

  for (I_SHOULDNT_HAVE_TO_REMIND_YOU &mnumber : mnumbers) {
    m_number_file >> mnumber;

The compiler has the same information about mnumbers that we do and we can easily deduce that the only valid thing to write in place of my lamentation is std::string.

Well, I have a surprise for you, it can!?

Remember the auto keyword that we discussed earlier? I bet you thought it was a little, well, useless. I told you that it was going to come back with a vengeance and here it has reappeared! We can add auto in place of a specific type in a range-based for loop and the compiler will deduce for us, automatically, the type! How cool?!

  const int STUDENTS_IN_CLASS{5};
  std::string mnumbers[STUDENTS_IN_CLASS]{""};

  for (auto &mnumber : mnumbers) {
    m_number_file >> mnumber;

The auto keyword is so powerful that we can almost memorize a simple, shorthand pattern for using the range-based for loop:

  for (auto element : _<array_name>_) {

that will work in every case!