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File metadata and controls

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What's News

Inflation at Kloc-Mart stores across the nation has hit an all-time high. More shoppers are trading down to store-brand code in order to save money and consumers are turning to TikTok for tips on how to reuse the code they have. There have even been arguments between employees and customers about returning goods over buyer's remorse.

The Curse of Copy And Paste

Let's say that I am writing a program that is going to compare the contents of two files. The first thing that I will have to do is to, well, open those two files, right? Let's write some code to do that!

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main() {

  std::ifstream file_a, file_b;"file_a.txt");
  if (!file_a.is_open()) {
    std::cout << "Could not open file_a.txt.n";
    return 1;
  if (!file_a.is_open()) {
    std::cout << "Could not open file_a.txt.n";
    return 1;

   * We can now work with files A and B!


That was pretty easy, right?


If you look closely at the code above, you will notice that there are several errors! In particular, the code refers to file_a in places where it should refer to file_b. Why did that happen? It happened because I was sloppy when I was copying and pasting the code. Because the code to open the two files was nearly identical, I got carried away and didn't pay close attention!

But there are more problems with the code above than just that. As we've said before, programmers are lazy. It took the programmer "twice" as long to code the program above because they had to retype the same code twice. More importantly, what if the user requests changes to the names of the files that the program manipulates? The programmer will have to track down all those instances (and make sure not to miss any) and make the appropriate changes. Finally, consider what happens if the programmer finds a bug in some code that they have copied and pasted? They will have to remember all the places where they duplicated the code and fix the error in every. single. place. Not good at all!

The good news is that we can solve all this with ...


We have already learned how to call functions, but we now want to know how to write our own functions. Before we do that, let's remind ourselves about the purpose of functions: A function is a means to collect "statements that perform[] a specific task" and use those grouped statements in order to "break down a problem into small, manageable pieces."  A function can generate a value, perform some process or both generate a value and perform some process. The call to a function that generates a value is just like any other expression and can be used (with some caveats) anywhere any expression can be used!

Every function has 4 components:

  1. A return type
  2. A name
  3. A list of parameters
  4. A body

The return type defines the type of value that the function generates when it is called. The name defines the way that the programmer refers to the function when calling it. (Note: A function's name must meet the same criteria as names for variables.) The list of parameters defines a set of variables the function caller and the function implementation can use to "communicate" (they are [mostly] for the caller to communicate input to the function's calculations but can also be used by the function implementer to give output back to the caller). The body contains the code that defines the process, generates a value or both. 

In C++ it is possible to separate the declaration of a function from the definition of a function. The declaration of the function is sometimes known as the function's prototype. The declaration specifies the function's return type, name and list of parameters but not its body. In other words, with just the declaration, C++ has enough information about the function that a programmer can call it. However, C++ does not have enough information yet to know what will happen when that function is called.

Why does C++ allow the programmer to declare a function separately from its definition? Remember that the C++ compiler must "know about" a function before a programmer can call it. So, if there were only one way to tell the compiler about the function (by defining it), then you would always have to define a function before calling it. Is situation actually bad? Consider what would happen if the code in the body of function A calls function B and the code in the body of function B calls function A?

That's a mind bender, for sure!

Ping-ponging between functions like that, unconditionally, would cause tremendous problems. When does the back-and-forth end? A situation like the one described above, called mutual recursion, is actually very common and does not cause a problem, as long as the calls to B from A (and the calls to A calls B) are conditional.

Obviously you cannot very well define both functions before themselves!! So, C++ allows the programmer to declare a function before its definition just for this case!

There is a small, additional burden when When a function declaration appears separately from the definition: the programmer must write all the information from the declaration again -- the return type, name, list of parameters (yes, again!) and then write the body.

The syntax for defining a function is this:

return_type function_name(parameter1_type parameter1_name, parameter2_type parameter2_name) {

The syntax for declaring a function is this:

return_type function_name(parameter1_type parameter1_name, parameter2_type parameter2_name);

TL;DR: in a function declaration, the ; replaces the body of the function.

In the slot of the return_type, you can place any valid C++ type. In the slot of the function_name you can write any name (again, though, it must meet the same criteria that govern variable names). Each item in the parameter list is separated by commas. The items are pairs of variable types and variable names.

Return Statement to Generate a Function's Value

The return_type of the function is the type of the value generated by the function. The value generated by the function is the primary means by which an invoked function communicates with its caller.

In the body of the function, the programmer writes a return statement to specify the value generated by the function. The function immediatetly halts execution and generates the specified value when it reaches a return statement. Let's write a function that takes no parameters and simply generates the number 2:

int two() {
  return 2;

What is the function's return type? What is the function's name? What are the types and names of the function's parameters? (The last one is a trick question!) You can see that the type of the value "returned" (this is how professional programmers pronounce that statement) by the function (the literal 2) is the same as the return type. This is an absolute requirement. What if we wanted to write the same function, but returned the string "two" instead?

std::string two() {
  return std::string{"two"};

Again, the type of the value returned by the function matches the return type. To reiterate, the return value is the primary means of communication between the function and the caller. We will see later that there are other ways for the function to communicate with the caller, but you should primarily use the return value for this purpose.

What if the function that you are writing does not need to generate a value? For instance, let's write a function that just prints Hello, World. to the screen:

void print_hello_world() {
  std::cout << "Hello, World.\n";

A function like print_hello_world simply performs a process and generates no value. In some sense, they are not like functions at all -- at least the ones that we learned about in math class. A function that performs a process but generates no value is a a so-called void function (because their return type is void). You can optionally include a return statement in a void function, but it's not necessary:

void print_hello_world() {
  std::cout << "Hello, World.\\n";

When you learn later (below) how to use the return statement for program control, you will see that sometimes in a void function you will want to use a return statement.


Like we said above, parameters are the way that implementers of functions take input from the functions' caller. (Remember that the function's return value is the primary means for communicating in the opposite direction.) The programmer calling the function provides values for parameters (so-called arguments). The values that the caller gives for the function's parameters (again, known as the arguments) can

  1. provide data for the function to manipulate,
  2. tell the function how to handle special cases, etc.

Let's write a function that adds two numbers:

int add(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;

Break it down: the add function takes two parameters whose types are both int (named a and b) and returns an int (their sum). Again, notice that the return type matches the type of the value being returned. The body of the function can access the values of the parameters by using the parameter's names as if they are local variables -- that's because they are!The parameters are only in scope in the body of the function -- they cannot be used anywhere else!

From just where do the values for those two parameters come when the body of the function is executing? They come from the values that the user gives when they call the function add (one more time, the arguments!).

int l = 5;
int r = 6;
int sum = add(l, r);

When a caller invokes add, the compiler generates code that makes space in memory for two new variables: the parameters of the add function. The compiler generates code that copies the value of l and r to the memory for the parameters a and b, respectively. After that, the compiler generates code that directs the computer to start executing the code in the body of the function. 

That the argument values are copied to the parameters has tremendous consequences.

#include <iostream>

void add_one(int a) {
  a = a + 1;
  std::cout << "In function add_one, a is " << a << "\n";

int main() {
  int a = 1;
  std::cout << "In function main, a is " << a << "\\n";

The code above will print

In function add_one, a is 2
In function main, a is 1

Why? I mean, add_one modifies the value of a (by adding 1) and it even has the same name as the variable in main? So, what gives? The key is that the a in add_one (the parameter a) is a copy of the value of a (in main, the argument) when add_one is invoked. There are two different _a_s.

Note: Do you think that causes a problem? You know the answer because you have expert knowledge of scope! Because the a that is the parameter to add_one is in a different scope than the a in main, there is no conflict!

Copying the value of the argument into the value of the parameters (and keeping them separate -- even if they share the same name) is called passing arguments by value. By default, arguments in C++ are passed by value. Again, this is incredibly important.

Return Statement for Control Flow

We hinted earlier that the return statement can also be used for control flow inside a function! What exactly does that mean? Well, it's simple: the first return statement that the function executes is the last statement executed by the function! It's definitely easier to realize the consequences of this statement if we look at an example.

int hello_goodbye(bool hello) {
  if (hello) {
    std::cout << "Hello!\n";
    return 5;
  std::cout << "Goodbye!\n";
  return 4;

int main() {
  int hg = hello_goodbye(true);
  std::cout << "hg: " << hg << "\\n";

Because hello_goodbye is called with true as an argument, the hello parameter in the body of the hello_goodbye function is true. Therefore, the then branch of the if statement executes. That means that the function hello_goodbye will print Hello! to the screen and then (immediately) return 5. At that point, the function executes no further instructions! The value 5 is returned to the caller and 5 is assigned to the value hg. The value that is returned from a function is the value of the function call expression.

The output is

hg: 5

That's a really important point that we don't want to skip over! Anything that generates a value is known as an expression, remember? Well, in functions that do not return void, the return statement in the function specifies to what the value of the function-call expression will evaluate.

If we call the function with the argument false, the output is

hg: 4

What if we wanted to write the same function and get the same conditional output without returning a value? Can we use the return statement in a void function? Why yes we can (as we said above)!

void hello_goodbye(bool hello) {
  if (hello) {
    std::cout << "Hello!\n";
  std::cout << "Goodbye!\n";

int main() {

This program will print:


Very cool!

Let's see what would happen if we messed up. In the void-version of hello_goodbye, what would happen if we omitted the return statement after we printed Hello!?

void hello_goodbye(bool hello) {
  if (hello) {
    std::cout << "Hello!\n";
  std::cout << "Goodbye!\n";

int main() {

This program will print:


Oh, now I got it!

Using the return statement for control flow is powerful! Consider an example where you could have multiple exceptional conditions and only want to perform the action when they are all true.

void compare_file(std::string file1_name, std::string file2_name) {
  if (can_open(file1_name) && can_open(file2_name)) {
    // Here is where we would write code that does the real work.
  std::cout << "Either file1 or file2 could not be opened!n";

int main() {
  std::string file_a_name, file_b_name;
  compare_file(file_a_name, file_b_name);

Our customer may add a further requirement that the failure to open either file be logged individually! Now we have to write this:

void compare_file(std::string file1_name, std::string file2_name) {
  if (can_open(file1_name)) { 
    if (can_open(file2_name)) {
      // Our code to do the real work would go here.
    } else {
      std::cout << "Could not open file2!\n";
  std::cout << "Could not open file 1!\n";

int main() {
  std::string file_a_name, file_b_name;
  compare_file(file_a_name, file_b_name);

Look at how we are doing the "real work" of the function nested all the way down in those if statements. That makes it harder for the reader of the function to determine where the real work is taking place. Let's use the return statement to make it more obvious what the real work of the function is:

void compare_file(std::string file1_name, std::string file2_name) {
  if (!can_open(file1_name)) {
    std::cout << "Could not open file 1!n";
  if (!can_open(file2_name)) {
    std::cout << "Could not open file 2n";
  // Do real work here

This is cool because we handle the possible exceptional cases at the top, once and for all. After we've dispatched with the exceptional conditions, we are free to do the real work of the function knowing that everything is normal! This is a very common pattern among professional developers and one that you should emulate!

Local Variables

Like you can declare/define variables in the bodies of loops and conditional statements in C++, you can also declare/define variables in the bodies of functions! The simple rule that we used to determine when a scope start/stops is applicable to functions -- anywhere there is a {, a scope starts; anywhere there is a }, a scope ends. Because function bodies are enclosed in {}, the body of a function is its own scope.

Remember the term that we used to describe variables that we use in the same scope where they are declared/defined? That's right, local variables. Functions have local variables.

Every time that execution of a program "enters" a scope, space in memory for local variables is created (allocated). Every time that execution of a program "exits" a scope, space in memory for the variables local to that scope are destroyed. For this reason, the value of a local variable is reset every time the function executes. This is very important:

void increment() {
  int i = 0;
  i = i + 1;
  std::cout << "i: " << i << "\\n";

int main() {
  for (int i = 0; i<10; i++) {

will print

i: 1
i: 1
i: 1
i: 1
i: 1
i: 1
i: 1
i: 1
i: 1
i: 1

and not

i: 1
i: 2
i: 3
i: 4
i: 5
i: 6
i: 7
i: 8
i: 9
i: 10