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The Tropic of Capricorn


Now that you are an expert at understanding how loops can be rewritten using recursion and how higher-order functions can give us a tremendous amount of power to customize an otherwise dreary function that seems to only be good at doing a single thing, we are ready to tackle a task (football season is starting this weekend, after all!) that will combine the two.

In this particular Functional Foundation we are going to focus on the latter (higher-order functions) and in the next one we will rely on our expertise about the former.

Okay, enough generalities, let's get down to writing some code!

There's Just So Many Friends: An Application of Map

As we said before, although the idea of being able to pass functions as arguments to other functions is not something that may immediately strike you as revolutionary, I promise you that what we will see here is going to change the way you see code forever. You cannot unsee what you are about to learn! So, buckle up.

As you know, the University is on a mission to educate as many people as possible. That's a laudable goal, but the college's technology is a little, well, dated and the IT department is running into a bit of a problem. In particular, the format of student M Numbers has limited the school's ability to enroll new students. Right now (at "UC"), there are only 6 digits in the M Number. That means that we are limited to enrolling (in all of history, if we never want a student to have to give up their unique M Number for recycling) $6^{10}$ students.

The IT staff has commissioned us to write some code that will go through a list of M Numbers in their current format and adjust each one so that:

  1. It has a total of $12 digits (all existing M Numbers will grow to $12$ digits by prepending $6$ 0s) and
  2. It starts with a capital M -- the new Catalyst software requires that all userids start with a letter, and not a number (progress, right?).

One At A Time

Just to get a sense of our task, here are a few examples of existing M Numbers:

  • 020982
  • 041485
  • 090749

Although they are comprised of nothing but numbers, let's assume that they are actually stored in the UC database as strings.

What would the skeleton of a Python function look like that accepts one of these old M Numbers and returns a new one? Well, we can't really encode the length of the string in the type, so the most clear, concise and helpful type that we can probably use is something like:

def upgrade_m_number(existing: str) -> str:
    return ""

Great. So, have a function named upgrade_m_number that takes a single parameter (with the type str) and returns a value whose type is also str.

Just to be on the safe side, before the function upgrades an M Number, it should check that the given M Number is only 6 digits. That's just a little error handling. Then, if the given M Number is only 6 digits long, we will do the upgrade. Nothing fancy, then:

def upgrade_m_number(existing: str) -> str:
    new = existing
    if len(new) == 6:
        new = "000000" + new
    return "M" + new

Let's just give this a spin and see whether it works.

old_m_number = "020982"
new_m_number = upgrade_m_number(old_m_number)

will print



old_m_number = "041485"
new_m_number = upgrade_m_number(old_m_number)

will print


On Repeat

Well, that's great! If we wanted job security, then we would be all set. We could ask the University for a list of existing M Numbers, then copy-and-paste each one into the old_m_number assignment statement in

def upgrade_m_number(existing: str) -> str:
    new = existing
    if len(new) == 6:
        new = "000000" + new
    return "M" + new

if __name__=="__main__":
    old_m_number = "041485"
    new_m_number = upgrade_m_number(old_m_number)

and record the output.

But, well, we know that we can do better. And, the best part? We don't have to tell anyone that we automated the process and that we are just loafing while while the computer does the work but we pretend to do tons of ardous manual data manipulation.

So, the University has given us the data in an array and they have named it existing_m_numbers. They want the results to be put into a list named updated_m_numbers. Okay, I think we all know what is going to come next ... loop!

def upgrade_m_number(existing: str) -> str:
    new = existing
    if len(new) == 6:
        new = "000000" + new
    return "M" + new

if __name__=="__main__":
    existing_m_numbers = ['020982', '041485', '090749']
    updated_m_numbers = []
    for existing_m_number in existing_m_numbers:

And, voila:

updated_m_numbers=['M000000020982', 'M000000041485', 'M000000090749']

So. Much. Typing.

You all know that copying-and-pasting and excessive typing always annoy me! So, I think that we should explore a way that we could accomplish our task without having to write a loop. I mean, we don't really have anything else to do while our code is running.

But first, let's think about what we are really doing in the loop. We are taking a function (i.e., upgrade_m_number), applying it to each element in an existing list and building up a new list with the results of those calls. Pretty neat!

Let's take our analysis one step further: The types of things in each of the lists (the one with the existing elements and the one with the updated elements) have a remarkable relationship to the types of the function that we are using over and over.

The items in the existing list have the same type as the input type to the function! And the items in the updated list have the same time as the output of the function! That's really neat. Hold that thought closely -- we will return to it before the end of this Functional Foundation.

What would be really cool is if there were a function in Python that mapped a given function over all the elements in a list that we provide! If that were the case, then we could (maybe!) remove that for loop and replace it with a single line of code!

Don't make say I told you so ... but, Python delivers the goods: map.

Before we get too excited, let's look at the documentation for map and see if we can figure out what goes where. Remember, we will need to give map two things:

  1. The function to repeatedly apply; and
  2. The list of elements.

Bonus quiz: Because map will need to take a function as a parameter, that makes it a ...? That's right, a higher-order function!

Okay, back to that documentation:

 map(function, iterable, *iterables)

The Python documentation goes on to say:

Return an iterator that applies function to every item of iterable, yielding the results.

It goes on from there to talk about that magical iterables at the end, but we'll just assume it's not necessary for us.

Okay, so, when we want to use map, the first argument will be the function to apply to the list of elements, which we will give as the second argument.

I think that it will make much more sense when we see how we can reduce the for loop to a single line of code. We can go from

   existing_m_numbers = ['020982', '041485', '090749']
   updated_m_numbers = []
   for existing_m_number in existing_m_numbers:


   existing_m_numbers = ['020982', '041485', '090749']
   updated_m_numbers = map(upgrade_m_number, existing_m_numbers)

Uhm, What?

Even though we should have supreme confidence in ourselves, I think it would be wise to make sure that we see whether our code works. We expect identical results with our new, improved version. Let's remember what that result was:

updated_m_numbers=['M000000020982', 'M000000041485', 'M000000090749']

But, if we run our updated code, we get

updated_m_numbers=<map object at 0x70968d87ba20>

What in the world? What's happening is that Python is trying to be, well, "helpful". Python thinks that maybe, just maybe, you won't actually access each of the elements in the list that the map function returns. So, Python stashes away the function that we gave as an argument and the list into an object. Then, just at the time that we access each element in the list, Python will invoke the function on a single element and return that updated element. Python is gambling that we will not access all (or even many) of the elements. And if that gamble pays off, then there will be a huge savings!

But, we can force Python's hand (these Vegas references are getting tiring) by putting the result inside list. That will make Python apply the function to every element immediately. With a small change

    existing_m_numbers = ['020982', '041485', '090749']
    updated_m_numbers = list(map(upgrade_m_number, existing_m_numbers))

we are back to getting the output we want:

updated_m_numbers=['M000000020982', 'M000000041485', 'M000000090749']


What a whirlwind tour of the map function. Like I said, now that you have seen it, I bet that you will never look at a for loop the same way. While I was doing my PhD, I worked with a person who refused to write for loops. That would be strange enough if he and I were writing code in a functional programming language, but we were writing code in C++!!

In the next edition of the Functional Foundations, we will take a look at how to implement map. If you remember earlier, I asked you to hold on to a thought about how the types "match up".

Let's say that the function we gave to map takes a type named Triangle and returns a type named Pentagon (we are assuming that Triangle and Pentagon are placeholders for actual types -- in other words, they are like variables whose types are, uhm, types (wow!)). With just that information, we should be able to write out the type of the function map. (We will use List[X] to indicate a list of things, each of which has type X. We will use Func[X,Y] to indicate a function that takes a single parameter with the type X that returns a single value with the type Y.)

def map(Func[Triangle, Pentagon], List[Triangle]) -> List[Pentagon]:

It all lines up so nicely.

But, does it really leave the person implementing map much room for creativity?

Hardly! Let's think about why: the caller of map can give a list of any type, as long as it matches the type of input that they also give! As the implementer of map, then, we cannot make any assumptions about the actual type of Triangle or the type of Pentagon.

Let's think about that for a second. We could use map to multiply every number in a list by $2$:

def multiply_by_2(input: int) -> int:
    return input * 2

print(f"{list(map(multiply_by_2, [2,4,6]))=}")

Or, we could make each character in a list uppercase:

def upper(input: str) -> str:
    return input.upper()

print(f"{list(map(upper, ['s', 'c', 'r', 'e', 'a', 'm']))=}")

(Note: We had to use str as the types in this example because Python doesn't have a real character type -- at least I don't think!)

So, because the caller can use map to do all those operations (and more), as the implementer we are really limited in the assumptions that we are able to make about the types Triangle and Pentagon. In fact, if you think about it hard enough, there is really only one way to implement map that will be right in all cases.

What we have here is the first example of how a language that allows us to be very precise with the types of our variables can (almost) force us into writing code that is correct in all cases. I don't think that it gets cooler than that.