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** xref:spring:hibernate.adoc[]
** xref:spring:transaction-manager.adoc[]
** xref:spring:best-practices.adoc[]
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+* xref:integrate:integrate-with-langchain-java.adoc[]
* xref:integrate:integrate-with-feast.adoc[]
** xref:integrate:install-connect.adoc[Install and connect Feast]
** xref:integrate:feast-config.adoc[]
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+= Integrate with LangChain for Jva
+:description: The Hazelcast integration for LangChain provides a Vector Store implementation that enables using Hazecast Vector Search with LangChain.
+== Introduction
+LangChain4J is a Java framework that makes it easier to create large language model (LLM) based solutions, such as chat bots by linking various components.
+LangChain4J `EmbeddingStore` interface makes it easier to incorporate RAGs (Retrieval Augmented Generation) in LLM solutions.
+`hazelcast.com:langchain-hazelcast` package provides the Hazelcast `EmbeddingStore` implementation for LangChain.
+== Installing LangChain/Hazelcast Embedding Store
+Add the following to your `pom.xml`:
+ com.hazelcast
+ langchain-hazelcast
+ 6.0.0
+== Creating an Embedding Store
+`HazelcastEmbeddingStore` class is the Hazelcast embedding store implementation that lives in the `hazelcast.com:langchain-hazelcast` package.
+But before creating the embedding store, you must create an instance of the embedding model itself.
+The model instance will be used to generate the embeddings for adding text documents and searching them.
+In the sample below, we used `AllMiniLmL6V2QuantizedEmbeddingModel`, but you can use anything.
+var embeddingModel = new AllMiniLmL6V2QuantizedEmbeddingModel();
+To create an instance of `HazelcastEmbeddingStore`, use its `builder` method, using the dimension of the embedding model:
+var store = HazelcastEmbeddingStore.builder(embeddingModel.dimension())
+ // ...
+ .build();
+The `builder` method creates an instance of `HazelcastEmbeddingStore.Builder`.
+`HazelcastEmbeddingStore` needs to communicate with an Hazelcast Enterprise cluster in order to send embeddings and retrieve search results.
+Cluster configuration parameters can be supplied one of the alternative methods below:
+* Using Hazelcast Client XML configuration by calling `builder.clientConfigFromXml(path or stream)`
+* Using Hazelcast Client YAML configuration by calling `builder.clientConfigFromXml(path or stream)`
+* Setting cluster configuration directly using `builder.clusterName` and one of `builder.address` or `builder.addressess`.
+The latter method of setting the cluster configuration is useful during development and when the cluster requires very little configuration.
+The following code snippet uses simple cluster configuration:
+var store = HazelcastEmbeddingStore.builder(embeddingModel.dimension())
+ .clusterName("dev")
+ .address("localhost:5701")
+ .build();
+Code above is equivalent to the one below, since it uses the defaults:
+var store = HazelcastEmbeddingStore.builder(embeddingModel.dimension())
+ .build();
+Use the XML/YAML configuration method when you already have Hazelcast Client configuration in XML/YAML, or the cluster requires more advanced features, such as authentication, TLS etc.
+The example below shows how to use a Hazelcast Client XML configuration:
+var store = HazelcastEmbeddingStore.builder(embeddingModel.dimension())
+ .clientConfigFromXml("client.xml")
+ .build();
+`client.xml` looks like this:
+ dev
+ localhost:5701
+You can find more information about client XML configuration at xref:clients:java.adoc[] documentation.
+Using client YAML configuration with `clientConfigFromYaml` is similar to how XML configuration is used:
+var store = HazelcastEmbeddingStore.builder(embeddingModel.dimension())
+ .clientConfigFromYaml("client.yaml")
+ .build();
+`client.yaml` used above looks like this:
+ cluster-name: dev
+ network:
+ cluster-members:
+ - localhost:5701
+== Updating the Embedding Store
+Once the vector store is created, you can start adding LangChain documents or string data into it.
+While adding the data, you have the option to associate identifiers and metadata with it.
+Hazelcast embedding store supports a few ways of adding embeddings and text documents.
+The simplest case is adding a single embedding.
+An identifier is randomly created in this case:
+var text = "Hazelcast provides a simple scheme for controlling which partitions data resides in."
+var embedding = embeddingModel.embed(text);
+var id = store.add(embedding);
+You can also add an embedding and associate an identifier with it:
+var id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
+store.add(id, embedding);
+To store an embedding and the corresponding text document, pass them to the `add` method.
+The corresponding identifier is randomly created:
+var document = TextSegment.from(text)
+var id = store.add(embedding, document);
+You have the option to attach metadata to the document too:
+var metadata = new Metadata();
+metadata.put("page", 7);
+var document = TextSegment.from(text, metadata)
+var id = store.add(embedding, document);
+Metadata keys must be of type `String` but values can be in one of the following types:
+ `String`, `Integer`, `Long`, `Float`, `Double`.
+You can add an embedding and document with a predefined identifier:
+store.add(id, embedding, document);
+In case you have more than one embedding or document to add, it is more efficient to use one of the `addAll` methods.
+Calling `addAll` with only the list of embeddings stores those embeddings with autogenerated identifiers:
+var embeddings = new ArrayList();
+for (String text : texts) {
+ var embedding = embeddingModel.embed(text).content();
+ embeddings.add(embedding);
+var ids = store.addAll(embeddings);
+Similarly, calling `addAll` with the list of embeddings and documents stores them with autogenerated identifiers.
+The number of items in those lists must be the same:
+var documents = new ArrayList();
+for (String text : texts) {
+ documents.add(TextSegment.from(text));
+var ids = store.addAll(embeddings, documents);
+You also have the option to specify the identifiers manually.
+The number of items must match to the number of items in the embeddings and documents lists:
+var ids = new ArrayList();
+for (int i = 0; i < texts.size(); i++) {
+ ids.add(String.valueOf(i);
+store.addAll(ids, embeddings, documents);
+== Searching the Vector Store
+Once the embedding store is populated, you can run vector similarity searches on it.
+The `search` method of `Hazelcast` embedding store takes an `EmbeddingSearchRequest` instance to be used for the search and returns an `EmbeddingSearchResult` object:
+var query = "What was Hazelcast designed for?";
+var embedding = embeddingModel.embed(query).content();
+EmbeddingSearchRequest req =
+ EmbeddingSearchRequest.builder()
+ .queryEmbedding(embedding)
+ .build();
+var results = store.search(req).matches();
+for (var result : results) {
+ var document = result.embedded();
+ System.out.println(document.text());
+You can optionally specify the maximum number of Documents to be returned using the `maxResults` method of the search request builder:
+EmbeddingSearchRequest req =
+ EmbeddingSearchRequest.builder()
+ .queryEmbedding(embedding)
+ .maxResults(3)
+ .build();
+Currently, other methods of the search request builder are not supported.
+== Deleting Data From Embedding Store
+To delete a single embedding and the corresponding document, you can call the `remove` method of the embedding store with the identifier of the embedding:
+If you have a number of embeddings to delete, using the `removeAll` method is more efficient:
+To delete all embeddings from the embedding store, call `removeAll` with no arguments:
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+= Integrate with LangChain
+:description: The Hazelcast integration for LangChain provides a Vector Store implementation that enables using Hazecast Vector Search with LangChain.
+== Introduction
+LangChain is a Python framework that makes it easier to create large language model (LLM) based solutions, such as chat bots by linking various components.
+LangChain `VectorStore` interface makes it easier to incorporate RAGs (Retrieval Augmented Generation) in LLM solutions.
+`langchain-hazelcast` package provides the Hazelcast `VectorStore` implementation for LangChain.
+== Installing LangChain/Hazelcast Vector Store
+pip install langchain-hazelcast
+== Creating a Vector Store
+`Hazelcast` class is the Hazelcast vector store implementation that lives in the `langchain_hazelcast.vectorstore` package.
+The constructor for the `Hazelcast` vector store class takes the following arguments:
+* `embedding: Embeddings`: The embedding producer. This is a required argument.
+* `collection_name: str`: Hazelcast `VectorCollection` to use. By default `"langchain"`.
+* `client: Optional[HazelcastClient]`: A Hazelcast client object.
+* `client_config: Optional[Config]`: A Hazelcast client configuration object.
+`client` and `client_config` arguments are mutually exclusive, they must not be set together.
+If you already have a Hazelcast client object, it is recommended to reuse it using the `client` argument.
+Otherwise, you may prefer to create a Hazelcast configuration object first and pass it to the `Hazelcast` vector store constructor.
+The embedding producer must be an instance of LangChain `langchain_core.embeddings.Embeddings` class, such as `HuggingFaceEmbeddings`.
+Here is an example:
+from langchain_huggingface import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
+embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(
+ model_name="sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2",
+ model_kwargs={
+ "device": "cpu",
+ "tokenizer_kwargs": {
+ "clean_up_tokenization_spaces": True,
+ },
+ },
+ encode_kwargs={"normalize_embeddings": False},
+Once you have the embedding producer, you can create the `Hazelcast` vector store instance.
+Here's how to create a vector store which uses the default Hazelcast client that connects to the Hazelcast cluster `dev` at `localhost:5701`:
+vector_store = Hazelcast(embeddings)
+The same but with an explicitly created Hazelcast client:
+from hazelcast import HazelcastClient
+from hazelcast.config import Config
+config = Config()
+config.cluster_members = ["localhost:5701"]
+config.cluster_name = "dev"
+client = HazelcastClient(config)
+vector_store = Hazelcast(embeddings, client=client)
+In case you would like to pass the client configuration without creating the client itself:
+from hazelcast import HazelcastClient
+from hazelcast.config import Config
+config = Config()
+config.cluster_members = ["localhost:5701"]
+config.cluster_name = "dev"
+vector_store = Hazelcast(embeddings, client_config=config)
+You can find more about the various Hazelcast client configuration options in link:https://hazelcast.readthedocs.io/en/stable/client.html#hazelcast.client.HazelcastClient[Hazelcast Client documentation].
+Although there is a default name for the underlying Hazelcast VectorCollection, you may want to use a different name.
+You can do that by passing the name in the `collection_name` argument to the vector store constructor:
+name = "customer-docs"
+vector_store = Hazelcast(embeddings, collection_name=name, client=client)
+== Updating the Vector Store
+Once the vector store is created, you can start adding LangChain documents or string data into it.
+While adding the data, you have the option to associate identifiers and metadata with it.
+Hazelcast vector store has two methods to add data, `add_documents` and `add_texts`.
+Using the former, you can add `langchain_core.documents.Document` objects, and using the latter, you can add strings.
+In the simplest case, you would add one or more strings to the vector store:
+texts = [
+ "Hazelcast Platform uniquely combines a distributed compute engine and a fast data store in one runtime.",
+ "It offers unmatched performance, resilience and scale for real-time and AI-driven applications.",
+ "It allows you to quickly build resource-efficient, real-time applications.",
+ "You can deploy it at any scale from small edge devices to a large cluster of cloud instances.",
+ids = vector_store.add_texts(texts)
+for id in ids:
+ print(id)
+`Hazelcast.add_texts` method returns the IDs of the added texts.
+If the IDs were not provided to the `add_texts` method, then they are automatically generated, like in the example above.
+You can provide the IDs manually by passing them in the `ids` parameter.
+This is useful when you want to update data instead of extending the vector store.
+ids = vector_store.add_texts(
+ texts,
+ ids=["item1", "item2", "item3", "item4"]
+for id in ids:
+ print(id)
+If provided, the number of IDs must be equal to the number of texts.
+You can also pass metadata with the text or documents using the `metadatas` parameter.
+Each item of the `metadatas` list must be a Python dictionary.
+Like IDs, the number of metadata must be equal to the number of texts.
+ids = vector_store.add_texts(
+ texts,
+ metadata=[
+ {"page": 1},
+ {"page": 1},
+ {"page": 1},
+ {"page": 2},
+ ]
+If you have `langchain_core.documents.Document` objects, you can use the `add_documents` methods to add them to the vector store:
+from langchain_core.documents import Document
+docs = [
+ Document(
+ id="item1",
+ metadata={"page": 1},
+ page_content="Hazelcast Platform uniquely combines a distributed compute engine and a fast data store in one runtime."),
+ Document(
+ id="item2",
+ metadata={"page": 1},
+ page_content="It offers unmatched performance, resilience and scale for real-time and AI-driven applications."),
+ Document(
+ id="item3",
+ metadata={"page": 1},
+ page_content="It allows you to quickly build resource-efficient, real-time applications."),
+ Document(
+ id="item4",
+ metadata={"page": 2},
+ page_content="You can deploy it at any scale from small edge devices to a large cluster of cloud instances."),
+ids = vector_store.add_documents(docs)
+`Hazelcast` vector store has two class methods that combine creating the vector store and adding texts or documents to it.
+These are the `Hazelcast.from_texts` and `Hazelcast.from_documents` methods respectively.
+Calling these methods returns the `Hazelcast` vector store instance.
+Here is an example that uses the `Hazelcast.from_texts` method:
+vector_store = Hazelcast.from_texts(texts, embedding=embeddings, client_config=config)
+== Searching the Vector Store
+Once the vector store is populated, you can run vector similarity searches on it.
+The `similarity_search` method of `Hazelcast` vector store takes a string to be used for the search and returns a list of Documents.
+query = "Does Hazelcast enable real-time applications?"
+docs = vector_store.similarity_search(query)
+for doc in docs:
+ print(f"{doc.id}: {doc.page_content}")
+You can optionally specify the maximum number of Documents to be returned using the `k` parameter:
+docs = vector_store.similarity_search(query, k=10)
+== Other Vector Store Operations
+You can retrieve Documents in the vector store using the `get_by_ids` method.
+This method takes a sequence of IDs and returns the corresponding Documents if they exist.
+Note that, the order of the IDs and the returned Documents may not be the same:
+docs = vector_store.get_by_ids([
+ "b235643b-62c0-4039-9856-1493f921e1a4",
+ "24d72bd3-e981-4701-a983-0a7800383fd1",
+To delete some or all Documents, you can use the `delete` method.
+It deletes the Documents with the given IDs if one or more IDs are provided, or deletes all Documents if no IDs are provided.
+This method always returns `True`.
+The example below deletes only two Documents:
+ "b235643b-62c0-4039-9856-1493f921e1a4",
+ "24d72bd3-e981-4701-a983-0a7800383fd1",
+And the following example deletes all Documents: