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Hi there! We're thrilled that you'd like to contribute to this project. Your help is essential for keeping it great.
This repository includes configuration for GitHub Codespaces, making it easy to set up a cloud-based development environment. Follow GitHub's guide to get started.
The Codespaces environment has the dependencies all installed, and should be ready to tinker with. Once your Codespace is set up, you can check that everything works as intended by running the specs:
bundle exec rake
You can also install the project on your machine:
git clone
cd notion-ruby-client
# if you do not have bundler installed already, run
# $ gem install bundle
# to install it
bundle install
You can check that everything works as intended by running the specs:
bundle exec rake
You can run
to start an IRB (interactive Ruby console) session with all the gem files loaded.
Usually, you’d start such sessions by defining your client
client = <Your Notion API token>)