Health disparities are defined as health differences that adversely affect socially disadvantaged populations. This new module is designed to introduce the theory and practice underlying an approach to health disparities research focused on both social determinants of health and genetic risk factors.
Theoretical background lectures will be paired with practical lab sessions, using R and various bioinformatics applications, documented and run using Jupyter Notebook, to analyze heterogenous biobank data. Students will be provided with a conceptual foundation on how health disparities are defined, quantified, and characterized, and they will use biobank demographic and electronic health record data to quantify health outcomes and disparities. The module will emphasize genetic ancestry inference as a means to decompose genetic and socioenvironmental contributions to health disparities, covering admixture regression techniques used to associate ancestry with health outcomes.
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Students are required to bring their own laptops for computer lab sessions.
Quantative and statistical analyses will be conducted in R using Jupyter Notebook.
You can get set up for the class using the prerequisite file here.
Quantitative and statistical methods that will be covered in this module include:
Computational phenotyping with electronic health record data
Age- and sex-adjusted disease prevalence estimation
Multivariable disease modeling with linear and logistic regression
Genetic diversity and population structure characterization
Genetic ancestry inference
After attending this module, participants will be able to:
Understand how health disparities are defined, quantified, and characterized
Understand the conceptual relationships and differences between race, ethnicity, and ancestry
Quantify health outcomes and disparities using biobank electronic health record data
Model the associations of social determinants of health and genetic risk factors with health outcomes and disparities
Infer genetic ancestry from genomic variant data
Model the associations of genetic ancestry with health outcomes and disparities