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{0 Getting started with ASLRef} {1 Disclaimer} This material covers both ASLv0 (viz, the existing ASL pseudocode language which appears in the Arm Architecture Reference Manual) and ASLv1, a new, experimental, and as yet unreleased version of ASL. This material is work in progress, more precisely at pre-Alpha quality as per Arm’s quality standards. In particular, this means that it would be premature to base any production tool development on this material. However, any feedback, question, query and feature request would be most welcome; those can be sent to Arm’s Architecture Formal Team Lead Jade Alglave <> or by raising issues or PRs to the herdtools7 github repository. {1 Installation} {2 Pre-requisites} The following steps have been tested on Unix. + Install ocaml and opam (ocaml package manager), see {{:} the manual}. For example on MacOS: {@bash[ $ brew install opam ]} + Install dependencies: {@bash[ $ opam install dune menhir zarith ]} {2 Building} + Clone herdtools7: {@bash[ $ git clone ]} + Build and install into a location [$PREFIX]: {@bash[ $ make build install PREFIX=$PREFIX ]} It's done! {2 Checking} If [$PREFIX] is in your [$PATH], the following command should return a similar output: {@bash[ $ aslref --version aslref version 7.56+03 rev 7aa9d1f3cee2598ec64f14372f210e008ac5510f ]} Please note that building herdtools7 depends on the installation path [$PREFIX]. If you want to move your installation from [$OLD_PREFIX] to [$NEW_PREFIX], please use: {@bash[ make uninstall PREFIX=$OLD_PREFIX make build install PREFIX=$NEW_PREFIX ]} {1 Running} {2 Basics} If [my-test.asl] contains a valid ASL specification returning 0, the tool [aslref] does not print anything and exit with code 0. {@bash[ $ aslref my-test.asl ]} {2 Version and type-checking flags} For a complete reference of arguments, see [aslref --help]. {3 ASL Version} To use the ASLv0 parser, use the [-0] flag. The default parser is the ASLv1, but you can still specify it with [-1]. {3 Type-checking} There are currently three possible type-checking settings, listed here from the strongest to the weakest: + [--type-check-strict] fails on the first error encountered while type-checking the specification. This is the default setting for ASLv1. + [--type-check-warn] logs every error on the standard error output, but does not fail on any of them. The specification might not be able to run through the interpreter if the type-checking phase failed. + [--no-type-check] only performs minimal type-inference. Tries to fail as little as possible. This is the default for ASLv0. {2 Examples} You can find examples of ASLv1 specifications that [aslref] supports in {{:} [herdtools7/asllib/tests/asl/required]}. {2 Building HTML pages locally from .mld files} In the directory [herdtools7/]: + Run: {@bash[ $ dune build @doc ]} + Open [_build/default/_doc/_html/herdtools7/aslref.html] {2 Contributing examples and regression tests} We welcome new examples to add to the ASL Reference Document. We use those examples as regression tests also. Therefore, please make sure that each example which appears in an ASL Reference Document also appears in the corresponding asllib test suite, as follows. {3 Contributing dynamic semantics examples to the ASL Reference document and regression suite} In [asllib/tests/ASLSemanticsReference.t]: - add a new example [SemanticsRule.MyNewTest.asl]; - edit [run.t] to mention [SemanticsRule.MyNewTest.asl]. In [herdtools7]: - do: [dune runtest asllib] - if the tests pass, do: [dune promote] In [asllib/ASLSemanticsReference.mld] - add a new section titled [SemanticsRule.MyNewTest.asl]; - add a comment about how the test should behave and why. {3 Contributing typing examples to the ASL Reference document and regression suite} In [asllib/tests/ASLTypingReference.t]: - add a new example [TypingRule.MyNewTest.asl]; - edit [run.t] to mention [TypingRule.MyNewTest.asl]. In [herdtools7]: - do: [dune runtest asllib] - if the tests pass, do: [dune promote] In [asllib/ASLTypingReference.mld] - add a new section titled [TypingRule.MyNewTest.asl]; - add a comment about how the test should behave and why.