ChiLingFeat is a Python research project for various Chinese handcrafted linguistic features.
For extracting features, the spacy is first utilized to tokenize the input Chinese string into sentences (If the input is a sentence, itself would be returned).
- Install the requirement packages
git clone
pip install -r ChiLingFeat/requirements.txt
- Spacy This library assumes that you have spaCy version 3.0+ installed.
python -m spacy download zh_core_web_trf
- SuPar
pip install -U supar==1.0.0
- StanfordCoreNLP
pip install stanfordcorenlp
Refer to the website
this is the only import you need
import extractor
Pass text
here, text must be in string type
text = "..."
LingFeat = extractor.pass_text(text)
Preprocess text
options (all boolean):
- short (default False): include short words of < 3 letters
- see_token (default False): return token list
- see_sent_token (default False): return tokens in sentences
- n_token
- n_sent
- token_list (optional)
- sent_token_list (optional)
# or
# print(LingFeat.preprocess())
Extract features
each method returns a dictionary of the corresponding features
# Discourse (Disco) Features
EnDF = LingFeat.EnDF_() # Entity Density Features
# Syntactic (Synta) Features
PhrF = LingFeat.PhrF_() # Noun/Verb/Adj/Adv/... Phrasal Features
TrSF = LingFeat.TrSF_() # (Parse) Tree Structural Features
POSF = LingFeat.POSF_() # Noun/Verb/Adj/Adv/... Part-of-Speech Features
# Lexico Semantic (LxSem) Features
TTRF = LingFeat.TTRF_() # Type Token Ratio Features
VarF = LingFeat.VarF_() # Noun/Verb/Adj/Adv Variation Features
# Shallow Traditional (ShTra) Features
ShaF = LingFeat.ShaF_() # Shallow Features (e.g. avg number of tokens)
In total 221 features would be extracted from four main perspectives, Shallow features, LexicaoSemantic features, Syntactic features, and Discourse features. . As shown in the table below, the Fun column represents if the feature is for sentence or passage, in which S represents only for sentence-level, P represents only for passage-level, S/P represents for both sentence-level and passage-level.
Index | Category | Sub-category | Description | Sung et al. 2015 | Lu et al. 2020 | Lee et al. 2021 | State | Fun |
1 | Shallow features | Character | Percentage of characters containing 1 to 10 strokes per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||
2 | Percentage of characters 11 to 20 strokes per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
3 | Percentage of characters containing over 20 strokes per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
4 | Average number of strokes per word | 1 | B | S | ||||
5 | Percentage of HSK1 to HSK3-characters per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
6 | Percentage of HSK4 to HSK5-characters per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
7 | Percentage of HSK6-characters per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
8 | Percentage of not-HSK-characters per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
9 | Total number of characters containing 1 to 10 strokes | 1 | A/B | S | ||||
10 | Total number of characters containing 11 to 20 strokes | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
11 | average count of characters per sentence | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
12 | average count of characters per token | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
13 | Word | Average number of characters per word per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S | ||
14 | Average number of characters per unique word per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
15 | Number of two-character words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
16 | Percentage of two-character words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
17 | Number of three-character words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
18 | Percentage of three-character words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
19 | Number of four-character words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
20 | Percentage of four-character words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
21 | Number of five-up-character words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
22 | Percentage of five-up-character words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
23 | Percentage of HSK1 to HSK3-words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
24 | Percentage of HSK4 to HSK5-words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
25 | Percentage of HSK6-words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
26 | Percentage of Not-HSK-words per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
27 | Percentage of words in 1-1000 mardain frequency list (most-common) per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
28 | Percentage of words in 2-2000 mardain frequency list (second-most-common) per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
29 | Percentage of words in 1-3000 mardain frequency list (all most-common) per sentence | 1 | B | S | ||||
30 | total count of tokens x total count of sentence | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
31 | sqrt(total count of tokens x total count of sentence) | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
32 | log(total count of tokens)/log(total count of sentence) | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
33 | average count of tokens per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
34 | Sentence | Number of multi-character words per sentence | 1 | B | S | |||
35 | Proportion of difficult words, as according to mandarin frequency lists, divided by the total number of words | 1 | *N | |||||
36 | Syntactic features | POS | total count of Noun POS tags | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |
37 | average count of Noun POS tags per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
38 | average count of Noun POS tags per token | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
39 | ratio of Noun POS count to Adjective POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
40 | ratio of Noun POS count to Verb POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
41 | ratio of Noun POS count to Adverb POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
42 | ratio of Noun POS count to Subordinating Conjunction count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
43 | ratio of Noun POS count to Coordinating Conjunction count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
44 | total count of Verb POS tags | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
45 | average count of Verb POS tags per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
46 | average count of Verb POS tags per token | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
47 | ratio of Verb POS count to Adjective POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
48 | ratio of Verb POS count to Noun POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
49 | ratio of Verb POS count to Adverb POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
50 | ratio of Verb POS count to Subordinating Conjunction count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
51 | ratio of Verb POS count to Coordinating Conjunction count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
52 | total count of Adjective POS tags | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
53 | average count of Adjective POS tags per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
54 | average count of Adjective POS tags per token | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
55 | ratio of Adjective POS count to Noun POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
56 | ratio of Adjective POS count to Verb POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
57 | ratio of Adjective POS count to Adverb POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
58 | ratio of Adjective POS count to Subordinating Conjunction count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
59 | ratio of Adjective POS count to Coordinating Conjunction count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
60 | total count of Adverb POS tags | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
61 | average count of Adverb POS tags per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
62 | average count of Adverb POS tags per token | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
63 | ratio of Adverb POS count to Adjective POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
64 | ratio of Adverb POS count to Noun POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
65 | ratio of Adverb POS count to Verb POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
66 | ratio of Adverb POS count to Subordinating Conjunction count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
67 | ratio of Adverb POS count to Coordinating Conjunction count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
68 | total count of Subordinating Conjunction POS tags | 1 | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||
69 | average count of Subordinating Conjunction POS tags per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
70 | average count of Subordinating Conjunction POS tags per token | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
71 | ratio of Subordinating Conjunction POS count to Adjective POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
72 | ratio of Subordinating Conjunction POS count to Noun POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
73 | ratio of Subordinating Conjunction POS count to Verb POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
74 | ratio of Subordinating Conjunction POS count to Adverb POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
75 | ratio of Subordinating Conjunction POS count to Coordinating Conjunction count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
76 | total count of Coordinating Conjunction POS tags | 1 | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||
77 | average count of Coordinating Conjunction POS tags per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
78 | average count of Coordinating Conjunction POS tags per token | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
79 | ratio of Coordinating Conjunction POS count to Adjective POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
80 | ratio of Coordinating Conjunction POS count to Noun POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
81 | ratio of Coordinating Conjunction POS count to Verb POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
82 | ratio of Coordinating Conjunction POS count to Adverb POS count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
83 | ratio of Coordinating Conjunction POS count to Subordinating Conjunction count | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
84 | total count of Content words | 1 | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||
85 | average count of Content words per sentence | 1 | 1 | A | S/P | |||
86 | average count of Content words per token | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
87 | total count of Function words | 1 | 1 | A | S/P | |||
88 | average count of Function words per sentence | 1 | 1 | A | S/P | |||
89 | average count of Function words per token | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
90 | ratio of Content words to Function words | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
92 | Percentage of unique adjectives per sentence | 1 | A/B | S | ||||
93 | Number of unique adjectives per sentence | 1 | A/B | S | ||||
94 | Percentage of unique functional words per sentence | 1 | A/B | S | ||||
95 | Number of unique functional words per sentence | 1 | A/B | S | ||||
96 | Number of unique verbs per sentence | 1 | A/B | S | ||||
97 | Percentage of unique verbs per sentence | 1 | A/B | S | ||||
98 | Number of unique nouns per sentence | 1 | A/B | S | ||||
99 | Percentage of unique nouns per sentence | 1 | A/B | S | ||||
102 | Number of unique content words per sentence | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
103 | Percentage of unique content words per sentence | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
106 | Percentage of unique adverbs per sentence | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
107 | Number of unique adverbs per sentence | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
108 | Phrases | total count of Noun phrases | 1 | 1 | A | S/P | ||
109 | average count of Noun phrases per sentence | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
110 | average count of Noun phrases per token | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
111 | ratio of Noun phrases count to Verb phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
112 | ratio of Noun phrases count to Subordinate Clauses count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
113 | ratio of Noun phrases count to Prep phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
114 | ratio of Noun phrases count to Adj phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
115 | ratio of Noun phrases count to Adv phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
116 | total count of Verb phrases | 1 | 1 | A | S/P | |||
117 | average count of Verb phrases per sentence | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
118 | average count of Verb phrases per token | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
119 | ratio of Verb phrases count to Noun phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
120 | ratio of Verb phrases count to Subordinate Clauses count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
121 | ratio of Verb phrases count to Prep phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
122 | ratio of Verb phrases count to Adj phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
123 | ratio of Verb phrases count to Adv phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
124 | total count of Subordinate Clauses | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
125 | average count of Subordinate Clauses per sentence | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
126 | average count of Subordinate Clauses per token | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
127 | ratio of Subordinate Clauses count to Noun phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
128 | ratio of Subordinate Clauses count to Verb phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
129 | ratio of Subordinate Clauses count to Prep phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
130 | ratio of Subordinate Clauses count to Adj phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
131 | ratio of Subordinate Clauses count to Adv phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
132 | total count of prepositional phrases | 1 | 1 | A | S/P | |||
133 | average count of prepositional phrases per sentence | 1 | 1 | A | S/P | |||
134 | average count of prepositional phrases per token | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
135 | ratio of Prep phrases count to Noun phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
136 | ratio of Prep phrases count to Verb phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
137 | ratio of Prep phrases count to Subordinate Clauses count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
138 | ratio of Prep phrases count to Adj phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
139 | ratio of Prep phrases count to Adv phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
140 | total count of Adjective phrases | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
141 | average count of Adjective phrases per sentence | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
142 | average count of Adjective phrases per token | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
143 | ratio of Adj phrases count to Noun phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
144 | ratio of Adj phrases count to Verb phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
145 | ratio of Adj phrases count to Subordinate Clauses count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
146 | ratio of Adj phrases count to Prep phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
147 | ratio of Adj phrases count to Adv phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
148 | total count of Adverb phrases | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
149 | average count of Adverb phrases per sentence | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
150 | average count of Adverb phrases per token | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
151 | ratio of Adv phrases count to Noun phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
152 | ratio of Adv phrases count to Verb phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
153 | ratio of Adv phrases count to Subordinate Clauses count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
154 | ratio of Adv phrases count to Prep phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
155 | ratio of Adv phrases count to Adj phrases count | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
156 | Average length of noun phrases per sentence | 1 | S/P | |||||
157 | Average length of verbal phrases per sentence | 1 | S/P | |||||
158 | Average length of prepositional phrases per sentence | 1 | S/P | |||||
159 | Clauses | total Tree height of all sentences | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
160 | average Tree height per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
161 | average Tree height per token (word) | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
162 | total length of flattened Trees | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
163 | average length of flattened Trees per sentence | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
164 | average length of flattened Trees per token (word) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
165 | Average dependency distance per sentence | 1 | B | P | ||||
166 | Maximum dependency distance per sentence | 1 | B | P | ||||
167 | Total number of dependency distances per sentence | 1 | B | S/P | ||||
168 | Average number of dependency distances per sentence | 1 | B | S/P | ||||
169 | Cohension | Entity Density | total number of named Entities Mentions counts | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |
170 | average number of named Entities Mentions counts per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
171 | average number of named Entities Mentions counts per token (word) | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
172 | total number of unique named Entities | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
173 | average number of unique named Entities per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
174 | average number of unique namend Entities per token (word) | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
175 | Percentage of Not-NE nouns per sentence | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
176 | Number of Not-NE nouns per sentence | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
177 | ratio of ss transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
178 | ratio of so transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
179 | ratio of sx transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
180 | ratio of sn transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
181 | ratio of os transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
182 | ratio of oo transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
183 | ratio of ox transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
184 | ratio of on transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
185 | ratio of xs transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
186 | ratio of xo transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
187 | ratio of xx transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
188 | ratio of xn transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
189 | ratio of ns transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
190 | ratio of no transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
191 | ratio of nx transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
192 | ratio of nn transitions to total | 1 | A | P | ||||
193 | Local Coherence for PA score | 1 | A | P | ||||
194 | Local Coherence for PW score | 1 | A | P | ||||
195 | Local Coherence distance for PU score | 1 | A | P | ||||
196 | Discourse | Percentage of conjunctions per sentence | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
197 | Number of unique conjunctions per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
198 | Percentage of unique conjunctions per sentence | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
199 | Percentage of pronouns per sentence | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
200 | Number of unique pronouns per sentence | 1 | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
201 | Percentage of unique pronouns per sentence | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
202 | Total number of personal pronouns | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
203 | Total number of first person pronouns | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
204 | Total number of third person pronouns | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
205 | Variation | unique Nouns/total Nouns (Noun Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | |||
206 | (unique Nouns**2)/total Nouns (Squared Noun Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
207 | unique Nouns/sqrt(2*total Nouns) (Corrected Noun Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
208 | unique Verbs/total Verbs (Verb Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
209 | (unique Verbs**2)/total Verbs (Squared Verb Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
210 | unique Verbs/sqrt(2*total Verbs) (Corrected Verb Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
211 | unique Adjectives/total Adjectives (Adjective Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
212 | (unique Adjectives**2)/total Adjectives (Squared Adjective Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
213 | unique Adjectives/sqrt(2*total Adjectives) (Corrected Adjective Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
214 | unique Adverbs/total Adverbs (AdVerb Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
215 | (unique Adverbs**2)/total Adverbs (Squared AdVerb Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
216 | unique Adverbs/sqrt(2*total Adverbs) (Corrected AdVerb Variation-1) | 1 | A | S/P | ||||
217 | TTR | unique tokens/total tokens (TTR) | 1 | A/B | S/P | |||
218 | unique tokens/sqrt(2*total tokens) (Corrected TTR) | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
219 | log(unique tokens)/log(total tokens) (Bi-Logarithmic TTR) | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
220 | (log(unique tokens))^2/log(total tokens/unique tokens) (Uber Index) | 1 | A/B | S/P | ||||
221 | Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity (default TTR = 0.72) | 1 | A/B | S/P |