WAM is to logical programming what SECD is to functional. Basic semantic model of how a program carries on computation. WAM serves as the basis for most high-performance implementations of Prolog and similar langauges. This includes use of intermediate language for a compiler from Prolog to conventional machines, as the basis for entirely new computer architectures that support Prolog features directly, and as a starting point for implementations of non-Prolog logic languages. Origins come from David H. D. Warren's Ph.D. thesis (1977).
The general model of execution assumes that the argument registers mentioned above contain the actual arguments for the current goal literal, and these values are successively unified against the formal argument expression. When a match occurs, new argument values are built for the first literal in that clause's body, and the process is repeated for that goal. Success in solving that goal causes code to be executed that builds the arguments for the next goal on the right hand side. A linking mechanism keeps track of which literals are left to be treated as goals, and in what order, after the current goal is proven successfully. Saving copies of the argument and other registers in a memory stack permits failure and backtracking operations to restart with a previous goal as required.
For each of original Prolog statements there is a corresponding section of WAM instructions which handles the head unification for that clause and the sequencing through goals called our on the statement's right hand side.
All such code sections for clauses aving the same predicate name in their head literal are chained directly together in the order in which the programmer entered the original text. The chaining is via instructions at the beginning of each section. This permits the computer to rapidly find the next clause to try if one clause fails.
Together, each linkage of sections acts as a single procedure, tailored specifically to handle any goal whose predicate symbol matches that for its internal clauses. The internals of the precedure step through the appropriate statements in the expected Prolog order, with calls to other such prcedures as needed as goals are processed. All such calls are to the entry code of a procedure segment where the neccessary initialization is performed.
WIthin a procedure it is possible to link the individual code sections in orders other than the simplistic way shown here. In many cases this can improve performance by avoiding entirely clauses which are known beforehand not to work for certain goals.
Starting out the segment is initialization code which sets up the machine's major data structures to permit trying the clause. This includes saving a pointer to the next clause with the same predicate name if backtracking occurs out of this one.
Following this is code that checks that the formal argument expressions of the
clause are in fact inifiable with the actual arguments in the current goal.
These actual arguments are always found in the argument registers denoted
through An
. Mismatch in any of these tests causes this code sequence to
be aborted and control transfered to the next appropriate code segment. This is
sometimes termed shallow backtracking.
In the process of doing these unification checks, it may be neccessary to assign values to formal variables in the clause. This is done by allocating a memory location to each variable in the clause and storing a value as appropriate during unification checks. The set of memory locations covering the variables for a clause is called its environment and is kept on an internal stack.
Once all arguments have unified successfully, control in the WAM program passes to a series of instructions that mirror the body of the original statement. There is a series of instructions for each goal, in the order in which the goals were written. These instructions are of two types, first takes the current substitutions for clause variables and creates the actual arguments (in the argument registers). Second type actually performs the transfer of control to the entry code for the goal's predicate. That code saves any machine state information that might have to be reloaded if a return is necessary to the current code, plus initialization for the new predicate's clauses.
Successful execution of the new code for some goal will eventually result in control being passed back to the original code that called it, with the original machine state largely restored.
A failure in the called code to find any matching clauses at all will cause a backtrack into the caller's code to look for another alternative for a prior goal. This is called a deep backtrack.
Successful completion of the code segment for the last goal in a clause causes return to the section's exit. This code does whatever storage housekeeping is necessary before returning to the code that called the procedure in which this section is embedded.
The primary difference between conventional subroutine call and WAM execution sequence is that a return in the WAM does not free up the stack space allocated to the call. This is because of Prolog's backtrack mechanism, which may require restarting the procedure later if a failure is detected in some other clause.
The WAM model matcher fairly directly a conventional von Neumann computer.
The first memory area is devoted to program code. Instructions are fetched from this area one at a time as indicated by the PC register.
Successful completion of the code section for some clause means that a goal built by some other clause's right-hand size code has been successful, and the machine should return to that point in the right-hand side and resume execution. The continuation pointer or CP register points to this location. Typical WAM instruction calling a procedure sets the CP to one instruction after the call.
The next major data area is the heap, which contains structures and lists built during the unification process. These objects are usually too big to fit into an argument register or single environment cell. The structure pointer or SP register steps through the components of such objects during unification. Storage here is allocated dynamically as needed, with pointers to them left where needed. The H register indicates the top of the allocated part of the heap.
The most important data structure is the stack. It holds call/return and environment information for sequencing through the code segments corresponding to the clauses. The information for each attempt to solve a goal is called choice point, with the B register (backtrack) pointing to the most recently created one and the E register (environment) pointing to the one created when the clause code currently pointed to by the PC was entered. The S register points to the current stack top from which new choice points will be built.
At any point in time the PC points into the code for some clause, and E register gives access to the current values for variables in that clause. The B register points to the most recently created choice point and may be equal to or greather than E. It is equal just as the code for the right-hand side is entered and is greather as goals in that clause's body are solved successully.
The trail is a stack of locations containing references to variables that have received values at some point during execution (e.g. are bound or instantiated), and may have to be unbound. TR register points to the top of this area where new trails can be pushed.
PDL or push-down list is a small stack used by the unification instructions to save information during unification of complex objects. PDL register points to the top of this stack.
A cell has two parts, a tag and a value. Tags are of following types:
- constant
- variable a logical variable that has not yet beed given a value by unification.
- list - identical to general s-expression
- structure corresponds to a syntactic term involving a function symbol and its arguments. It has an arity telling us how many cells are following (arguments)
- structure pointer indicates that the object in question is structure starting at designated memory location.
- reference is indirect pointer to some other cell. This is used to chain objects together. In many ways it behaves like invisible pointer in GC algorithms.
For simplicity, the notation x#y
will denote the contents of some cell, where
is tag and y
is value. A value *
denotes the address of that cell.
Therefore var#*
stands for unbound variable.
The major data structure controlling program execution is the choice point - a set of contiguous locations on the ain stack. They closely resemble a frame. It contains copies of the various machine registers needed to restart clause's code under various conditions.
At any point in a program's execution there is one choice point for each goal currently still active.
Information found includes:
a copy of the argument registers
. This permits the argument registers to be reloaded to their initial values if one clause fails after changing some of them and a new clause is to be tried against the same goal. -
where to return to if the goal represented by this choice point is solved successfully. This is called the continuation, and consists of:
- Backtrack Continuation Pointer or BCP entry. The instructionaddressed by this value is the beginning of the code for the next goal to solve in left-to-right order.
- Backtrack Continuation Environment or BCE
The address of the code for the next clause to try if the current clause fails - FA (for failure address). This is the primary information needed by the shallow backtrack process
The state of the main memory data structures at the time the choice was built, namely, the top of the trail and heap, and the choice point if effect before this one (BTR (backtrack trail), BH (backtrack heap), BB (backtrack B)). This is primary information for deep backtrack if no clause exists which satisfies the current goal.
The environment for the values to be bound to local variables.
The notation <entry-name>[X]
refers to the contents of a specific entry in
the choice point designated by X
(usually B
or E
). Thus, BTR[B]
is the
memory cell labeled BTR
in the choice point selected by B
Five classes:
- Indexing instructions to control sequencing through the chain of code sections associated with one procedure (one head predicate symbol)
- Procedural instructions to control choice point and environment setup and tranfer of control from one chain to another
- Get instructions to verify that the formal arguments in a clause unify with current actual arguments (as recorded in the argument registers), and to record the appropriate unifying substitutions
- Put instructions to load the argument registers for the next goal on the right-hand side of some clause
- Unify instructions to handle gets and puts of complex objects such as lists and structures.
In general, the instructions described below treat the WAM machine registers in a certain fashion:
- The B register always points to the topmost choice point on the stack
- Once inside the code for some particular clause, the E register points to the choice point that was created when the procedure containing that clause was entered. The only time this may be the same as B is just as the code for a particular clause is entered and before any goals on the right-hand side are tried.
- At the entry to the code segment for a predicate symbol, the CP register contains the instruction address to return to if a clause is found in the new procedure that unifies with the current goal, and has all of its right-hand side goals fully satisfiable. The E register at this time points to the environment needed to continue execution at CP.
- Unless otherwise specified, each instruction increments the PC register.
Indexing instructions chain together and control the code sections for different clauses that have the same predicate symbol in their head.
The mark instruction is the first instruction encountered in the procedure. It builds a choice point. After execution, the B register is set to point to the new choice point.
The retry-me-else is the first instruction for each clause code section.
It modifies the FA entry in B's choice point to indicate the start of the code
section for the next possible clause with the same predicate symbol. This
address is provided as an argument to the instruction. The address planted by
the instruction is used if the clause corresponding to the code following it
fails for any reason. Usually the first instruction at this address is another
The backtrack instruction is used as the target of the retry for the last clause of a chain. If control reaches the backtrack, then none of the clauses satisfied current goal, and deep backtracking is necessary.
Fail sequence:
- reload the argument registers from B's choice point
- reset the heap top to what it was when B's choice point was built
- use B to recompute the top of the main stack
- unwind the trail stack by popping off the entried until the TR register reaches the value stored in B's choice point. For each entry popped off, the memory location corresponding to that variable is reset to a *variable entry. 5 .Branch to the code specified by the FA entry in the restored choice point. This is the next possible clause which may satisfy the goal.
Procedural instructions handle the management of environments and the transfer of control between chains of clauses.
The allocate instruction is typically the first instruction of the code section. and allocates space for all the clause's variables (as indicated by its single argument). In the version shown here, this allocation is on the stack right after the current choice point. It also initializes all N locations in the environment to entries with tag variable and value equaling the address of its own memory location. Also, this instruction sets up the E register to point to the choice point where the new environment has just been created.
The call instruction is used just after loading the argument registers with argument values for a goal literal in the body of current clause. It saves the address of the next instruction in the CP register and branches off to the entry point of that clause code that corresponds to the predicate symbol in that goal. This is identical to a subroutine call.
The return instruction is the last instruction in a clause segment, and if executed, it indicates successful satisfaction of all goals in the body of the clause. Control is passed back to the continuation address with the caller's environment set, without deallocating any choice points or environments. Unlike conventional computers, this return does not pop anything.
Get instructions perform the initial unification checks between the actual arguments (found in A registers) and the formal arguments in the head of a potentially applicable clause. They are used right after an allocate in the code section for that clause. At this point both B and E point to the same location in the same choice point.
There is typically one get per formal argument. The form of the get depends on the type of the formal argument.
When a get instruction has found that some object is being matched to a curently unbound variable, unification always works, with a substitution generated which records the binding of the object's value to the variable. In the WAM this substitution is recorded by writing into the memory cell asociated with the variable the tag and value of the object. This is fine if the rest of the head literal/goal unification goes through, but the machine must be able to 'unwrite' the substitution if a later get finds a contradiction.
The process of recording the information necessary to repeal the subsitution if necessary is termed trailing. It consists of pushing onto trail stack the address of the variable being bound. To trail a variable, we simply push a copy of its memory cell to the trail stack.
The failure of a get instruction to find a match between its argument and the corresponding A register causes a shalow backtrack.
When a programmer writes:
P(11,(Pete.Mike),age(Pete,40)) := ...
the code representing this would use a get-constant instruction to check the first actual argument, a get-list instruction to check the second, adn a get-structure instruction to check the third.
Get-constant takes the A register, dereference it, if the result has a tag of constant, then the value fields are compared. A match means that the unification is successful, and execution continues. A mismatch means that the actual and formal arguments are not unifiable and this clause cannot be used for the current goal. The failure sequence described above is then invoked to start up the code for some other potential clause.
If the result of the dereference has a tag of variable, then that variable is trailed and a copy of the constant is stored into the variable's corresponding memory cell (wiping out the variable tag). This corresponds to a successful unification where a substitution is necessary.
Get-list exprects that actual argument is list or unbound variable. If it is a list, a later pair of unify instructions will check that the car and cdr of the actual list match what is expected by the formal arguments. To set up for this test, the get-list will set the mode flag status bit in the CPU to read mode and set the SP register to point to the memory location containing the car of the actual goal's list.
If the tag of the actual argument is a variable, then we still have a successul unification, but we must now generate a substitution for that variable where the variable's ew value is the formal list. In this case the get-list sets the tag of the variable cell to list and gives the cell's value field a copy of the current H register. The following unify instructions will build a copy of the desired list there. In addition, this instruction sets the mode flag to write mode, telling these unify instructions to build such list.
The get-structure is similar. After dereferencing the actual argument, this instruction expects to see either a variable or a structure pointer. In the latter case, the value for the functor name and arity is extracted and compared to that stored in the instruction. A mismatch causes failure.
A match means that the actual and formal arguments have at least the same function symbol and the same number of arguments. Following unify instructions will check the components for matches. This is signalled by setting mode flag to read mode and SP to point to one memory cell beyond the actual argument's structure cell.
An actual argument that is an unbound variable causes that variable to be trailed and the corresponding cell overwritten by a tag of structure pointer and a value equaling the current H register value. The cell at memory[H] receives a tag of structure and a value equaling the functor/arity code from the get-structure instruction. H is incremented to indicate tha a cellhas been assigned, and the mode flag is set to write mode.
The getv instruction handles the case where the formal argument is a clause variable. This is complex because the compiler cannot always know beforehand whether or not this clause variable might have a value at a particular point, or even what kind of value that might be.
As an example consider the case where the clause head is p(x,x)
getv 1,A1; Assume 1 is offset in environment for x
getv 1,A2; See if first argument matches the second.
For the case where the goal is p(2,2)
, the first getv binds 2 to x and the
second one does simple constant to constant test.
Now consider a goal of the form:
p(g(h(3), (Pete.(a.Tim)),h(a)), g(b, (Pete.c), b))
In this goal p has two actual arguments both complex structures. The first getv
recognizes that x is unbound and binds to it a structure representing
. The second getv must recognize that x is now
bound to a structure which does have a matching functor and whose arguments can
be unified by binding h(3)
to b
, 3
to a
, and (3.Tim)
to c
. Further,
several of the arguments are themselves complex objects requiring checks of
their arguments.
Such process is potentially recursive, requiring some sort of internal stack to keep track of complex objects that are not yet bound. In the WAM this is the puprose of the PDL (or push-down list). This stack is emptied at the start of each getv, and as complex structures are found that must be matched, a triple consisting of the starting addresses of the actual and formal objects and the number of consecutive cells to compare is pushed onto the PDL.
Put instructions are used to load the A registers with the actual arguments to be passed on to predicates found in the body of a clause. They occur in bunches, one bunch per literal on the right-hand side, with one put in each bunch for each top-level arugment in the corresponding literal. For the most part heir operation consists of simply copying something and involves no possibilit of a fail or backtrack. They correspond to a load register instructions found in conventional ISAs.
For complex argument objects these instructions handle only the start of the object. The setting of the mode flag to write mode indicates to the unifys that objects are to be built.
A sequence of Unify instructions are used afer get or put instructions to handle components of lists or structures. They operate in one of two modes signalled by the current value in the mode flag - read or write. In read mode they simply attempt to unify the next component of the object (as pointed to by the SP register) with the variable or constant specified in the instruction. A successful match may cause variables to be trailed and bound as in get, and increments SP to point to the next component. Also as before, a mismatch causes a fail sequence to back the processor up to try the next clause. Only get instructions can set the read mode.
In write mode, these instructions copy the specified constant or variable to the object being built up on the heap. The initial get or put has earlier given either a register or a variable a reference to the start of this object. The SP register is not needed. Pushing on the heap increments the H register.
There are no unify-list and unify-structure instructions. A simpler approach to handling such situations exist:
- For each list or structure used as a component of a complex formal argument in the head of a clause, allocate an extra local clause variable cell not to be used anywhere else in the clause.
- When the place in the code is reached where a unify-list or unify-structure would be used, replace it by a unifyv with an argument that specifies the new variable defined in step 1.
- After completion of the top-level code for that formal argument, generate a putv to load some unneeded argument register with the contents of one of these new variables.
- Follow this by a get-list or get-structure as appropriate against this argument register.
- Use unify instructions as above to complete the components of this new structure.
There are two major sections to this compiler. First an outer loop that cycles through the clauses and chains them into procedures. Second is the compilation of a single clause into a code section for the above procedure chains.
The following is a high-level description of the steps that might be involved in cycling throuhg the clauses and linking sections of code together. It assumes we maintain a symbol table containing an entry for each symbol used as the predicate symbol of the head of some clause. At minimum, an entry in this table has:
- the name of a symbol
- the memory address of the initial mark instruction for the symbol
- the memory address of the last retry-me-else instruction compiled for that symbol
- space for a list of places in the program where this predicate symbol has been referenced as a right-hand-side goal literal (where it shows up as the argument to a call)
- a flag indicating whether or not any code has been generated yet for the predicate symbol.
We assume below that this table is built first, with all entries but the first initialized to appropriate nulls.
The program clauses are then processed in the order they were entered by the programmer using following algorithm:
- select the next unprocessed clause from the program and get the predicate symbol used in the head literal.
- if the symbol table entry for this symbol indicates that no code has been
generated for it yet:
- mark the entry as having had code generated
- record as the initial address the next available memory location
- compile into this location a mark instruction, followed by a retry-me-else with the label field left empty
- save in the symbol table entry the address of the retry's label
- if the symbol table entry indicated that some code has already been
- store into the memory word designated by the last retry field the address of the next available word in memory
- compile into this location a retry-me-else instruction with the label left empty.
- save in the symbol table entry the address of the retry's label
- generate a code section for the clause as described in next section
- If there are more clauses in the program, go to 1
- After compilling all clauses
- compile into the next available location a backtrack instruction, remembering the address where it went
- for each symbol table entry, fix up the label field of the last retry instruction to point to this backtrack
- for each symbol table entry, go through the list of addresses of call instructions that used that symbol, adn write into those locations the address of the mark instruction.
- compile the query using a variant of the clause code generator (no head unification code is needed)
- the first instruction of the query's code is the program's starting point.
This section assumes that a clause has been selected for compilation by the outer compiler routine, adn that all the appropriate interclause link addresses are set up correctly in the symbol table.
- calculate the number of local variables needed, including allowances for temporaries used for complex objects buried inside other complex objects. If the number is not zero, generate an allocate instruction. Also build a list pairing local variable names and their offsets.
- process the k-th formal argument of the head as follows (k=1,2...):
- if it is a constant, generate a get-constant instruction, encoding in the value of the constant and Ak.
- if it is a variable, generate a getv instruction, encoding in the offset to that variable from the above-computed pairings and Ak.
- if it is a list, generate a get-list instruction which references Ak. Then for the car and cdr of this list generate either a unify-constant or unifyv instruction, as appropriate. If either car or cdr is a complex object, generate a unifyv instructionwhich refers to one of the allocated temporaries.
- If it is a structure, generate a get-structure instruction, encoding in the name of the functor and its arity. Then do exactly as described for lists for each argument of this expression.
- for each complex object that was a component of some other object:
- generate a putv instruction which refers to the allocated local variable and to some argument register that is not needed any more.
- generate either a get-list or a get-structure instruction as appropriate against this register.
- for each component of this object, generate code as was done above.
- process the goal literals on the right-hand side one at a time, from left to
- process the i-th top-level argument of the next literal as follows
- if it is a constant, generate a put-constant instruction, encoding in the constant's value and Ak.
- if it is a variable, generate a putv instruction, encoding in Ak and the offset to the variable from the pairings developed in the first step.
- If it is a list or a structure all of whose components are either variables or constants, generate either a put-list or a put-structure as appropriate (with Ak encoded), and then generate a unify-constant or unifyv for each argument.
- if it is a list or structure that includes as embedded list or
- take the most deeply nested such component
- select a currently unused argument register Au
- generate an instruction sequence as in the prior step (put-list or put-structure), but target the result to Au.
- generate a getv instruction to place Au in a specially allocated clause variable (as was done for nested objects in the clause head)
- repeat the above process for the next most nested component, except that for components that refer to nested structures that have already been processed, use a unifyv iinstruction with the offset of the clause variable into which they were compoled earlier.
- mark the register Au as free again.
- generate a call instruction leaving the label field empty.
- link the address of this field into the symbol table entry for the predicate being called.
- process the i-th top-level argument of the next literal as follows
- complete the code by generating a return instruction
Note that the processing order for complex objects as they are built for right-hand side goals is just the opposite of that for head unification, namely, inside out versus outside in. they do, however, use the same ide of temporarily saving a partially processed object in an extra clause variable until it is needed. Note also that one of the final steps in the outer loop uses information from the symbol table to fix up all the labels for the call instructions to point to the correct procedure entry points.
The WAM as described supports pure Prolog, without special built-in predicates that have side effects, such sa cut, I/O, ad the various predicates to read and modify the program dynamically.
Fail invoked the failure sequence.
Escape permits a WAM machine to communicate with some other processor (perhaps one that is capable of arithmetic functions, IO...). The instruction simply takes the current argument registers, places theme somewhere the other processor can access them, signals the other processor and waits for a completion.
Switch-on-type specifies an argument register and four addresses to branch to. The argument is dereferenced and the tag is tested. Depending on the tag one of the four branch addresses are placed in the PC.
To understand cut consider a clause of the form:
p(...) := q1(...),...qn(...),!,r1(...),...,rm(...).
When converted into WAM cde, the code to support the cut operation should come immediately after the call qn instruction. Following this code should then be the normal puts in support of r1.
If the program execution ever reaches the cut code, B points to the most recent choice point build in support of qn, while E points to the earlier one established for p. The semantics of a cut dictate that any backtracks through it will always succeed, but will have the effect that any backtracks through it should result in a backtrack through the p choice point. It should be as if the choice points for q1 to qn never existed, and that this clause is the last one possible for the p predicate.
One way to do this is to have the cut code set B to poin to the same choice point as E does, and to load FA[E] with the address of some location known to hold a backtrack instruction. Now if the code for r1 backtracks, it will restart p's choice point, which will branch to a backtract instruction, which in turn will restart the prior choice point as desired.
Disjunction ;
is worth discussion. What it does is build a separate
choice point for the goals involved that will try the second if the first does
not succeed, and so on.
Some of the Prolog built-in predicates represent a very tough challenge to implementation with WAM code. These include the predicates that read and modify the set of Prolog statements during the execution, such as clause, assert, retract.
Any time the append predicate symbol shows up in a goal, control is transferred to the first instruction, the mark, with three arguments in argument registers A1, A2, A3. This instruction builds the initial choice point and drops down to the entry append1 for the first clause. The entry code here consists of a retry-me-else which designated append2 as the starting location for the next possible rule for append and allocates space for the single clause variable x. The body of the clause code consists of checking that the first argument is nil, and then that the second and third arguments are the same. The final instruction, return, returns control to the caller if this all worked.
The second clause is a little more complex. Here the first argument is supposed to be a list, so the unification code for the first argument starts with a get-list. If A1 is a list, this will set the SP register to poin to its car cell, and set the machine to rad mode. The following two unifyv instructions then try to unify the car of the actual list with H, and the cdr with L1. Both of these have no current value, so the net effect is a copying of the car and cdr of the actual list into these two variable locations in th environment.
If the actual argument in A1 is an unbound variable to begin with, a copy of the variable's cell is pushed to the trail, the cell itself is loaded with a tag of list and a value pointing to the top of the heap, and the machine is set to write mode. We will build for the variable a new list on the heap. The two unifyv instructions handle the specifications for the car and cdr of this list, and will create the appropriate entries on the heap.
Another getv and then get-list, unifyv, unifyv combination follows to process the other two arguments.
Following this code, three putvs create the new argument values needed to call append from the body. Note that copies of the original A registers are in the choice point where they get reloaded if a backtrack occurs.
The recursive call to append repeats this whole process over again with the new arguments.
Upon a successful return from one call, the return instruction will successfully return from either code sequence.
The final instruction is a backtrack, and is positioned as a new clause if the second one fails. This signals that there are no more rules for this goan and deep backtrack must occur.
- Convert the set of Prolog statements for each of the following predicate
symbols as found in the text into a sequence of simplified WAM instructions:
member(x,y) [use z in place of the anonymous variable]
#set membership member(x,(x._)). member(x,(_.y)) :- member(x,y)
;at entry registers A1, A2 hold two arguments member: mark member1: retry-me-else member2 allocate 3 getv y1, A1 get-list A2 unifyv y2 unifyv y3 getv y1, y2 return member2: retry-me-else quit allocate 3 getv y1, A1 get-list A2 unifyv y2 unifyv y3 putv y1, A1 putv y3, A2 call member return quit: backtrack
#second argument is reversed list reverse(x,y) :- rev(x,(),y). rev(nil,y,y). rev((h.t),y,z) :- rev(t,(h.y),z)
reverse: mark reverse1: retry-me-else quit allocate 2 getv y1, A1 getv y2, A2 putv y2, A3 put-constant nil, A2 call rev return quit: backtrack rev: mark rev1: retry-me-else rev2 allocate 1 get-constant nil, A1 getv y1, A2 getv y1, A3 return rev2: retry-me-else quit2 allocate 4 get-list A1 unifyv y1 unifyv y2 getv y3, A2 getv y4, A3 putv y2, A1 put-list A2 unifyv y1 unifyv y3 putv y4, A3 call rev return quit2: backtrack