The team is committed to being in constant daily communication through Discord and weekly team metups and standups. All members are treated with respect, empathy, and equality and will put in equal time and effort to the project. When conflicts arise they will be resolved through discussion and within the team to reach a compromise everyone is satisfied with. In accordance with Scrum, sprints will be completed every two weeks, and daily standups will be held every Tuesday from 5-5:15 PM and Friday from 10-10:15 AM. Our coding standards dictate that the Feature Branch Workflow will be followed when implementing new features. Code will be constantly pushed and written conscisely with helpful comments. Commit messages will be informative, and files will be delegated to individuals to avoid merge conflcits.
When new features are to be implemented, developers will work from a local branch associated with a specfific task or user story. Code will be regulary pushed to ensure the remote repository is up to date. When finished the local branch will be merged with the master branch.
Users who would like to contribute must fork a copy of this repo and make a pull request of their desired changes to the code. Users can contribute to add new features but are not allowed to remove any existing features.