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A log of project progress and specific lessons learned.


  • Mercury ⚪: A 3D block environment within Unity's GUI that can read a JSON file to display an arrangement of blocks of predefined sizes.
    • Define block types
    • Read JSON file to display blocks
    • Write a JSON file based on block modifications in Unity
    • Visualize RL training results
  • Venus 🟠: A labeled dataset of 3D models of object that are built with blocks of predefined sizes
    • Look into ShapeNet (got access on HuggingFace!)
    • Generate single 3D object using ShapeNet and a DQN RL Block Laying Agent
    • Compare different DQN architectures
    • Explore other RL and neural network architectures
    • Generate for multiple object classes
  • Earth 🌍: A trained Block Laying Agent
    • Continue training Block Laying Agent with changing object model targets every episode
  • Moon 🌕: Revisit overall approach. Is RL a necessary part of this approach?
    • Consider supervised learning approaches that generate blocks of predefined sizes to match a given object voxel model in a single shot.
  • Mars 🔴: Build a standalone 3D block environment app
    • UX Wireframe
    • User Interaction Functions
    • Build and user tests
  • Jupiter 🔴: Use trained Block Laying Agent to pre-train Object Recognition RL Agent
  • Saturn 🪐: Connect AI Agents to 3D block app
    • Convert JSON file to a format for the machine learning models to use
  • Uranus 🔵: Local user testing
  • Neptune 🔵: Deploy the 3D block app to the web
  • Pluto 🪨: Build a spaceship and explore the universe



A few thoughts has occurred to me that started with the question, "Wait, why am I training the RL Agent to figure out a sequence of blocks if I just keep telling the Agent the structure of blocks is still mostly incomplete?"

If I don't have a good answer for why, then that means the target model of blocks is basically stationary, and there's no need for RL to figure out a sequence; an AI can just figure out a full structure of blocks in one shot.

Unless...the environment includes another agent that simulates how a person would stack blocks to make a given object. A couple things I'll need to incorporate:

  • The environment should add a block in a correct location and orientation based on the given shape.
  • The environment can also delete a block if it's not in a correct location.
    • 2024-05-08: On second thought this isn't a strict requirement for training something right now. Maybe eventually we can train the block laying agent with human feedback, where a human chooses to delete some blocks and causes a penalty. For now, it's not clear how an environment should automatically delete a block to simulate how a human would delete blocks in response. The current penalties for incorrect blocks may be enough to signal to the block laying agent which blocks are incorrect.
  • The reward function should really reflect whether the Agent's block was accepted or deleted by the environment.
  • The ShapeNetID should NOT be a part of the state given to the agent. It never knows the name of what's actually being built.
    • 2024-05-08: On second thought this isn't a strict requirement for training. It may help if a network assumes a target name of what it's trying to build.

Some scattered thoughts:

  • A real human doesn't make a perfect structure of blocks to perfectly match an object in their mind. So while it's OK to simulate a "Perfect Block Laying Agent" eventually I'll have to introduce noise.
  • How do people build stuff with blocks? Is it always starting at some corner? Or some other approaches?
  • Furthermore, I need to think more carefully about why RL is needed for the block laying agent. Essentially, the Agent has to learn through interactions with another agent.
  • Right now I keep things simple. Agent lays one block, Environment either lays a block OR deletes the block. But eventually I need the Agent to lay a sequence of blocks and the Environment to respond with a sequence of additional blocks and deletions.
  • I think a latent variable model can be useful here, where the latent variable can represent the Agent's guess at what object is being built and inform the rest of its predictions on what blocks to place next.
  • Another thought on how the neural network should be structured: One part (i.e., "block sequencer") takes in a sequence of blocks already laid out and deleted, and outputs a new sequence of blocks. Another part (i.e., "3D processor") takes in the current grid of cells and unoccupied cells and encodes it to condition the predictions of the "block sequencer" (i.e. like the cross attention part of a transformer).


Who would've known CUDA could run out of memory?

The PyTorch DQN tutorial code moves (state, action, next_state, reward) to the CUDA device before pushing to ReplayMemory.

This seems like a major mistake. States can be quite huge to begin with, and they pushing the states to ReplayMemory mean they will accumulate on the CUDA device. One can at least move those tensors to cpu and detach+clone them on ReplayMemory. Only a batch of those tensors sampled from ReplayMemory need to be moved to CUDA device during the optimize_model() step.

Eventually, I may also need to lower the ReplayMemory capacity from 10000 to 1000 or even lower. Right now I ran training for 1000 blocks in a single episode. Storing that ReplayMemory as a part of my checkpoint file, I end up with a compressed tar file of 14GB. I'm betting much of that is due to the ReplayMemory storing all those Transitions.

This does seem like the most important tradeoff to investigate in DRL - memory vs learning performance.


PyTorch DQN tutorial assumes that the next state's value = 0 when the episode/environment terminates:

# Compute V(s_{t+1}) for all next states.
# Expected values of actions for non_final_next_states are computed based
# on the "older" target_net; selecting their best reward with max(1).values
# This is merged based on the mask, such that we'll have either the expected
# state value or 0 in case the state was final.
next_state_values = torch.zeros((BATCH_SIZE,5), device=device)

At first I read that and thought, "Are terminal states associated with reward = 0? If so, shouldn't it be whatever the final reward was?"

Then I saw how next state was used:

# Compute the expected Q values
expected_state_action_values = (next_state_values * GAMMA) + reward_batch.unsqueeze(1)

It's not that we're assuming the reward is 0 for next state. We're assuming that the value of next state beyond a terminated episode is 0. When the next state value=0, the expected Q-values therefore only get updated with the actual reward at the end of the episode, not a reward=0.

Another major update: The environment state reflects both what cells are unfilled and what cells need to be filled based on the target object's voxel model.

So the state is initialized with values of -1 to represent empty cell, but substracts further at cells where there's supposed to be something filled.

self.state[2:5,:,:,:] = self.state[2:5,:,:,:] - 9 * self.target_vox_tensor` # x,y,z values only

So at a grid cell where there's supposed to be a block, the initial state will look like

tensor([2843684,      -1,     -10,     -10,     -10,      -1,      -1])

# Instead of:
# tensor([2843684,      -1,      -1,      -1,      -1,      -1,      -1])


Got a Deep Q-learning Network to start figuring out how to place blocks to match a shape!

First, I had to carefully think about how blocks rotate and how that affects the cells they occupy in a tensor and their position in Unity. I'm assuming each of the 6 types of blocks has only two types of rotations that an agent can choose from. This informs both the action space for the agent/environment and how the environment handles the agent's choice of action.

Currently the DQN agent can choose among 6 block types, 2 orientations to place in a 64x64x64 grid. That amounts to over 3 million possible actions. Of course, once the DQN agent places a block on the grid, it cannot place a block in that same location or other nearby blocks that overlap with it. The current environment penalizes the agent when it places a block that overlaps with other existing blocks, and the state of the blocks remains unchanged.

I started by modifying example code in the PyTorch DQN tutorial. My thinking was "Well MY DQN agent is picking indices between 0 and 5, then 0 and 1, and then 0 and 63..." such that agent.select_action() returns an array of indices (i.e., [5, 1, 34, 32, 58]).

But each iteration ended up taking a lot of time. Addressing the computational efficiency, especially in the optimize_model function, I ended up basically doing what the tutorial did. With large and high dimensional action spaces, the approach of having the agent compute the indices of each dimension using unravel_index() (with torch 2.2 or numpy library) ends up taking a lot of time. Instead, the DQN agent can just use torch.max(Q-values) to get the max_index instead of a list of indices (i.e., 3024954 instead of [5, 1, 34, 32, 58]). This max_index specifies the location of the max Q-value if the action space were reshaped into a 1D array. As an added bonus, we can declare a single value inside a the tensor for the action and just update the value instead of declaring a new tensor every time.

# agent_actions = torch.tensor([[max_index]], device=device, dtype=torch.long)

agent_actions[0,0] = max_index # update the value instead

With the DQN agent only returning a single max_index value, the optimize_model() function can estimate Q(s_t, a) and V(s_{t+1}) using view() and gather() functions, without having to unravel the agent's action.

# Q(s_t, a)
state_action_values = self.policy_net(state_batch).view(BATCH_SIZE,-1).gather(1, action_batch)

# V(s_{t+1})

During optimization you don't need to calculate the individual indices at each dimension of the action space. You can just reshape the action space to a 1D vector and torch.max() will then tell you where to get the max Q-value.

Of course the unravel_index() still needs to be used, but by the environment, not the agent.

max_index = torch.max(Q_tensor) # Q_tensor.shape = (BLOCK_TYPES,NUM_ORIENTATION,NUM_X,NUM_Y,NUM_Z)

block_type_i, orientation, grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = np.unravel_index(max_index,(BLOCK_TYPES,NUM_ORIENTATION,NUM_X,NUM_Y,NUM_Z))

Even with these tricks, optimizing model() can take some time because the input size and output size are huge, which means back-prop takes awhile (even with CUDA). So a single agent_action+env_step can take around 15 seconds, just to place one block before repeating the episode loop!

While I'll continue thinking about how to make this process faster from the neural network/ RL agent side of things (maybe PPO?), one thing that's sure to help is to give the surface voxel model as the agent's target, not the solid model. Fewer blocks in the target model should mean less time per episode.

The rewards for this training environment should also account for the large amount of blank space vs filled space in the target 3D model. Maybe give a positive reward of (1-fill_fraction) for every block placed in a correct location and -(1-fill_fraction) penalty for incorrect locations...


It's surprisingly hard to figure out what the ShapeNet folder numbers mean. has the complete ShapeNetCore list of object labels.


Somehow I need to go from an input tensor of shape (7,100,100,100) (i.e., block_info, num_x, num_y, num_z) and generate a tensor of shape (6,2,100,100,100) (i.e., block_types, num_orientations, num_x, num_y, num_z) to interpret as the Block Laying Agent's action space.

The simplest architecture seems to be a single Conv3D layer with in_channels=7 and out_channels=12 (block_types*num_orientations) and kernel_size=1 and then reshaping the resulting (12,100,100,100) tensor to (6,2,100,100,100). The nice thing is that this generates the action space "all in one shot" that hopefull the neural net "considers everything all at once" when deciding which block type to use, what orientation it has to be in and where to place it in XYZ coordinates.

But I suspect there may be better ways to do it. With respect to the architecture, adding more layers may reflect the hierarchical nature of placing blocks (i.e., "first you find the best block type then figure out where to put it..."). With respect to creating higher dimensional spaces (4D->5D tensor), there might be other ways besides reshaping an oversized 4D tensor.


Played around with the Conv3D function. Assuming an input tensor of (7, 500, 500, 500), it takes awhile for a 3D convolution to finish given the large size and the Conv3D's stride=1. Increasing the kernel size obviously doesn't help because that just increases the amount of computations per "kernel sliding window." Increasing the stride helps reduce the number of computations but at the trade off of reducing the dimensions of the output "too much" - you may lose the complexity in the data after the convolution encodes it to lower dimensional space.

Given that these 3D convolutions can take a long time it might be worth looking at ways to reduce the necessary computations by considering which parts of the input tensor has not changed. Can PyTorch make this comparison between one tensor and a previously processed tensor and just look at the kernels that need re-calculation? The thing is, parts of the 3D grid will remain blank for some time in the initial steps when the Block Laying Agent is just starting to place blocks in a small area of the block


Finished playing around with Conv2D function parameters. Started diagramming how Block Laying Agent could work with dataset.

A burning question that come up is how neural nets can process multi-modal data, since the Block Laying Agent has to consider both the name of the object and the 3D data. It would be even nicer if both the existing sequence of blocks already laid out and the full 3D grid of filled and unfilled cells.

The name of the object might have to be processed as the ShapeNet ID for now, which is based on WordNet's synset offset (???). This can be easily converted to a string later once I have a dictionary mapping ShapeNet ID to the label.

For now a simple strategy regarding the input data is to "fuse" everything into a single 4D tensor, where the ShapeNet ID is copied throughout the tensor. But I'm wondering if there's a way to handle different modes of input data in their unique data formats at the beginning and then somehow "fuse" them later in the network's latent space or something. I'm betting somehow separate networks start with their own input data but then encode things into a shared latent space.

So the next step is to play around with Conv3D and see how it can work with a 4D tensor which will replicate the 3D grid of the Block Environment, but each cell in that 3D grid contains a 1D vector representation of the block that occupies that grid cell.


Block Environment can now display voxels in Unity, but the binvox file has to be converted to a JSON file first in voxel-tools/write_json.ipynb. Working with a birdhouse model for now...

The large scale of the voxel models can be an issue. Right now scale_down_factor and if(count_true >= 3): handle scaling down the voxel model. scale_down_factor checks if nearby cells are also filled with blocks and count_true decides how many total blocks are worth converting into a single blocked in the scaled down version of the voxel model. Will need to check if the same variable values work for other objec models and classes.


Got ShapeNet files! Now I just need to figure out how to read the voxel data and visualize them with Cubes in Unity...