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SteveCohen edited this page Jan 6, 2018 · 26 revisions

Welcome to the homebridge-camera-ffmpeg wiki!

Hikam S5 + Raspberry Pi2

  • using homebridge-camera-ffmpeg-omx from legotheboss
  • removed "-tune zerolatency" from ffmpeg.js (invalid option for my installation)
  • low res "rtsp://" stream works fine w/ moderate cpu load
  • high res "rtsp://" stream works w/ cpu load of 150%

Blue Iris

If you have a Blue Iris server, you can add any camera with the following configuration:

  	    "platform": "Camera-IP",
  	    "cameras": [
      	            "name": "My First Camera",
      	            "videoConfig": {
      		        "source": "-re -i http://user:password@serverip/h264/camshortname/temp.ts",
        	        "stillImageSource": "-i http://user:password@serverip/image/camshortname?q=75",
      		        "maxStreams": 2,
      		        "maxWidth": 1280,
      		        "maxHeight": 1024,
      		        "maxFPS": 15
  • user/password - user with camera view permissions in Blue Iris
  • serverip - The IP or hostname of your Blue Iris server
  • camshortname - The short name of the camera in Blue Iris
  • maxWidth/maxHeight - set to the camera native resolution

For example, you could use the following URL if for user:homebridge, password: password, server:, camshortname: driveway


This config reads images from a remote computer (e.g. Raspberry Pi) running MotionEyeOS with default settings, using an IP of If you use MotionEyeOS' fast network camera feature, then you need to change the stillImageSource to the appropriate URL.

        "platform": "Camera-ffmpeg",
        "cameras": [
            {"name": "MotionEyeOS",
                "videoConfig": {
                    "source": "-re -f mjpeg -i",
                    "stillImageSource": "-f mjpeg -i",
                    "maxStreams": 2,
                    "maxWidth": 1280,
                    "maxHeight": 800,
                    "maxFPS": 10