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Releases: homeport/dyff

dyff version v0.7.0

12 Feb 21:10
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dyff version v0.7.0

Bumped ytbx and gonvenience libraries used by dyff.

dyff version v0.6.0

24 Dec 23:09
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Switch to Go modules and semver

Versions from now on will be semver major, minor, and patch. Switched to Go modules internally.

dyff version v0.5-beta.20

11 Dec 21:02
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Sync internal dependencies with projects

Sync the internal dependency versions with the other projects, e.g. ytbx.

dyff version v0.5-beta.19

20 Nov 20:36
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Even more internal refactoring

Moved to ytbx path implementation and cleaned up the dyff code of any old path related sections.

dyff version v0.5-beta.18

03 Nov 21:17
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Internal refactoring

Refactored dyff by moving common code into

dyff version v0.5-beta.17

09 Sep 21:34
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Use statically linked binaries

Add LDFLAG to compile statically linked binaries.

dyff version v0.5-beta.16

27 Jun 13:17
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Updated vendor files

Dependencies are now up to date.

dyff version v0.5-beta.15

20 Jun 05:38
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Adding --in-place flag

The --in-place is intended to be used in combination with --restructure on the yaml and json commands. This way you can easily overwrite the existing file while reordering its keys in maps.

dyff version v0.5-beta.14

30 May 20:30
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Output improvements

Change the brief output by checking if the output line exceeds the
terminal line width. In this case just insert one linebreak at a
known location to at least keep the location strings in one piece.

Fix issue #20 by using the original root level during change root
calls during the path resolution.

dyff version v0.5-beta.13

24 May 20:28
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Support multi-document JSON

Add support to load multi-document JSON streams. Added a new flag to the CLI to keep the order of pure JSON decoded input material even though the JSON specification does not cover that topic. This is done by a new dependency which is a fork of the JSON library. By default, the standard JSON library is used.