The Microsoft Graph SDK is available for all manner of contribution. There are a couple of different recommended paths to get contributions into the released version of this SDK.
NOTE A signed a contribution license agreement is required for all contributions, and is checked automatically on new pull requests. Please read and sign the agreement before starting any work for this repository.
The best way to get started with a contribution is to start a dialog with the owners of this repository. Sometimes features will be under development or out of scope for this SDK and it's best to check before starting work on contribution.
If you are making a change that does not affect the interface components and does not affect other downstream callers, feel free to make a pull request against the dev branch. The dev branch will be updated frequently.
Revisions of this nature will result in a 0.0.X change of the version number.
If major functionality is being added, or there will need to be gestation time for a change, it should be submitted against the feature branch.
Revisions of this nature will result in a 0.X.X change of the version number.
All the code of the current repository is being generated automatically by the SDK generator in which any change must be reflected.
This project follows the all contributors specification. When making a contribution, please add yourself to the table of contributors:
In section 7. of the, after the last "|", copy and paste a new blank contributor element
[<img src="<your-uid>?v=4" width="100px;"/><br /> <sub><b>Your Name</b></sub>](your website or github page)<br /> [emoji](link "alt-text") |
You can get your GitHub UID by inspecting your GitHub avatar image.
For each contribution type (see emoji key for a list of contribution types), add an emoji and a relevant link and alt-text.
For example, if you write a blogpost on how to use the SDK, you would include:
[📝]("" "Blog Post")