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HOT Staging Environment

David Neudorfer edited this page Apr 28, 2017 · 2 revisions

HOT's Export Tool (with HDX functionality) staging site is

An Overpass instance w/ metadata (but no museum) is running out of Docker on :6080, supporting both the Staging and Production instances.


It's hosted on an Azure Standard_DS3_v2 VM (4 cores, 13GB RAM).

There are 2 extra disks:

  • /mnt-overpass - 400GB "premium" disk (extra IOPs) containing the Overpass database (mapped into the Overpass Docker container as /srv/osm3s/db)
  • /mnt-storage - 50GB storage disk, mapped into multiple containers (see docker-compose.production.yml) as /opt/export_staging and /opt/export_downloads.

To prepare and mount additional / replacement disks, follow

Export Tool

docker-compose is running docker-compose.production.yml in a tmux session under seth.fitzsimmons' account. To restart, kill the current instance and run make deploy. The git repository will be updated and the latest image will be pulled from Quay and restarted.


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