datarouter-auto-config is a tool that can be used to do any type of automatic configuration when the application is running.
You can install this module by adding its plugin to the WebappBuilder
.addPlugin(new DatarouterAutoConfigPluginBuilder(...)
The auto-config tool can be used as an AppListener or called through a Handler.
The AppListener
can be specified through the plugin builder and needs to implement AutoConfigListener
The AutoConfigHandler
injects a collection of AutoConfigClasses
(which are added through the plugin-builder) and
is triggered by hitting the autoConfg endpoint. Each AutoConfigClass
returns a string response of what was configured
and is displayed on the output.
One example to use datarouter-auto-config could be to populate databases for development environments. Instead of each development machine importing a data dump manually, which could be outdated or have an incorrect schema, the insert databeans could be built in the code.
This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE for details.